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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 15 April 2004

Newsletter � 15.04.04

Dear Parent
Welcome back to what I anticipate to be a very busy term here in Pulteneytown Academy.

Pupil Council � At last term�s Pupil Council Meeting the Representatives raised the issue of more Club Activities in school at the end of the day. While there are a number of things happening in the school from time to time many pupils are keen for more. If you would be willing or able to run a �Club� or a short set of taster sessions on any subject or activity please get in touch and I will make appropriate arrangements.

Auction � Wednesday 21 � 7 p.m. � We have had a few items handed in for this but require much much more for this to take place. I did mention before that the money raised would be used for all school trips as often it can run in to four figure sums for buses alone. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could blitz your attic and search your cupboards. Donations of household items, bric-a-brac, books, toys, etc can be handed in or collected. Give us a ring 602649 if collection is required. Ask your family and friends for their �rubbish� as it could be someone else�s �treasure�. We would be grateful for any items you wish to discard.   Please come to the Auction and make a bid - it should be good fun! If you wish to view what there is for auction you will be able to see it between 9.30 - 12.30, 2 - 3 on Tuesday and Wednesday and from 6.30 p.m. onwards on the Wednesday.

Dog Mess � The janitor has just given the grass its first cut of the season and found quite a lot of dog mess in the grass. Please have a word with your child about the dangers of infections from this. I would be obliged, if you have a dog, or live next to a dog owner who does not have a pupil at this school, that you ask them not to bring their dog into the school grounds and perhaps raise the issue with anyone else who you think may be walking their dog here. While staff can police the school during the day, effectively there is nothing we can do in the evenings.

Cool Stuff � Booklet and Activity sheet attached for P2 - P7 pupils.

Edinburgh Trip � For those involved I now have the room configuration and staff and pupils will be making their requests this week about who they share with and I will draw up a plan at the beginning of next week. This will be shared with the pupils before it is finalised and sent to the Company. A letter for parents will follow during the middle of next week and a meeting will be held to answer questions on Tuesday 27 April at 7 p.m.

Testing & Reports � Many children will be undergoing National Tests over the next few weeks in reading, writing and mathematics and results will be recorded on children�s Reports to be issued in June. Children will be given their results as they complete tests.

Netball � Mrs Harper and Mrs Livingston have kindly agreed to take on the training for P6 and P7 pupils. The training, which will be held every Thursday, starts this week from 3.15 � 4 p.m.

Football � Mr Farmer and Mr Scobbie have kindly agreed to take on the training again for P6 and P7 pupils. The training, which will be held every Friday, starts this week from 3.15 � 4.15 p.m.

Caithness Music Festival - Due to the European Election this has been cancelled. All money paid by the children will be returned on Friday this week.

What�s On in April
� 19-22 � Dance Week
� Wednesday 21 � Auction 7 p.m.
� Monday 26 � Class Information Newsletter issue

Advance Warning of What�s On in May/June
� Monday 3 May � school closed
� Tuesday 4 May � Book Fair begins
� Wednesday 5 May � Cake Day (please note change of day)
� 10-14 May � Edinburgh Trip
� Tuesday 1 June � Cake Day
� Week beginning 7 June � Pupil Reports issued to parents
� Wednesday 9 June � Senior Sports (weather permitting)
� Thursday 10 June � Infant Sports (weather permitting)
� Monday 14 June � Evening Meeting for parents of P1 and Nursery pupils starting in school or nursery in August 2004.
� Tuesday 15 June � New P1 and new nursery pupils� visits
� Tues/Wed 15/16 June � Parents� Evenings
� Tues/Wed 15/16 June � P7 visit to Wick High School
� Thursday 1 July � End of Term Service (school closes at 12 noon)

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher