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Caithness News Bulletins Elections 2007

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Elections May 2007
Scottish Parliament
Caithness & Sutherland & Easter Ross

Scottish Parliament Results For Highland And Islands
Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross
Jamie Stone (Lib Dem) wins with increased majority of 2323 (turnout 55.52%



James Gordon Paul Campbell  957 Independent
Robert McKay Gibson  6,658 Scottish National Party (SNP)
Donald Gunn MacDonald  2,586 Scottish Conservative & Unionist
John Dempster McKendrick  3,152 Scottish Labour Party Candidate
Jamie Hume Stone  8,981 Scottish Liberal Democrats

Regional List Results For Highlands and Islands

  Peter Peacock Scottish Labour Party
2 Mary Scanlon Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
3 Rhoda Grant Scottish Labour Party
4 Rob Gibson Scottish National Party (SNP)
5 Jamie McGrigor Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
6 David Stewart Scottish Labour Party
7 David Thompson Scottish National Party (SNP)

Jaimie Stone
Liberal Democrat

John McKendrick

Gordon Campbell

Rob Gibson
Scottish National Party

Donald McDonald

Scottish Parliament Nominations for Highland
Go here to see all of the candidates for the Highlands

1 May 07
Rob Gibson's Election Leaflet

Rob Gibson has emailed in his leaflet. We are not searching leaflets out.  Any that are emailed will be published if time allows. 

23 April 07
Greens Go With Eleanor Scott & Donnie MacLeod
the top two candidates are as above but if they are lucky then other list candidates are running and they are - Judith Jardine, David Jardine, Ailsa Spindler and Murray Falconer.

23 April 07
David Campbell Bannerman Is UKIP Scotland Candidate

Local Man Jim Fry First on the List For Pensioners Party

Jim Fry

Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party

26 March 07
SSP Highlands & Islands List Candidates

1. Donnie Nicolson
2. Rowan Muir
3. Roz Paterson
4. Willie Hamilton
5. Richard Laird

7 April 07
Ex Councillor Jim Fry From Thurso Aims For Scottish Parliament
Jim Fry who stood as a councillor for 28 years in Thurso is now aiming to be list MSP and is standing under the banner of the Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party.  Jim has been on many committees over the years and has experience of representing people at all levels.  A determined campaigner on w die range of issues and he is determined to make a mark for Highland at the Scottish Parliament if elected.

25 March 07
Scottish Socialist Party selects Donnie Nicolson at top of Highlands and Islands List
The SSP has announced its list candidates for the Holyrood elections for the Highlands and Islands region. Top of the list and aiming to be elected as the party's first MSP from the region is Donnie Nicolson, a former pupil of Lochaber High School. Inverness born Donnie, 27, said, "I�m delighted to be leading the SSP�s campaign for Holyrood 2007. We have a number of excellent policies for introducing a free integrated public transport system, improving rural public services, and investing in social housing. The Highlands and Islands will benefit from a young, radical voice at Holyrood. The way to achieve this is to give your Regional List vote to the SSP.�

25 March 07
Donald McDonald, the Scottish Conservative Party's prospective parliamentary candidate in Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, made a fact-finding visit to Scotland's largest nuclear decommissioning project at Dounreay on March 21. The former head teacher saw at first hand the progress being made to demolish the fast reactor experiment. He also met management and trade union officials. A key topic of discussion was the efforts being made to develop alternative jobs to replace those that will be lost as decommissioning progresses.

25 March 07
Labour - Highlands & Islands Constituency Candidates
Argyll and Bute - Mary Galbraith
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross - John McKendrick
Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber - Linda Stewart
Moray  - Lee Butcher
Orkney - Iain Macdonald
Ross, Skye and Inverness West - Maureen Macmillan
Shetland - Scott Burnett
Western Isles (Eilean Siar) - Alasdair Morrison

25 March 07
Rob Gibson Formally Adopted As Candidate For SNP
Rob Gibson SNP MSP for Highlands and Islands since 2003 has been formally adopted as the SNP candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter to fight the election on 3rd May. At its meeting in Golspie on Friday night, Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross SNP Constituency Association unanimously adopted Rob Gibson MSP as their candidate. Mr Gibson contested the seat in 2003 coming third. He was then elected to Holyrood as an SNP list member for Highlands and Islands.

5 February 07
Conservative Candidate

The Scottish Conservative candidate in Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross is Donald Gunn-McDonald

1 February 07
Solidarity Finalises Line Up For Highland and Islands

Tommy Sheridan's new party Solidarity that has left behind the SSP has selected its candidates for the May 2007 election for the Scottish Parliament. The Solidarity party in the Highlands and Islands has selected its group of candidates to stand on the party list at May's forthcoming Scottish Parliamentary elections. Leading the way for the party at No1 on the list is veteran campaigner Anne Macleod of Inverness.  Frank Ward will once again be standing and is joined by Steve Arnott. The list is completed by Saltire Prize-winning author John Aberdein of Orkney, community activist Norma Anderson of Elgin, teacher Liz Walker of Alness, Fair Trade and environmental campaigner Deirdre Henderson of Kintyre and Special Needs Education Trainer Shona Laughland of Bute.

12 October 06
The Regional List Candidates for Labour
Highlands and Islands
1. Peter Peacock
2. Rhoda Grant
3. David Stewart
4. Christine Conniff
5. Michael Macmillan
6. Dawn Graham
7. Simon Harrison

Constituency candidates so far declared for Labour are Mary Galbraith in Argyll and Bute, John McKendrick, Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross, Linda Stewart in Inverness East, Nairn & Lochaber.

11 September 06
Scottish Socialist Party In Highland Crisis
Members of the Highlands and Islands Regional Council of the Scottish Socialist Party, as a group, have voted overwhelmingly to leave the SSP and join Solidarity, Scotland's Socialist Movement. Three branches in the region had already voted to join Solidarity en masse with 3 more to vote this week.  The move means that the SSP are now left with only a handful of members in the Highlands and will struggle to put together an electoral list for next May. All but two of the nine listed candidates who were selected earlier this year, to stand for the SSP in May, have now joined Solidarity.....  See Main Election 2007 page for full story

11 July 06
Labour Party Announces List Candidates For 2007 Election
Following the Scottish Executive Committee meeting of the Scottish Labour Party, the full ordered list ranking for the Highlands and Islands has been published.

Highlands and Islands
1. Peter Peacock
2. Rhoda Grant
3. David Stewart
4. Christine Conniff
5. Michael Macmillan
6. Dawn Graham
7. Simon Harrison

Responding to the publication of the Labour's list, Chair of Labour's MSP campaign team Cathy Jamieson MSP said: "Scottish Labour will be fighting hard for every vote in 2007. Scotland is a growing, diverse and dynamic country and the candidates we are putting forward reflect this fact. They are representative of modern Scotland and I am personally pleased that we have so many strong female candidates standing for the Scottish Parliament."

"In our excellent list candidates we have a diverse group with the right blend of youth and experience to win for Labour at the election next year."

"In 2007 we will bring forward a progressive manifesto built on our record of economic stability, the tough action we have taken on crime and anti-social behaviour and our record investment in schools and hospitals. Only Labour can deliver in the investment and reforms our public services need to secure Scotland's future."

"The people of Scotland will have a clear choice at the election next year. They can vote for a growing Scottish economy and continued investment in our schools and hospitals with Labour or they can put it all at risk with the Nationalists whose damaging policy of separation will devastate our economy and threaten jobs."

Local MSP Peter Peacock commented, "It is important to continue to deliver improved public services across the Highlands and Islands as the area continues to develop and the population increases. It is an exciting time with the Highlands and Islands changing and improving beyond all recognition - from only a few years ago. I am very impressed by the calibre of the other candidates who have been selected and look forward to joining several of them - working for the Highlands and Islands."

Notes On The Labour List Candidates
Peter Peacock
an MSP and is currently a minister
See Scottish Parliament web site
Peter Peacock was born on the 27 th May 1952 in Edinburgh. He has a Diploma in Youth Work and Community Service. He worked for the Citizens Advice Bureaux service nationally. He was also a Community Worker and later ran his own business in partnership with two others - The Apt Partnership.He was elected as an Independent Councillor to Highland Region in 1982. He held various positions including Finance Convenor, Chair of Policy and Resources Committee and Deputy Leader/Vice-Convenor. Peacock was the Leader/Convenor of Highland Council before he became an MSP in 1999

Rhoda Grant
Elected to be an MSP in 1999. In the 2003 election she fought the Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber constituency but came second, and she lost her list seat to Eleanor Scott of the Green Party. Previously an administrator with UNISON and Highland Regional Council, Rhoda Grant left school at 19 and later was awarded BSc (Hons) Social Sciences by the Open University.
Rhoda Grant Web Site

David Stewart
Previously MP for Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber and left parliament on 11 April 2005 when he lost his seat.
Christine Conniff
Stood in the 2005 election for Westminster at Ross, Skye and Lochaber and came second with 13% (4851) of the votes. She was beaten by Charles Kennedy (Lib Dem) 54.34% (19100).
Michael Macmillan is currently a Highland Councillor for Dingwall North.
See his details at Highland Council web site  He is married to Maureen MacMillan who is currently an MSP but who is not standing at the next election.
Dawn Graham
She is Gaelic speaker who lives in Glasgow
Simon Harrison
Simon Harrison is the secretary of Caithness & Sutherland constituency Labour party.

28 June 06
Labour Candidate Opens Up Blog Web Site
Blogging in Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross

John McKendrick, Labour�s prospective parliamentary candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross has launched a blog to help connect with as many residents of the far north as possible. He particularly hopes to reach out to more young voters. His first blog deals with the world cup and local sports facilities, where he reveals he supported England against Ecuador, but will not do so against Portugal this Saturday. He is asking local people to contact him on-line and start a discussion about what further sports facilities are needed in their local communities.

3 May 06
Gordon Campbell Independent Heads For 2007 Election
Gordon Campbell is setting out to win and is as determined as ever to fight  the 2007 election with as much fervour as in his previous campaigns.  He passionately loves his adopted area and Dornoch where he lives.  A tireless campaigner he is already well on his way to getting to all parts of the most northerly mainland constituency of Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross.

22 February 06
Labour Candidate Selected for 2007 Election
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross constituency Labour Party have selected their candidate for the 2007 Scottish parliamentary elections. He is John McKendrick, a 29 year-old barrister. John was born in Alexandria, on the shores of Loch Lomond almost thirty years ago. He grew up in the countryside in Stirlingshire, where his family still live, went to school in Glasgow and studied at the LSE and Oxford before qualifying as a barrister.

Web Sites
UKIP Scotland
Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party
Scottish Christian Party
Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Labour Party
Highland Labour
Caithness Sutherland And Easter Ross Labour
Scottish Lib Dems
Scottish National Party
Scottish Socialist Party

Solidarity -
The New Socialist Party Launched by Tommy Sheridan on Sunday 3rd September 06
The People's Alliance

Political News & Links
Scottish Parliament Voting System

Civic Forum
Electoral Reform Society     Additional Member System
Electoral Commission
Electoral Commission 1 May - 2003 Election Information
Electoral Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Postal Votes
Constituency Locata
Lord Chancellors Dept - Elections

Conservative Candidates 2007 All Scotland
Labour Candidates 2007 All Scotland

Individual Candidates Web sites - as we find them
Rhoda Grant

Maureen MacMillan & Peter Peacock