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Pulteneytown Academy
Seaforth Avenue, Wick, KW1 5ND
Head Teacher: Miss L Wark  Telephone01955 602649
Pulteneytown Academy School Handbook   Pulteneytown Academy Nursery Handbook

HM Inspectors Latest Reports

School Pictures

The Old School
Academy School was formerly sited in Sinclair Terrace and became the Assembly Rooms

7 February 08
Parent Travel Mode Survey
Would all Pulteneytown Academy parents please complete this survey about their children's journey to school, one per child. Paper copies are available from the school office if you are unable to complete it online.
Other schools have their own surveys, so please use this link only for Pulteneytown pupils.

Pulteneytown Academy
Dear Parent
Newsletter 16.08.07
Welcome back to another school year and a special welcome to new children and parents joining the school. I hope everyone will have a happy, busy year again this year. I will try to keep this letter brief with only items you need to know about immediately and will follow up with a longer letter next week when I have more time to write.

Teaching Staff
P1 � Miss M Watson
P2 � Mrs R Shuttleworth
P3 � Miss E Sutherland
P4 � Mr M Hughes
P5 � Miss S Falconer
P6 � Mrs M Foubister
P7 � Mrs L Harper (PT)
Additional Support Needs � Mr K Farmer
Mrs Budge, DHT, will be supporting the new teachers, teaching P1 and giving support to Caithness Early Years Autism Centre along with her regular management duties in the school and nursery.

Support Staff
There are no changes to the class based support staff this session. I am pleased to let you know that Valerie will be joined in the office by Miss Linsey Miller who will be replacing Carole. As she will not be able to take up post until the beginning of September at the earliest, Valerie will be doing some extra hours each day in the meantime. The office will have someone available to help you either by phone or in person from 9.00 until 11.00 and from 1.00 to 3.00 each day. Uniform and routine matters can only be dealt with during these hours. If you have an emergency during the middle session of the day and must get in touch, please try to be patient as I will do my best to answer the door and phone, but there may be some delays.

School Lunches
The menu will be remaining the same until October when there are proposed changes. I have attached a copy for your information. We are currently on week one. There has been an increase in price from �1.50 to �1.55 per day effective as of the beginning of term. I would be obliged if you could try to give your child the correct money whenever possible for their lunch. You can of course pay weekly at �7.75 with any unused money carried over to the next week.

Primary 1 Photograph - will be taken on Monday 20 August at 10.00.

Swimming - Primary 7 will have swimming on Friday mornings this term.

Tuck Shop will continue with the same items as last session. Baked Crisps 30p, Cereal Bars 30p, Rice Cakes 10p, Fresh Fruit (various) 20p, Raisins 25p and 10p, Fruit Bars 25p, Oat Biscuits 5p. There will also be jelly or yoghurt available some days at 20p. Water from the fridge in sports cap bottles costing 40p.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher

Earlier Newsletters

Music Festival 2006

25 March 05
Spring Fayre At Pulteneytown Academy

March 2004
Show Time At Pulteneytown Academy

The curtain came down after three shows in two days by the children of Pulteneytown Academy in Wick.  Wick players should not be short of talent for many years to come with some great performances and music coming via a state of the art sound system that showed off the singing to great effect.  The school has in recent years invested in modern stage, lighting and sound equipment and the kids really took advantage of it all in the performances.  Great show - well done everyone.

November 03

Scoular Anderson At Wick Library

2 October 03
Song Of Wick

Jubilee Barbecue
29 June 2002

Joseph Photo Gallery

School musical 26 and 27 June 2002

2002 Music Festival

School Days
Old School Pictures now going in to this section

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Class 1961
View List of Names 

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From top row, left to right -
William Munro
Paul McNeill
Robert Mackay   (PRIM 6)
Ralph Farquhar
John Inglis
Alan Tait

Roderick Mackay
Eddie Beattie       (PRIM 6)
Andrew Mackay
Grant Campbell
Colin Elder         (PRIM 6)
Donald Cornwall (PRIM 6)
Kevin Farmer

Mrs Gunn & Mrs Scott

The Champs at Netball?
Mrs Gunn
                            Daniella McPhee (now in USA ?)
                            Corinne Rae          (lives in Wick)
                            Elaine Christie     (lives in Wick)
                            Kathryn Begg        (lives in Inverness)   
   From left to right (front row)
                            Katrina Swanson    (lives in Aussie)
                            Jacqueline Beattie (lives in England)  
                            Mandy Miller          (lives in Aussie)
Gym Teacher     Mrs Scott