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Caithness News Bulletins Elections 2007
Scottish Parliament

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Elections May 2007 Index Scottish Parliament Election

Highland Council Election


Elections May 2007
Highland Council - Katrina MacNab - Independent

Katrina MacNab Vote 1

Your Local Independent Councillor
Securing a better future for Wick
Vote and decide on the future of your town.

Elected for the first time 4 years ago, my work has focused mainly on local issues, Education Culture and Sport, and Housing and Social Work.

I am the mother of two children who attend Wick High and I work in this community so I�m able to use my day to day experience to help shape policy and make a real difference at a local level.

As an Independent Councillor I make decisions based on what is best for the local people in the local communities I serve, NOT what is best for national political parties.

I have enjoyed working in this area with Cllr Bill Fernie. We have made a good team and I hope you will allow me to continue working with him in the next stage of Wick's development.

My main activities over the next 4 years will include:

  • Continuing to work with other agencies to lay foundations for a new Caithness after Dounreay.

  • The Re-development of Wick Town Centre and new council offices.

  • Continuing to support and lobby for better facilities and services for our children in education.

  • Continuing the on-going development of the county, making sure you are treated fairly and your voice is heard at Highland Level.

What has been happening in Wick over the last 4 years?


New All Weather Pitch

Improved security (cctv, reception, lighting, gates).

New Special Education Unit at Wick High School and

More learning support auxiliaries.

New windows in parts of Wick High and a secured upgrade during 2007 � 2010.

Airport House � a facility for children who do not work well under traditional school environment. Thus allowing

teachers to concentrate on those that do.

Social Work

Grant Street Hostel Refurbished

Pulteney House currently getting upgrade and new heating system.


Caithness Heat and Power.

New Retail Parks in Wick including cheaper petrol

Cheaper flights and more flights

Women's Aid Refuge

New and proposed new houses built

Development of Wick Business Park including Dental Facilities, Passport Office and Call Centres.

Attracted Community and Regeneration Funding to Pulteneytown this was used to provide:

  • Support to Pulteneytown Parish Church Youth Group,

  • Music Link Media at Wick Youth Club,

  • CCTV and Environmental projects in Pulteneytown,

Working in Partnership with PPP
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Support for 16-25
for Young People
Rosebank Playing Fields
at Grizzly Park
of Old Mens Rest
Wick Training Centre � online courses and training opportunities.
Final stages of providing multi functional Community and Training Centre.
�100,000 upgrade of Rosebank Playing Field.
600 places used per week in the project.