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Churches & Places of Worship

Church of Scotland - Watten & Bower


Sunday Service:10.45 am
Sunday School:10.45 am


See new web page here from 30 June 2013

Click here for Church of Scotland web site

8 July 07
Malawi Volunteers Return After Ten Weeks Of Voluntary Work In Caithness
Watten Church Aims To Help Them All With Their Education - You Can Help
The Global Xchange team of Malawians and Scots who were with us in Caithness for ten weeks have now left for Ekwandeni in Malawi to spend ten weeks there in voluntary work projects. This will complete their Global Xchange project between the two countries. Our Malawian friends will be able to go on to college courses, thanks to the generosity of so many in Caithness who have funded them for a first year at a college of their choice in Malawi. A fund for their college education has been set up by Watten Church of Scotland, and any further donations will enable the young people to extend their study courses over the subsequent years. Amazingly �75 can pay for education for a whole year for student in Malawi. So small amounts might be capable of changing lives dramatically for these young people who came to Caithness.

Watten Church

Bower Church

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