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Caithness News Bulletins June 2004

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Read The Full Report

An HMIE report on the 134-pupil Halkirk Primary School, Caithness, has praised the good ethos, the sense of teamwork and the care given to pupils by the teachers.   The inspectors commented on the welcoming environment and the good links with parents and the wider community. Pupils take part enthusiastically in the school council which has been well used by the Head Teacher, Mrs Frances Disbury, to advise her on pupils� concerns. Out of school activities included successful participation in the local music festival and visits by pupils to senior citizens in the village.  Mrs Disbury is commended for her commitment to the school.

The report commends the good teaching overall and the provision for helping pupils with additional support needs, particularly those who have individual educational programmes.

The inspectors� recommendations for the school include the need for improvement in procedures for assessment and monitoring pupil progress, particularly in English, and a more systematic approach to self-evaluation and the monitoring of learning and teaching.   The report recommends also that the balance of the curriculum should be reviewed, together with the pace and demand of pupils� work.

Commenting on the report, Mrs Disbury said: �I am pleased that the inspectors have recognised the very good ethos and sense of teamwork within our school community and the high standard of care given to the pupils. As we review our development plan for next session, we look forward to taking on board the recommendations of the report.�

School Board Chairman, Mr Roger Tosswill, said: �The Inspectors have clearly valued the work done by the school and the pastoral care offered to pupils, and I, on behalf of the School Board, look forward to helping the school take forward the recommendations of the report.�

All Scottish School Reports Are On The HM Inspectorate of Education Web Site