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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


Summer Term 2005

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Welcome back to the summer term at Wick North Primary, during which we will all be working together to ensure that it is as enjoyable and educationally productive as ever.

As usual a number of exciting events have taken place and others are about to take place over the course of this term.

The Kelloggs� Great Walk
Let me congratulate all the P7 pupils their teachers and classroom assistants for representing the school at the walk.  I would also like to commend them for finishing the ten kilometre walk and looking so good on the telly.  Well done!

The Covenant Players
On May 5th. we will be having a visit from the Covenant Players who will be performing two plays on the Golden Rule - �do unto others as you would have them do unto you.�

This will also help us with our continuing work on Positive Behaviour in the school.

P1-3 will attend the show from 9.30-10.45am and P4-7 will attend from 11.30-12.45pm. approximately.

This activity will be paid for from school funds.

PTA Meeting
There will be a PTA meeting at 7.00pm. on Thursday 5th. May at 7.00pm, in the school B.I.S.T.R.O. to discuss the arrangements for the May Fair.  All parents are cordially invited to join us at this meeting.

The Travelling Gallery
On May 12th. we will be having a visit from the Travelling Gallery which is a large bus that holds an exhibition of paintings. P5-7 will be visiting the gallery, in small groups, to learn about its contents.

School Photographs
The Tempest photographer will be in school on the morning of the 17th. May to take class groups. 

The May Fair
The May Fair will take place on Saturday 28th. May commencing at 1.00pm.  I will give you further details nearer the time.

Parents� Evenings
The final Parents� Evenings of the session will take place on Thursday 2nd. and Thursday 9th. June from 7.00 till 9.00pm.

You will receive appointments for one of these evenings.

Report cards will be issued one week before your meeting with the teacher.

I look forward to seeing you all on of these evenings.

Football and Netball
We will be playing football and netball, as usual, against the other Wick schools and Lybster primary during this term and I will advise you of the relevant dates and venues near the time.

Music Festival
Music Festival will take place in the week commencing June 6th. 

Pupils, parents, music and class teachers are working extremely hard on their choir pieces , vocal solos , verse speaking etc. and I wish you all success in this very important endeavour.  Good luck.

School will close for the summer holidays on Friday 1st. July at 12.00 and reopen on Tuesday 16th. August at the normal time.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.