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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


June 2005 Newsletter

Dear Parent Or Guardian
As we move towards the end of another school year, it is time once again to thank you all, parents, school staff and children for all your help over the last year. With your support, we have raised over �2800 to buy new musical instruments, playground games, items to improve the school grounds and more books for our new school library.

The Christmas Concert was a major success with all the children thoroughly enjoying entertaining all their relatives and friends.

The May Fair was also a resounding success. In spite of the very heavy rain, you still turned out in numbers to support the school. A special vote of thanks goes to the Pupil Council and Russell MacKay for organising the pet show and to all the participants who behaved so impeccably.

An enjoyable afternoon was had by all at the School Sports with Mrs Banks and her band of helpers raising over �200 selling ice-cream, teas, coffees and hotdogs. Well done and thank you all.

Sports And Ceilidh Photos

Yet again our P6/7 pupils enjoyed an excellent evening at our annual ceilidh. My grateful thanks to Addie Harper for providing the wonderful music, without which our ceilidh would not be the success it was.

Our breakfast Club continues to go from strength to strength. It opens each morning from 8.30am until 9.00am. For 20p, children enjoy a varied menu including cereal, eggs, beans, toast, milk and various fruit juices. They also have the opportunity to take part in a programme of games, activities and competitions. Many thanks to the staff who have run this facility so cheerfully and successfully.

At 10.00am. on July 23rd. there will be a primary schools football competition featuring the Wick North Primary School A and B teams. This competition will take place at the Bignold Park prior to the Liam Henderson Memorial Football match. We hope as many people as possible will attend this very worthwhile event which celebrates the life of very fondly remembered former pupil of Wick North Primary School.

During the summer holidays there will be a celebration at Wick airport to commemorate the end of the Second World War. The organisers have requested that a number of school children be present at the celebration, unfortunately I will not be able to be present as I will be travelling home from my holiday. If you are planning to attend this event will you please take your child /children with you, in school uniform, to represent the school.

Thank you very much for your help. Please see enclosure for details.

On behalf of everyone at Wick North I would like to say farewell to our P7s who will be moving on to Wick High School after the holidays. We wish you all every happiness and success in the future and hope that your time in Wick North has been happy and successful.

Now for some of the more mundane announcements.

School will close at 12.05 on Friday 1st. July for the summer holidays and reopen on Tuesday 17th. August. On behalf of the school staff and myself, may I wish you all a very enjoyable holiday.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.