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Caithness Heritage Fair 2003

Pictures From the Heritage Fair

4th 5th October 2003
Assembly Rooms, Wick

1 October 03
Childrens Activities and the Musicians:-
The Childrens Activities will be in one of the Upstairs Rooms in the Assembly Rooms and there will be lots of different craft type activities specially for Children, so while Mum & Dad or granny & grandad etc have a look at the displays which interest them the children can be left upstairs having their own fun.  The children's Activities begin at 12 noon on Saturday and finish at 4 PM and 1 PM on Sunday until 4 PM.  The children's Activities have been sponsored by Rolls Royce-Vulcan and UKAEA, Dounreay.

The Music will be started off by the Wick RBLS Pipe Band outside the main entrance at 10.40 AM - 11 AM and again at 11.30 AM until 12 Noon.  A lone piper will play in the main hall at the official opening, then on stage from 12 noon we have Roy Stewart and later on Tom Bryan.

On Sunday we have the Caithness Handbell Ringers, Tom Bryan and Roy Stewart.  The Fair will be played out by The North Highland Juvenile Pipe Band outside the Main Entrance from 3.30 PM - 4 PM and 4.30 PM until 4.40 PM

16 September 03
1. Musicians
2. Bower Primary School
3. Caithness Archaeological Trust
4. Caithness Branch Diabetes UK
5. Caithness Crafts Association
6. Caithness Family History Society
7. Caithness Federation SWRI
8. Caithness History Society
9. Caithness Quilters
10. Canisbay Primary School
11. Castletown Heritage
12. Cinema for Thurso Group/Picture House Films
13. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
14. Dunbeath Preservation Trust
15. Dunnet Head Educational Trust
16. Far North Spinning & Weaving Group
17. Farnortherners – Public Health Website
18. Girlguiding Caithness
19. Glass Creations
20. Hillhead Primary School
21. Hillhead Primary School
22. Keiss Primary School
23. Alan Law
24. Lower Pulteneytown Townscape Heritage Initiative
25. Lybster Primary School
26. Mount Pleasant Primary School
27. North Highland Archive
28. Ranger Service
29. Sinclair Girnigoe Castle
30. South Primary School
31. St Andrews Cadets & Badgers
32. St Fergus/Swanson Galleries
33. St Peter & the Holy Rood
34. The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
35. The Salvation Army
36. Thurso Heritage Museum
37. Thurso in Bloom
38. Thurso Youth Club
39. UKAEA, Dounreay
40. Wick Heritage Museum
41. Wick High School
42. Wick RBLS Pipe Band
43. Yarrows Heritage trust

A bringing together of individuals, schools, groups and organisations to celebrate and promote the Heritage and Culture of Caithness.

Application form:

The accompanying application form requires the following information:
· A brief description of the display/presentation
· A brief description of the group, organisation or individual
· The full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address if available
· Presentations requiring specialist equipment should discuss their needs with the organisers in advance
  of the Fair.

To avoid disappointment this form should be completed as soon as possible and returned no later than Monday 7th July 2003


Helen Allan     Diane Gibson
Community Education Office Tel 01847 831583 (home)
Princes Street E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 01847 895782
E-mail: [email protected] 



Caithness People:
Individuals or groups.

Heritage of a Parish, Town or Village, Landscape

Fishing Farming Flagstone
Nuclear Manufacturing

Plants, animals or birds

Any topic related to the environment in Caithness.

Pre-history – (Achavanich, Camster Cairns or the Hill of Many Stanes etc)
Viking Medieval Improvements World Wars

Family/Clan Heritage:
Mackay, Gunn, Sinclair, Dunbar, McPhee, etc

Religious Heritage:
Local churches describe their own history

History of a particular school or the history of education in Caithness.

History of a particular organisation or how it started in Caithness.

A particular building such as Old St Peters, a School, a Castle, a Church, a Bank, Lighthouses, etc. It can be a street such as Janet Street, Louisburgh Street and Pultneytown. It can be a housing estate.

Caithness Groups/Individuals – Country and Western, Rock, Dance, Rap, Traditional, etc.

Present Day:
A record of where we are today – What we do – What things look like now.

Vision of the Future:
What things might be like in the future.

Owing to potential demand we retain the right to move any presentation/display if so required. You MAY NOT get your first choice of position in the hall.

Stalls will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so please do not wait until the closing date to send in your application. Send it in NOW to avoid disappointment even if you have not decided on the exact content of your display, let us know you are interested.

Presentations can be submitted by either an organisation (school, youth organisation, heritage society or centre, community groups etc) or by individuals.

Presentations must relate to Caithness for example; if you are a Scout Group your presentation should not be about the Scouting Association but about your Scout Group. Or as a branch of a National Charity, the project should be about your charity in Caithness not nationally.

Display – Do’s and Don’ts
DO – Be selective about the information you display
DO – Have a trial run and put up your display before the fair – Check it all fits on your table size
DO – Find out how to put up posters, photo’s etc on notice boards. Blue-tack will NOT stick to them, you will need a supply of sticky velcro – available from hardware or haberdashery stores.
DO NOT – Try to put too much information on your table.

Types of presentations could be:
Models Dioramas 3-Dimensional artistic displays
Crafts Photography Computer displays
Videos Posters Demonstrations
Collections Maps
A 3-Dimensional display could be specific to one period of time, or they could display development
and progression from past to present. These methods of presentation can be used singly or combined in a project/display. Presentations with hand-written work should be clear and neat.

Maximum size for the presentations: Height Matters!
Table presentations are- 6 feet wide x 2 feet deep + the height of a display board Max 6 feet 6inches Floor presentations are- 6 feet wide x 2 feet deep + the height of a display board Max 6 feet 6 inches Audio presentations must be ¼” audio-cassette and must not exceed 5 minutes duration. Submissions must include a title and credits.  The text in any presentations should be in English (see exceptions).

It is the responsibility of the group, organisation or individual to ensure that historical information and research is accurate.
Art work, videos, sculptures, photographs, music, computer graphics, (web-site design), sewing, knitting must be original and the work of the individual or organisation entering. (See exceptions and copyright sections.)

Presentations must be free of any profanity, racial or sexist remarks, innuendo, stereotyping or any possible offensive matter.

All project/displays must be created for the Fair, not a duplication of a presentation that is on display elsewhere. This does not mean that the project/display needs to be based on new research, only that it is presented with a fresh appearance.

This could be –
Model – working or static Sculpture Display Craftwork
Painting Photographs

Written Work:
Short Story Poem
(length must be no more than 2 – 11 pages (maximum length no more than 14 lines)

Music Drama
(written music) (presentations may be of existing or original work)
Story Telling Craft Demonstration Music/Dance
It is suggested that performances/presentations are around 15 minutes in length.

Audio Visual:
Video - all submissions must be in VHS format. If you are planning to provide us with a video please advise us well in advance so that we can ensure adequate presentation of your video. All videos MUST be marked with the content & title and a contact name and phone number.

Web-site Design (submissions must include all credits).

Example Exceptions:
A history of Caithness knitting, (samples of garments made in the past may be presented provided all necessary permissions have been obtained).
A history of Caithness in photographs, (old photographs may be used but copyright should be adhered to and any necessary permissions obtained).
A history of Caithness music (examples of musical pieces could be used but again copyright should be adhered to and any necessary permissions obtained).
Any presentation using a language other than English, such as Gaelic, Caithness Dialect, Old Scots, Old Norse, Latin, French or Dutch should have a translation accompanying it.

Commercial Opportunities:
There will be an opportunity for individuals; groups and organisations who produce craft work with a Caithness theme to sell their work during the Fair. This must be on a basis of items being ordered, items on view at the Fair must not be sold and taken away during the Fair.
The same guidelines apply to commercial presentations as to all others.

Fundraising during the Fair:
There will be no fundraising during the Fair e.g. raffle tickets, quizzes, etc. BY PARTICIPANTS
Charities and groups who sell small gift items will be allowed to do so, but their display must follow all the other guidelines. It should be a presentation of their organisations existence in Caithness. However, in order to recoup some of the costs involved with the organisation of the fair, the organising group may have to raise funds over the weekend. E.g. we may ask for a donation at the door or hold a raffle.

Groups, organisations and individuals participating in the Fair may provide leaflets, brochures and business cards available for members of the public who attend the Fair but this should not be a major part of their presentation. By entering presentations in the Fair, participants are considered to have provided consent for their presentations and materials to be photographed and referred to in any promotions related to the Fair. Participants not wishing to be photographed or have their projects used in such promotions should advise organisers prior to the Fair.

All material should be free of any copyright; if not, all relevant permissions should be obtained for the display of said materials in public.
It is the responsibility of the group, organisation or individual to get such permissions necessary and the organisers take no responsibility for the display of any material whether under copyright or not.

The Caithness Heritage Fair is a non-profit making body and cannot fund any group, organisation or individual