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Halkirk Primary School
Braal Terrace, Halkirk, KW12 7YJ
Head Teacher: Mrs F Disbury
Telephone: 01847 831246

29 March 09
World War Two Tea Party

Halkirk School's Primary 7 class rounded off the term with a very successful World War tea party on Thursday afternoon. Around 80 parents and friends attended and were treated to tea, coffee and a selection of home baking .They also had the opportunity to browse the children's work which was on display. The children then entertained them with a dance, which they choreographed themselves to Glen Miller's In the Mood. This was followed by a play detailing the events of the war which included a short version of Ready Steady Cook to explain rationing and an accompanying slideshow. They finished off with a selection of wartime songs. The afternoon ended with the drawing of the class' Easter hamper raffle which they had organised to boost funds to pay for their residential trip to Fairburn in June. A total of �1200 has now been raised, well done to all the children for all their hard work.

24 July 07
Winning Halkirk Netball Team Of 2007
It was a great netball season for the girls of the Halkirk School Netball Team. The photo shows Halkirk netball team with the Chic Lobban memorial trophy which they won for the west side of Caithness, and the Caithness Schools Cup they won against Castletown. They are from back left, Lauren Yuille, Laura Stewart, Joanne Armour, Jessica Dreaves, Eva Hymers and Chloe Mackenzie. Front from left Rachel Gunn and Shannon Eyers.  Well done girls.

28 May 07
Finishing Touches To Halkirk School's Garden

The final touches to Halkirk Schools new garden were made recently with the erection of an otter holt, flagstones with carvings by the children, a pergola built by Mr Andrew Crawford, benches painted and decorated by the children, and the planting of various shrubs and plants, many of which were donated by parents and friends in the community. A number of parents, staff, pupils and even ex-pupils turned out to help Mary Legg, Liz O'Donnell and Philip Wright finish off the digging, planting etc. one evening after school last week. Afterwards, Mrs Disbury, headteacher, made a short speech thanking everyone for all their help and hard work and made presentations to Mary, Liz, Philip and parent Andrew Crawford for all they'd done. The garden looks beautiful and was much admired the following morning by everyone.

29 October 06
50 Years Show

The show celebrating the 50 years from 1956 - 2006 was performed by the children who now form Halkirk Primary school.  the school was formerly Halkirk Junior High School and a reunion was held over the weekend.  The school was open for the former pupils who attended the show to look round the school. A school dinner (mince, tatties and peas and custard and sponge or jelly and cream) specially laid on for them at Saturday lunch before the show. Parents saw the show on Friday evening which was faultless on Saturday and credit to the children, teachers and all others who helped put it on.

16 October 06
Halkirk School Garden Project Going Well
Garden Project which is ongoing at Halkirk Primary School.
We were initially given a grant of �3000 from Scottish Natural Heritage.  With this money trees were bought and planted, picnic benches and planters were bought, as were two bower domes, hedging and a selection of plants. An ornamental garden was planned with the help of Liz O'Donnel and work on it is underway with help from Mary Legg and Philip Wright and a willing team of volunteer parent, staff and pupil helpers. Parents and friends have also donated various equipment, plants, topsoil etc. to help us carry out the project.

The children have also enjoyed taking part in the various jobs- digging, planting etc. both in and out of school time and are also enjoying making use of the picnic benches for their lunch on nice days and sitting in the bower domes on the log seats. The project has made our playground a much more attractive place for everyone and we are very grateful to everyone who has helped out in any way but special thanks must go to Liz, Mary and Philip who have worked so hard with the children to get the project up and running. The work is ongoing with a human sundial, a hill fort and an otter holt still in the planning stages. We look forward to seeing the completed project which will be something the pupils can enjoy and take care of for many years to come.

17 June 06
Halkirk Wins West Side Of County Competition 2006
Halkirk Netball Team won the netball league for the West Side of the county. They beat Miller Academy 13 - 8 in the final game. They play Hillhead in the County Final in Wick On Monday 19 June 2006.

Music Festival 2006

23 November 06
Halkirk Pupil Council With Shoe Boxes For Blytheswood
For the last few years school children in Caithness have donated gifts of shoeboxes to Blytheswood for shipment to children in Eastern Europe.  This year Halkirk school collected almost 90 boxes filled with many small items in time to reach their destination before Christmas.

June 06
Visit To Dounreay Visitor Centre 

Halkirk Primary School recently enjoyed a visit to Dounreay's VisitorCentre. The children were given the opportunity to meet the Civil Nuclear Constabulary's police dog. The children are pictured here with staff from the primary school, visitor centre guides, Helen Mackay (back row, left) and Debbie Doull (back row, right) and CNC Police Officer Helen Richards (back row, middle).

 8 June 04
An HMIE report on the 134-pupil Halkirk Primary School, Caithness, has praised the good ethos, the sense of teamwork and the care given to pupils by the teachers.   The inspectors commented on the welcoming environment and the good links with parents and the wider community. Pupils take part enthusiastically in the school council which has been well used by the Head Teacher, Mrs Frances Disbury, to advise her on pupils� concerns. Out of school activities included successful participation in the local music festival and visits by pupils to senior citizens in the village.  Mrs Disbury is commended for her commitment to the school. Read The Full Report

2002 Music Festival

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