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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 21 June 2004

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 21.06.04

Staffing & Classes � Next year the classes will be as follows �

� P1 Mrs Budge
� P2 Mrs Shuttleworth
� P3 Miss Sutherland
� P4 Miss Falconer
� P5 Mrs Gray
� P6 Mrs Harper
� P7 Mrs Foubister
� P7 Miss McCormack

There will be no mathematics setting in the senior school next year as this was only done because of the composite classes and there will be none next year.

In the nursery Mrs Bruce will be retiring (early) at the end of August and after more than 24 years as our Nursery Nurse not only has she taught virtually every child in the school, I am sure many of you to whom I am addressing this letter, were also taught by her when you were in the nursery. I therefore think it is appropriate that the children make a presentation to Mrs Bruce when she leaves on 27 August. If you would like to contribute towards a gift for her, children can bring in money any time before the end of term and their teachers will collect it from them.

Two members of staff will be married during the summer holidays, Miss McCormack will return as Mrs Moncrieff and Miss Johnstone (CEYAC) will return as Mrs Pearson.

Attainment � Our attainment in reading, writing and mathematics is gathered statistically every year and recorded in the School Handbook. This is worked out on a percentage basis of the number of pupils in P3 attaining Level A or above, those in P4 attaining Level B or above, those in P6 attaining Level C or above and those in P7 attaining Level D or above. Statistics from P2 and P5 are not used towards the overall figure. This year our reading attainment is 77.6% which is an increase of 0.2%, our writing attainment is 73.9%, an increase of 13.4% and in mathematics our attainment is 82.1% again an increase of 0.6%. In summary our reading and mathematics have remained the same but there is super increase in our writing.

Sports � The rest of the term is very busy and Sports will be held on either a morning or an afternoon which has not already got something planned and when the sun is shining! For infants P1-3 this could be tomorrow or Friday and for seniors P4-7 Wednesday or Friday afternoon. If the sun does not shine this week both may go ahead on Monday 28.

Danny Cormack Cup � Tomorrow (Tuesday) kick off 2 p.m. here.

Cycling � I would like to formally thank Mrs Jackie McKay and Mr Gordon Smart for all their hard work with the current P6. Those that took part have all passed and presentations will be made at the End of Term Service on July 1. These pupils will be welcome to cycle to school next year as long as they are wearing a helmet and I will be taking steps to provide secure storage for their bicycles.

Book Covering � A huge thanks to Mrs Anne Crowe who has been bravely covering books all on her own virtually every day for the last few weeks. If you have time to spare to lend her a hand to see if we can get this finished before the end of term, instruction can be given, and we would very much welcome you.

BBQ News � Games are shaping up (slowly) and I am sure those of you who indicated you could help will have been contacted by now, but if you have been missed out please contact the school. We have a few face painters for Thursday afternoon, but if you could manage, even to put on the base coat, the more we have the quicker we can get this done. A tear-off slip is attached if your child(ren) wishes to have their face painted. We are also looking for flippers which can be turned into clown�s feet for one of our obstacle races. These may get damaged so we are really only looking for ones which will be non returnable. Donations, as indicated on the flier last week, can be handed into school at any time this week.

Mr Boom � Due to orbital changes round the moon Mr Boom�s spaceship will now be landing at 10.15 a.m. on Tuesday 29. While this does not affect school pupils, those in the nursery will need to make appropriate changes to their day. Please see nursery staff for further details.

SNAG � School Nutrition Action Group � As part of my Quality Assurance Visit the team has suggested that I put together a SNAG to take forward the nutrition agenda as we work towards becoming a health promotion school. The Group consists of one or two parents, one or two children, a member of staff and the school cook. Meetings would happen probably about once a term during the school day and training is available for anyone becoming involved. If you think you would be interested, and can spare the time, please contact me before the end of term.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher