Priority One - Short Breaks for People With Learning Disabilities

 Listed below are some potential solutions to address this priority. Please score the solutions from the perspective of carers for people with learning disabilities

 3 = Very Important

2 = Quite Important

1 = Not So Important




Raise awareness of the short breaks that are available with service users



Raise awareness of the short breaks that are available with carers



Long term care plans for people with learning disabilities to include short breaks



Day care centres to open some evenings




Play schemes for children with learning disabilities to be provided during the school holidays



Children with learning disabilities to be supported to attend a community play scheme during the school holidays



Support workers to be available to look after people with learning disabilities in the family home to allow carers to have a break during the day



Support workers to be available to look after people with learning disabilities in the family home to allow carers to have a break during the evening



Foster care families to be available for short breaks for people with learning disabilities



Holidays (outwith the county, with a support worker known to the user) to be provided for people with learning disabilities



Family holidays (with a support worker known to the family) to be provided for people with learning disabilities



Evening classes such as art, music, drama, pottery to be provided for people with learning disabilities



People with learning disabilities to be supported to attend evening classes such as art, music, drama, pottery at the college



Evening classes such as art, music, drama, pottery to be provided for people with learning disabilities in a designated building.



Emergency short breaks, at places such as Grant Street, Thor House, to be available at short notice for people with learning disabilities



Emergency short breaks, in designated Bed & Breakfast establishments or hotels etc., to be available at short notice for people with learning disabilities



In your opinion, if the solutions you have given the highest score to, were in place would this address priority one (short breaks for people with learning disabilities)? 

Yes                                          No                                             Don't Know

 Please add the solutions you feel are missing



