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Music Index Arts Index

Community Pages

Music   - Contact List

14 May 05
New Arts Index Up and running
the new Arts Index for anything connected to Arts including music, drama, dance and much more is now up and running.  Contact listings from these pages are being moved to the new section.  This section will make it much easier to find anyone connected to the arts or music.  We hope that anyone in any of the fields concerned will contact us to keep their details up to date and anyone who is not listed can get a FREE page simply by completing the online form.  We will continue to link photos of the events and they will also go into the Arts news section as well as on the main front page of the web site.

12 May 05
New Music and Arts Section Being Built
A new and improved Arts and Music section is being prepared in co-operation with Caithness Arts.
Bands, Choirs, Jazz, Country Groups and more - anything in music going in here.  If you would like your band or organisation added to it just email [email protected]  or phone 01955 604648 
A new Arts and Music section will be launching very soon so make sure you are in and get your free page with link to your web site and all basic contact details.  Later a photo can be added free of charge to your free page.  Caithness.org is working with Caithness Arts Group to bring all the information in their recently printed guide on to the web site.  If you missed the printed guide for this year don't worry you will be able to get your information on the web site very soon.  So if you are in any way connected to music or the arts get ready to be entered in the New Arts Section with its own Arts and Music site map, individual listings of everyone in art and music in Caithness and search engine.  If you are a music or dance teacher, painter, sculptor professional or amateur and want to be known about then you can get a free page.  We will be transferring all of the information we hold and combining it with the Caithness Arts directory information to produce an even more comprehensive listing.

Accordion & Fiddle Club - Thurso
Chair/ Sec  Roy Stewart
Tel 01847 894122

the information on bands etc is being transferred to the New Caithness.org
Arts Index

If you are involved in music in any way and would like a free contact page head over and complete the submission form with your details.

Stuart Maitland

Blue Monday
Sec. Eann Sinclair
Tel 01847 890158

North Highland Juvenile Pipe Band

Accordion & Fiddle Club - Wick
details moved to new Arts Index

Items set up on New Arts Index but photos still here.
Caithness Music Festival
Caithness & North Sutherland Choir
Caithness Handbell Ringers
Karen Steven
Caithness Rural Gaelic Choir
Caithness Music Association
Sec. Mrs Margaret Smedley
Tel 01847 892013

Not moved  yet as at 15 May 2005
Blue Monday
Melvich Gaelic Choir
Taste of Tartan


Handbell Ringers
Chair Mrs Fran Davies
Tel 01847 892386
Sec,  Mrs Lyn Ball
Tel 01955 611339

MADD - Music Art Drama & Dance
Contact - Mrs Hutchison
01955 605605

MOD - Caithness & Sutherland Provincial MOD
Chair Mr W Macdonald
Tel 01955 651273
Contact - Raymond Bremner
Tel 01955 651273

Thurso Live Music Association
Mrs Barbara Myatt
Tel 01847 821724

Taste of Tartan
Experience a ceilidh in Caithness

Thurso Recorded Music Society
Chair Anthony Samuel-West
6 MacDonald Green
Tel 01847  892559
Sec J M Cameron
4 St Andrews Drive
KW14 8PY
Tel 01847 892862

Getting your events seen 
If you run a music group or play or a band then send in details for the Caithness.org What's On or to get a mention on the front page.

Just complete the submission form for the What's On
 - its FREE  and can be on fro up to 12 months ahead of your event

Alternatively email [email protected] to get more coverage and possibly photographs of the event on the web site.

Remember nearly 7000 visitors a day see Caithness.org as at April 2005 probably more than read a poster in a shop window or a local notice board.   Nearly 50% of the Caithness population is online and its going up fast.

Music Teachers
See new Arts Index

Gordon Gunn Fiddle Tuition

Music Production
Entries transferred to the new Caithness.org Arts Index

15 May 2005

Country Etc
NNMC on Caithness.org