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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


March 2005

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Thank you all for your help with Tsunami �No Uniform Day.� The total raised was �330. The total raised so far by schools in Highland is over �64,000.

New Library
Our new Library is now open and the children from nursery to primary seven are thoroughly enjoying taking their books home.

My thanks goes to all the staff who helped set it up. I also thank everyone who helped raise the money to buy all the new books.

Trip to Edinburgh
Our annual P7 trip to Edinburgh will take place during the week beginning the 14th March. Every year the staff and children have a very enjoyable time and I hope this year will be as good as all the other years.
Even although this will be my fifteenth time away, I always remember that it is the first time for the children who are with us and for some it will be the first time they have been away without their family.
We will be visiting Dynamic Earth, the new Parliament building, Coatbridge Leisure Pool, New Lanark Heritage Village, Edinburgh Castle, a Dinosaur Exhibition in the Chambers� Street Museum, the Edinburgh Crystal Factory, Insect World, Edinburgh Zoo and Deep Sea World. We will also be having a game of bowling, taking part in a ghost walk and visiting the cinema.
All in all we will be having a very busy, but enjoyable time away.

Church Service
We will be having our Easter service in the Bridge Street Church on Thursday 24th. March, starting at 11.00am. I do hope as many possible join us to celebrate this important festival.
A silver collection will be up lifted at the service in aid of local charities.

Wick Accordion and fiddle Club
Our senior choir were invited to sing two songs for the above club on Saturday 5th March at Wick High School. The choir performed very well and their behaviour was of the usual high standard. Well done.


Swimming Gala
Wick Swimming Gala will take place on Friday 11th of March starting at 7.00pm and finishing at approximately 8.30 pm.

Science Festival
Tuesday 15th March P5 and P6 will attend the science festival at Pulteneytown Academy and Wick High School.

Crossing Patroller
We are having trouble finding people to stand in for the crossing patroller when she is absent. If there is anyone out there who wishes to be considered as a relief crossing patroller, could you please let us know?

School Photographer
Mr. M. Grant, photographer, will be in school on Tuesday 17th. May to take class photographs, so children should wear their best smiles that day.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.