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Issues in the Highland Area

Highland Drug And Alcohol Team

Drugs News & Links

This page outlines the committee structure for drugs and alcohol related work
 in Highland and invites you to play a part.

Do You...

have an interest in drug and alcohol issues?
want to know what is happening in your area around drugs and alcohol?
wish your views to be heard?
wish to identify and plan action in your area in relation to drug or alcohol issues?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, or would like more information on the contents of this page contact

Maureen Doig on 01463 704853
(alternatively see your local number below)

Local Drug and Alcohol Forums:

There are eight Local Drug and Alcohol Forums. Each Forum meets 4-6 times a year in order to plan action.

The Highland Drug and Alcohol Strategy Group:

This group brings together Chief Officers from across a range of agencies 3 times a year to consider strategic issues. Currently the Chair of this Group is Mr Bill Robertson, Chief Constable , Northern Constabulary.

Aims and Objectives of The Committee Structure:

  To reduce the risk of people engaging in drug use (drugs only)
  To promote the responsible use of alcohol (alcohol only)
  to reduce the harm associated with drug and alcohol use (drugs and alcohol).

Objectives Included:

  to stimulate public debate and lead opinion
  to ensure appropriate and realistic information/education is available and accessible
  to ensure opportunities are available to access alternatives to drug and alcohol use
  to ensure the supply of drugs is reduced
  to ensure that there are sevices which continually meet treatment, care and rehabilitation needs for those with drug and alcohol problems
  to ensure that communities and agencies, working with and in communities, are aware of the part that they play in
    drug and alcohol issues

stimulating action

Past Achievements Include:

  supporting 'flagship' safer dancing event which produced important information on recreational drug use within Highland
  participating in the formation of European Policy on Drugs through a series of Highland Youth Parliaments
  endorsing and driving forward an agreed Alcohol Strategy for the Highland are
  organising an alcohol focused public education campaign through use of posters and a bill board
  building excellent communication lines across and between organisations and localities through out the Highland area
  hosting a series of information evenings for parents held across Highland
  conducting a parental queationnaire around drug and alcohol issues.

To Find Out More

Telephone the appropriate contact for your area (see below) or alternatively write, fax, phone or e-mail;

Drug Development Officer, Highland

Alcohol Development Officer, Highland

Highland Health Board
Beechwood Park

Telephone: (01463)717123
Fax: (01463)235189

e-mail: [email protected]

We Look Forward To Working With You
The Highland Drug and Alcohol Committee Structure
(May 1999)


Badenoch & Strathspey Ian Eccles 01463 716888
Inverness Alex Campbell 01463 234123
Lochaber Tish Hoole 01398 704111
Nairn Edward Chambers 01667 455234
Ross-shire Keith Redwood 01349 883341
Skye and Lochalsh Donald Beaton 01478 612633
Sutherland Peter Barns 01408 6342