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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


January 2005

Dear All,

Welcome back to our spring term at Wick North Primary. I hope you all had a very enjoyable festive break.

There will be a number of events taking place this term.

Christmas Concert
The Christmas Concert raised in excess of �800 which will be used to purchase new musical instruments. Let me once again thank everyone for the tremendous support you gave us with this event.

Saint Valentine�s Day Disco
We will be having a Saint Valentine�s Day disco on Thursday 17th February 2005. Tickets will be �1.00 and will be for primaries 4 -7. The disco will take place in the school gym from 7.00pm. - 9.00pm.
Tuck will be on sale and I ask all children to consume this tuck in the changing room as juice etc. is very bad for our wooden floors; for the same reason I ask that soft shoes be worn in the gym.

Highland Big Heart Day
On February 9th. Highland Big Heart Day is being organised in all the schools in the Highland Council area in aid of the South East Asian Tsunami appeal. Wick North will designate this day as a no uniform day and I ask all children who wish to take part to contribute �1.00 to the appeal.


Inservice Day and Long Weekend
The spring inservice day will be on Thursday 10th. February and the school will also be closed on Friday 11th. and Monday 14th. February for the long weekend.

Edinburgh Trip March 2005
I am still short of one female parent to accompany us on our annual trip. If you are able to join us on this trip from Monday March to Friday March, could you please contact me on Wick 602873 as soon as possible to discuss the matter.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.