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Caithness News Bulletins Elections 2007
Scottish Parliament

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Highland Council Election


Elections May 2007
Scottish Parliament
Jim Fry - Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party

Jim Fry and his wife Betty have lived in Thurso for 44 years with their children and grandchildren. Jim was an elected councillor for approximately 28 years, serving on Town, County, District, Highland Region and Community Councils, some in very senior positions. He also has vast experience in public services e.g. Enterprise Network, Careers, Health Matters, University of Highlands and Islands, Justice of Peace, Prison Visiting. His current interests include Age Concern Scotland, locally and nationally ,Alzheimer Scotland Action on Dementia, locally and nationally, Scottish Pensions Forum, Patients Council, Community Health Service Provision and Retirement Organisations.

He has always been interested in the well-being of people particularly the vulnerable. As part of that interest, he has joined the Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party where he hopes to represent the interests of the Highlands and Islands at all times.

Dear Voter,

For the first time the SSCUP are contesting the May elections for the Scottish Parliament in our area. We know there are many matters that will concern you day and daily. It will be our intention to further your interests and well-being at all times to the very best of our abilities.

 Transport in all its facets.

 The future of local authority residential care for older people.

 Dental services.

 End sale of peoples� homes to pay for residential care.

 Council tax replaced by fairer system.

 Future of post offices and universal service delivery.

 Correct implementation and continuation of free personal care.

 The need to raise statutory pensions NOW and ensure the future  security of personal pensions.

Your Scottish Parliament make over 70% of the laws that affect you at all times.                                                                                                              Yours

             Jim Fry