N E W S F E E D S >>>
Caithness Archaeological Trust


Latheron Hall - Saturday 9th July 2005
1.30pm � 7.30pm

14.00: Amy Henderson: S1 Thurso High School � Stones, Mathematics and Mad Archaeologists
14.20: John Barber: AOC � Zen & the art of Corbelled Chamber Construction
14.45: Amelia Pannett: Cardiff University � Excavations at Battle Moss 2003-5
15.10: Dorothy Maxwell: Highland Council � Improving Access to Heritage Information
15.35: Questions and Answers
15.50: Coffee
16.15: Andy Heald: National Museums Service � Caithness Brochs Project
16.40: Jonathan Clark: Field Archaeology Specialists - Hagbutts & Roundheads, Saving Castle Sinclair
17.05: Jayne Hall: Thurso & Ron Callender: Cheshire � There�s Gold in them thar Hills (Baile an Or A
           Volunteers Viewpoint)
17.30: Questions and Answers
17.45: Noel Fojut: Historic Scotland � Summing up & Lessons for the Future
18.15: Chat, Cheese etc

Chaired by: Dorothy Maxwell