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Casper Club Summer 2007 Programme
Registered Childcare Provider, Casper Club in Castletown is offereing a sizzlingly fun-packed Summer 2007 Programme. This year as ever, we intend to make the most of the ‘life outdoors’ season and have lots of outdoor activities including Day Camping, Den Making, panning for Gold at Kildonan, Outings to the forest, playparks, swimming pools, the ‘Castle of Mey’ with it’s new Animal Centre and the ‘Simply Unique’, ‘Tea Cosy & Peedie Farm’ in Mey. Summer wouldn’t be summer without the chance to play on the beach with fun games, sandcastle competitions, picnics and BBQ’s. We have the use of the Community Education Department Minibus for Outings, which the children have nicknamed ‘The Balamory Bus’!

We have a Brazilian Café with Fashion Show on Friday 6th July from 12 noon onwards where children, parents and members of the public can come along to sample some Brazilian Food & Fashion Show. Entry is 50p and all proceeds will go towards a new Cooker and cupboards for the Casper Kitchen.

The highlight of the Summer will be the 2007 Out of School Knockout is to be held at Casper…on Friday 20th July from noon onwards.

This event is designed to enable all the the Out of School Clubs in Caithness to join together and compete in this fun day event. The last three years of the Out of School Knockout have been hosted by Casper in 2004, Maask in 2005 and Treats in 2006. These have been great days of fun, water fights, stalls, Bouncy Castle, BBQ’s and races.

As 2007 is the highland year of culture we will centre the theme around ‘Highland Games’ This promises to be a wonderfully hilarious day full of excitement and challenges, fun (and often silly!) races and activities designed for all age groups and is open to all children of primary school or pre-school age, so if you would like to come along and join in then please contact Casper Club on 01847 821500. Refreshments will be available to purchase on the day.
Just bring strong footwear, sun cream (in case it’s a scorching day like last year!) and waterproofs or spare clothes just in case you get soaked!!

To ensure that your children don’t miss out on any of these exciting opportunities, phone Casper on 01847 821500 or email us [email protected]  to book or if you would like to request a copy of our leaflet and Summer Programme/Booking Form.




Lunch (Please Tick)


Time In


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Lunch (Please Tick)

Mon July 2

Casper Day Camp

With Den Making Competition

Mon July 16

Obstacle Races in Fancy Dress (Practice for the Knockout!!)

Mon July 30

Casper Beach Camp in the Dunes with Team Games & BBQ

Tues July 3

Picnic at Dunnet Beach with Beach ART & Games

Tues July 17

Outing – Panning for Gold in the Strath of Kildonan with picnic in the Strath

Tues July 31

Outing to J O’Groats with Picnic & trip to Peedie Farm in Mey

Wed July 4

Outing to Rosebank Park in Wick & Swimming with visit to Wick Family Centre

Wed July 18

Outing to Rosebank Park in Wick with Swimming & picnic with the children from Maask

Wed Aug 1

Swimming Trip to Thurso Pool & SHOWTIME Party with Treats

Thur July 5

Basketball/Volleyball Practice

Thur July 19

Outing to visit the Castle of Mey with picnic in the Castle grounds

Thur Aug 2

Music Making using nothing but junk!


July 6

Brazilian Café –Sample some Food, Language & Culture

Fri July 20

It’s a knockout! – This year hosted by Casper with Highland Games Theme


Aug 3

Challenge 1000 Day (Can you do 1000 of the challenge of your choice?)

Mon July 9

Big Cook/Little Cook Café

(Kids Rule!)

Mon July 23

Outing to Ormlie Skate park, picnic lunch with the children from Treats

Mon Aug 6

Board Game Computer Game Marathon (Can we can keep it going all day?)

Tues July 10

Casper v Treats, Basketball/Volleyball Match or KnowledgeQuiz

Tues July 24

Outing to Wick Heritage Centre with Lunch at Wetherspoons

Tues Aug 7

Den Making & Picnic in Dunnet Forest

Wed July 11

Swimming Trip to Thurso Pool with Picnic by the River

Wed July 25

Swimming Trip to Thurso Pool with Picnic by the River

Wed Aug 8

Outing to Bettyhill Swimming Pool

Thur July 12

PJ Party, bring your fave teddies, DVD’s, Sleepingbags or blankets

Thur July 26

Outing to Boating Pond, with fun on the boats, trampolines & crazy golf and Picnic by the River

Thur Aug 9

Picnic on Reiss Beach with the children from Wick Family Centre

Fri July 13

Den Making & Picnic in Castletown Woods

Fri July 27

Outing to Dunnet Forest for Woodland Hide n Seek and Picnic (See if you can lose all the adults!)


Aug 10

Face Painting & Circus Day with the children from Treats

Mon Aug 13

Trampolining Day - Sponsored Bounce (Can we keep going all day?)

E&OE. Please Note: Arts & Crafts, trampolining, play station, gymnastics,
TV/DVD’s/CD’s etc. will be on offer inside the club throughout the day during the whole summer,
but many activities are planned outdoors. Some are weather dependant,
but we will always find a fun alternative if the weather is poor.