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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


August 2005

Dear All,

Welcome to a new year at Wick North Primary School.

Let me extend a very special welcome to our new Nursery and Primary one children may I on behalf of all the school staff, wish them every happiness and academic success during their time at Wick North.

In Wick North School
We are fully aware that your child�s/children�s happiness is very important to you and we spend a great deal of our time trying to ensure that we provide an environment which will result in all our pupils getting the maximum value out of their time at school. In order to make this happen, we must all co-operate fully, therefore, if your child / children are experiencing any problems please come and speak to us as early as possible, so that we can work together to resolve the situation. Do not leave problems, hoping that they will go away, they rarely do.

For some of you this will be the first time you have sent a child to school, if there is anything you do not understand about their work or homework, do not hesitate to talk to your child�s teacher. He or she will be very happy to help.

Jack in a Box
We will be having a visit, on Friday 2nd September from the �Jack in a Box� theatre company who will be presenting The Elves and the Shoemaker for Primary 1 to 3 and Jules Verne �Around the World� for Primary 4 to 7 children.
There will be a charge of �1 per child for this event.

Fish Store Gates
As part of the Pulteneytown Peoples Project, to improve the harbour area. Primary 7 will be helping to make gates for the fish stores.  This will take place over the course of the next few weeks.

Safe Highlander
Primary 7 will be visiting Dounreay once again this year to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. This will take place on Wednesday 7th September 2005.

Zoo Lab
On Thursday 8th September 2005, we will be having a visit from �Zoo Lab� this is a travelling workshop which allows children to handle animals and learn about their life cycles.  This is the first time they have visited the school, so we are looking forward to something new.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.