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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


Dennis Lundie
01955 602873
[email protected]

January 2006

Dear Parent or Carer,

Let me welcome you all back to a new term at Wick North Primary school and on behalf of the staff and myself let me again wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

New Security Fence
As you will have noticed, we are having a new security fence erected at the back of the school. We believe this fence is necessary to try and prevent vandalism at night when the rear of the school is in darkness.

The work should take approximately two weeks to complete. During this time, parents of P1 children should walk along the front of the building and collect their children from the usual door.

February Inservice Day and Long Weekend
Wick North school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 9th. February, for inservice training of staff. On Friday 10th. and Monday 13th.February the school will be closed to staff and pupils for the long weekend.

Christmas Concert
Once again let me thank you for all your help with the Christmas Concert which raised approximately �900.

Parent Teachers Association
There will be a meeting of the Parent Teachers� Association on Thursday 19th. January at 7.00pm. in the school BISTRO.
I would like to invite as many people as possible along to discuss how we can get more parents involved in the work of the school.

I look forward to seeing you at this meeting.

Thank you.

Head Teacher.