Caithness Heritage Fair
Under the Caithness Sky

4th 5th October 2003
Assembly Rooms, Wick

If you wish to participate please complete and return this form by

Name of Individual /Group/School /Organisation


Contact Name




Telephone No.


E-mail Address (if available)


Web Site (if available)

Please state if you are profit or non-profit


Please give a Brief description of the main purpose of the above (if applicable)


Address of Meeting Place
(if different from contact address)



Please give a brief description of what you intend to display/present –
e.g. Photo’s, computer, memorabilia (Please remember if you can’t confirm now what will be in your display, you can let us know later)



Will your display/presentation have any special requirements, such as electrical sockets?



There is NO FEE for a Display/Presentation

See information package for suggested formats and guidelines for displays/presentations.

Completed forms should returned by MONDAY 7TH JULY 2003 and addressed to
Diane Gibson, c/o Community Education Office, Princes Street, Thurso, KW14 7DH
Telephone (01847) 831583 (home) or - (01847) 895782 E-mail: [email protected]