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Caithness Pets Corner
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Your Missing Cat Can Be Here

Pets Forum  For Discussions, Passing On Tips - Missing pets Etc    Animals and Pet Items For Sale

Welcome To The Caithness.org Pets Corner
Caithness has a great many animals like most rural areas. This section will cater for the odd animal story and photos of the animals that we keep in Caithness and maybe the odd one from elsewhere. The section will grow with links to local animal organisations and other information we think you might find useful. This section is for people in Caithness only as we might be in danger of being swamped if we open it worldwide.

29 April 08
Coco Missing for Two Weeks
Coco has been missing for two weeks now, he was last seen around the Thurso Road area. He is a 11 month old black male with one or two white bits in his fur. We would be very grateful to hear from anybody with any helpful information. Telephone us on 01955 603054

2 February 08 Great News - Puppy Back Home Safe and Well
Missing Puppy From Loch Street, Wick - Notified To The Forum
Our little black puppy has gone missing from Loch Street, he's only 4 months old, my little girl is distraught as he belongs to her. He is wearing a pale blue collar with white spots.
Please if you see him can you ring me on 07849 990151

30 December 07
UK Police Dog History

This link to a blog may be of interest to some doggie people.  It is compiled by a man who has been involved in training police dogs and researched the topic in detail.

21 December 07
Vets Now warns of the dangers of potentially harmful goodies at Christmas
Vet's Now, the UK's leading Out Of Hours emergency vets, is urging owners to be aware of the potential dangers of many seemingly harmless goodies this Christmas.

We all enjoy treats over Christmas and while it's tempting to invite your pet to share in treats and left-over tit bits, it's important to be mindful of the potentially fatal effects of items such as chocolate, raisins and many indoor plants.

Plants such as Poinsettias and Amaryllis are almost as common place in households at Christmas as tinsel and presents; however, ingestion of even a small part of these plants by dogs can cause mouth and stomach irritation. Another poisonous plant to be wary of is mistletoe, the berries in particular, which are extremely toxic if ingested by dogs.

Raisins and grapes are toxic to dogs and should never be given as treats as they can cause acute kidney failure.

There's not usually any shortage of chocolate at Christmas time which is important to bear in mind if you're a dog owner. Chocolate is one of the most toxic substances to dogs as it contains caffeine and other related chemicals which depending on the quantity consumed and the size of the dog, can be lethal. Just 50g of chocolate can be enough to kill a small dog.

Dark chocolate is more toxic than milk chocolate, and white chocolate is hardly toxic at all. However, chocolate fudge, brownies and chocolate cakes can certainly cause problems.

Symptoms of chocolate toxicity will usually become obvious within six to twelve hours of eating the chocolate, but if the chocolate was well-wrapped, symptoms may develop sometime later. The first signs are those of an upset stomach - vomiting, diahorrea and drinking extra water. Symptoms may get progressively more dramatic.

Vets Now will see a higher than normal number of emergencies over the Christmas period, many of which can be avoided by owners taking simple precautions to minimise the chances of their pet coming in contact with harmful objects.

Keep the chocolates up out of reach, preferably in a cupboard or the refrigerator - just as you would do if you had a toddler in the house. Don't leave them on the coffee table, kitchen table or beside the bed.

Put plants out of the way of pets and don't be tempted to feed your pet tit bits left over from the Christmas meal. Fatty foods can cause dogs in particular to suffer from severe digestion problems and tiny poultry bones can become lodged in your pets throat or perforate its intestinal tract.

If you suspect that your pet has come into contact with any of these objects and is displaying signs of feeling unwell, call your local veterinarian immediately.

For details of your local Vets Now, please visit www.vets-now.com
Vets In Caithness

28 October 07
Tips for a Happy and Safe Bonfire Night for Pets
Vets Now Offers Tips on How to Keep Your Pet Safe and Happy This Bonfire Night - 5th November

Vet's Now, the organisation that works with daytime veterinary practices to provide an emergency veterinary service to pets, at nights and weekends, acknowledges that Bonfire Night can be a distressing time for pets, and urges pet owners to follow these tips to ensure a happy and safe time this Bonfire Night.

Ensure that pets are kept indoors and that all windows and cat flaps are closed

Exercise dogs during the day so that they don't need to be taken outside during times when fireworks may be going off

Try to disguise the noise as much as possible - draw the curtains or turn the television or radio up

Try to look cheerful when fireworks are going off as this will help your pet and not give cause for worry

Inform your neighbours if you plan to hold a firework display

Let your dog or cat hide if it wants to take refuge in the corner or under the furniture

Bring small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs living outside indoors to give them protection

Make sure your dog or cat has a collar or tag in case they run away.

If you're holding a bonfire or firework display, make sure that you clear up properly as the remnants and litter can be hazardous to pets

13 August 07
Missing Cat - Sweep
Missing from Forss area (Forss to Westfield Road) for over 2 weeks. Large male cat, black with a white bib, extremely friendly and loves being petted. Sweep is the right hand cat in the photo. A farm cat so may be trapped in a shed or outbuilding. He has a collar on in the picture but had lost it shortly before going missing.

3 July 07
Update On Jack Russell Story

Just wanted to let you know that we have now found a new home for Rosie, our Jack Russell. Thank you for your help it was much appreciated. Having now discovered 'Caithness.org '; we will now be frequent visitors to the site! Once again many thanks for your help. Regards Lesley Flatt

12 June 07
Jack Russell Needs A New Home - Can You Help?
We re-homed a Jack Russell bitch from Balmore Animal Rescue Centre in August last year. Sadly in recent weeks she has taken an acute dislike to our other dog ( a Collie Bitch) We have tried everything possible to resolve this problem but following a consultation with a dog behaviourist expert, we have had to conclude that Rosie (The Jack Russell ) needs to go to a new home
We are devastated to have to part with Rosie as we have grown to love her dearly but on the recommendation of the Dog behaviourist we are advised that Rosie needs a home where her new owner has experience and an understand of, the workings of the mind of a JR ! and importantly, a home where there are no other dogs or young children
Currently we are having to keep our two dogs apart in separate parts of the house -this is neither practical or fair on either of the dogs.
Rosie has been spayed and her inoculations are fully up to date.
If anyone out there can help we would be very grateful . We can be contacted on: [email protected]  or
Telephone 01593 721574

Dog On Thurso Beach

Cat Plays Piano

24 December 06
Tabby Missing From Janetstown - Hill Of Forss Area
Cat Missing from Janetstown/Hill of Forss Area - 3 Year Old Tabby. He has been missing for about 3 weeks. He is known for wandering but not normally this long. He tends to head over the fields towards Thurso Golf Course area (we think) so he may have gone as far as Ormlie direction. If anyone has any information can you please e-mail [email protected] or phone 01847 893466.

5 November 06
Smokey the Cat Came Home
Smokey the cat, has come home! He arrived home on it's owners birthday so it was the best birthday present she could have wished for.

11 October 06
Smokey - Missing From Port Dunbar
Smokey went missing from the Port Dunbar area a couple of weeks ago and the owner is really worried. He is a really timid cat and it is possible he is hiding somewhere.  If anyone sees him they can contact Cats Protection on 07050 073378.

6 August 06
Yellow Finch or Canary Seen in Lindsay Drive, Wick

Mary Richard has contacted us wondering if anyone had lost a yellow Finch or Canary. It was seen flying about Lindsay Drive this afternoon Sunday the 6th of Aug. She has put bird food out for it as it seemed semi tame.

1 August 06
Labrador Rescue -
Rehoming service mainly for labradors but the volunteers will assist wherever possible with other dogs


Got A Caithness Pet Story To Tell
Email it to [email protected] for inclusion

Missing Pets Gallery

Caithness Pets On The Web - Let Us Know
If your pet is already on the web somewhere let us know the link to add here.
Here is one for our neighbours cat

George - our old cat who died last year after a long and happy life.  A few other cats were included in the section.

Dog Training
If you offer dog training of any kind in Caithness let us know to add the details or link to a web site here.
Try the Caithness Canine Club

Let us know about any riding places in the county to be added here.

If you would like to see other items added to this section get in touch with us  - email [email protected]

Earlier Items

Pets Galleries
Send a photo of your pet to [email protected] for inclusion in the galleries.

Latest Pets

Inkstack Enigma



Bonnie From Lybster

Max - A Labradoodle

Miya - the Husky

Dusty - A Syrian Hamster


Bob -
Retrapso Retriever Lhasa Cross

Kian - Border Collie
12 Weeks Old

Wolfie and Harley

Bailey - A Labradoodle

Misty From Halkirk

Scooter From Wick

D'Arcy Black Labrador Retriever

Emma - Chocolate Labrador Retriever

Chip At Peedie Sands



Phoebe and Saffi

James and Jerry

Zain and Jazz



Nika - Siberian Huskie

Breck Enjoys Christmas

11 year old Springer Spaniel

Sophie And Max





Moto and Baby


Casper and Sasher

Wolfie - Siberian Huskie

Fluffy and Ruby

Majic - European Eagle Owl


German Wire-haired Pointer enjoys days out At Scrabster & Melvich

Buttons The Bichon Frise

Labrador Pups

Baby Animals

Seven Days Old
African Grey Parrot

Golden Cocker Spaniel - Alfie

New foal - Sonny

Lambs Near Lybster




Leopard Gecko In Wick

Sunset From Wick

Oliver  A Kune Kune Pig


Zak - A Parrot With Priorities

Missing Pets Section
Missing Pets Gallery

Pets Gallery
Unusual Pets Gallery
Doggies Gallery
Moggies Gallery
Farm Pets
Caithness Pet Stories
Baby Animals

Cats Protection - Caithness

Caithness Canine Club
Animal Related Groups
Animals In Caithness - includes sheep, cattle, seals and more
Birds  Caithness links and photos plus many other links.

Animal Links

Wick And District Pigeon Club

Other Animals
Valuiki Sleddogs