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Highland Domestic Abuse Strategy

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Caithness & Sutherland Women's Aid Main Page

Caithness And Sutherland Women's Aid
Children's Service

Newsletter (Oct 08)
Caithness & Sutherland Women’s Aid— CHILDREN’S SERVICE offers a confidential support service to children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.

Each child/young person accessing this support service will be allocated a Key Worker, and can be provided with:
1:2:1 Support (Time together for emotional Support)

Group Work
Telephone/Email Support
Advocacy (To enable children/young person to have a voice & be heard)
Various outings/activities/events are also organized for children/young people to participate

Here are some articles from children/young people already accessing the service:
“When I first accessed the Children’s Service I felt very shy because I didn’t know what to do. Women’s Aid has provided me with a lot of help by making me forget all the bad things that have happened to my family. My favourite thing that I have done with my keyworker is probably going bowling because it’s fun going with other people.

If you were joining the Women’s Aid Children’s Service you would have a lot of fun because you would go to lots of fun places like bowling, going out for dinner and lots of other fun things as well as those two things”. (Age 8 Yrs)

“The most important things that my Key Worker does with me are: she listens to me, provides me with information, helps me to have fun with my family, and arranges opportunities to meet up with/do activities with others”. (Age 12 Yrs)

“My Keyworker has fun with me, spends time with me, listens to me, provides me with information & options to help me make choices, helps me to have fun with my family & makes me feel included, safe, and respected”. (Age 8 Yrs)

“My Keyworker helps me to clear my mind and helps me think about the good things in life and not the bad”. (Age 10 yrs)

Trip to the Forest
Look at the lovely photo’s I took in the forest”! (Age 3 yrs)
One cyp enjoyed an outing in the forest, taking lots of photographs all by herself. She collected lots of interesting things in the forrest and returned to the Children’s Room to make a lovely collage picture and a photo album to keep her photo’s in.


Fun at Fairburn!
“A recent trip to Fairburn Outdoor Activity Centre proved very successful! We set off mid morning with our packed lunches and changes of clothes. On arrival at the outdoor centre, we were met by our Instructor for the day. He kitted us all out for our first activity—Mountain Biking!!! We had a fun, but exhausting time—cycling up and down hillsides and over rough tracks. We then finished off our cycle with a few runs through trenches of mud and water!! Our next activity on the agenda was canoeing. After a few races against each other, this activity ended in a huge water fight, throwing buckets of water over each other! Our changes of clothes certainly came in handy!! After a fun day, we ended our outing with a chip shop tea on the way home”. (CYP Support Co-Ordinator)

Caithness & Sutherland Women’s Aid
PO Box 6460
Caithness, KW1 4WZ
Phone: 0845 408 0151
Email: [email protected]

Support is offered to CYP living in Refuge, Follow-on and Outreach.

REFUGE—All cyp who come to refuge are allocated a Key Worker who will support them throughout their stay. A safe, secure and accessible environment is provided and cyp have opportunities to participate in 1.2.1 sessions, group activities and outings.

FOLLOW-ON—The Key Worker will offer support to cyp leaving refuge for an agreed period of time.

OUTREACH— To support particularly vulnerable cyp who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse and are not currently accessing CASWA refuge or follow-on service.