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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter September 2004

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear Parent

Newsletter � September 2004

Retirement � Mrs Allan, nursery teacher, has come of age and is leaving us on 8 October! This really means a complete change of era in the nursery. As with Mrs Bruce, Mrs Allan has taught, not only virtually every pupil in the school, but I am sure many of you to whom I am writing this letter. It seems like just yesterday but she has, in fact, been the Nursery Teacher in Pulteneytown Academy for 28 years. To mark her retirement we will be presenting her with a gift from pupils as well as staff, and if anyone would like to contribute to this please send/bring it to the school office at any time. Parents will be invited to her presentation � date and time to follow in the next Newsletter.

Family Update Form - Please find this with your Newsletter � younger pupils will also have a form. ALL forms need to be returned. Things to look out for in the form

Medical Codes � please let us know of any medical problems your child may have at this section.

Email Address � please ignore all requests for this at present.

N/L � is simply whether or not your child gets a Newsletter

Admission Number � for office use, please ignore

Storm/Storm Address � If you have a Y beside this please ensure you have an appropriate name, address and telephone number.

Emergency Contact � This is vital. Please ensure you check this section.

Cake Days - As a treat we sell cakes to pupils on the first Tuesday of each month at the cost of 30p each. The next Cake Day will be Tuesday 5 October.

Class Photographs � These will be taken on Monday 27 September. Uniform should be worn as usual for this photograph. Information re prices will be passed on to you once I have this, but you are under no obligation to purchase this if you do not want to.

House Captains/Vice Captains � P7 pupils gave their �Captain�s Speech� yesterday and those elected are

Mey Captain Emma Farmer Vice Captain Michael Berry

Girnigoe Captain Naomi Crowe Vice Captain Brian Sutherland

Sinclair Captain Jemma Sutherland Vice Captain Craig Jappy

Oldwick Captain Jill Forbes Vice Captain Craig Edwards

Pupil Council � Last year�s Council will meet with myself on Friday to discuss electing this year�s Council and I will keep you up-to-date with Council events as they happen so that next year you will all be aware of the changes which the Pupil Council has a hand in making.

Lantern Procession- Pupils who were interested from P5, 6 & 7 will be taking part in the Lantern Procession through the town on Saturday night. All parents and children are welcome to go along and cheer on the marchers round the harbour area starting at 7.30 p.m.

PSA � Annual General Meeting � This will be held in school on Tuesday 14 September at 7 p.m. ALL VERY WELCOME. Attendance at the AGM does not mean you will have to be on a Committee of any kind. I would like to see a good turn out of parents to ensure this very worthwhile body continues from strength to strength. New people bring new ideas and this is to be welcomed.

SNAG Group �From the June Newsletter only one parent so far has come forward and therefore Mrs Baikie will be the Parent Representative on this Group when it gets started later this term.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher