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Caithness News Bulletins August 2006

August 2006 July 2006

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Children and Teen Fashion Show For Charity
Wick Assembly Rooms - 7:30 pm Friday 25th of August
Featuring UJU from London www.ujulondon.com with clothes for children up to the age of 10 and NewLook from Wick with their new teenage range. There will also be a display of outfits by an honours graduate of fashion design from Heriot-Watt university.

Tickets are �3.50 for adults and �2.00 for children. Tickets can be obtained from DR Simpson's, Poltney News, Keiss Corner Shop or on the night of the show at the Assembly rooms. All donations on the night will be gratefully received.

Keiss Baptist Church Youth Club are organising the charity fashion show and will be modelling the clothes. They are raising money for an orphanage in India run by Pastor Suresh Vemulapalli and his wife Roja. Suresh and Roja have a strong connection with Caithness and in particular Wick as their son Swithin was born here. They stayed here during several months in 2003 and again in 2004 and helped out at various churches throughout the county as part of his placement when Suresh was studying for his M. Th and Ph.D. in New Testament studies at the University of Aberdeen

Suresh, founder and director of India Village Ministries started the orphanage in 2001 and they now look after 26 children. Their vision is to bring hope to as many needy children as possible by providing food, clothing, education, and sharing the love of Jesus. They have plans to build a bigger orphanage to accommodate more children. IVM is a registered Scottish charity no. 032158

The children at the orphanage are from poor families who lost either one or both parents. They were unable to be cared for properly before attending the orphanage. Now they are able to stay in a safe loving environment, where they are fed, clothed and receive a good education.

They put into practice the words from James1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world