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Health & Welfare

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Learning Disabilities In Caithness

Services For People
With Learning Difficulties In Caithness

If you would like a large print version of this information and questionnaire, please contact Katherine Lewis 01955 605128

The health service in Caithness (Caithness Local Health Care Co-operative) in partnership with Highland Council, the voluntary sector, service users and carers has developed service priorities for people with learning disabilities in Caithness. These priorities reflect the views of service users, carers and professionals identified at the workshop on 17th June 2003 at the Weigh Inn, Thurso.

We would now like to consult with you to ensure that the solutions to the priorities reflect your needs. The three priorities are:

Short breaks for people with learning disabilities

Specialist multi-agency learning disability support teams

Specialist, dedicated workers for children, young people and adults to be identified within teams across services

Please return the completed questionnaire by 31st October 2003 to:

Clinical Effectiveness Team
Highland Primary Care NHS Trust

The information you give us will be used only for the purposes of the review. We do not ask for your name, therefore all information is anonymous. Whilst we would encourage you to fill in this questionnaire � or as much of it as you want � it is very much your decision. However, we hope that as many people as possible will return completed questionnaires. Please be assured that filling it in will not affect the standard of care you or the person you care for receive.

Please contact, Katherine Lewis, Caithness Redesign Facilitator, Health Development Team, Trust Wing, Riverside Medical Practice, Wick, Caithness, Tel.01955 605128, email [email protected]

For further information about the questionnaire

For help with filling in the questionnaire

To find out the results from the questionnaire

To get a service user version of this questionnaire (print or audio tape)

On the following pages you will find a list of solutions to the 3 priorities, mentioned above. We would like to know what you think of these solutions. Please read each one. If you think it is very important, write 3 in the box next to it, if you think it is quite important, write 2 in the box next to it and if you think it is not so important, write 1 in the box next to it.

Complete by 31 October 2003
Please return it to:
Clinical Effectiveness Team
Highland Primary Care NHS Trust

Priority One -
Short Breaks for People With Learning Disabilities

Priority Two:
Specialist Multi-agency Learning Disability Support Team

Priority Three:
Specialist, dedicated workers for children, young people and adults to be identified within teams across services
