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Scrabster Harbour From The Air

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Caithness From the Air

         The Biggest Harbour Construction Project In Caithness For Many Years
                                            What the New Pier Will Look like The Development Underway

Compare this picture with the one of the new development on the right to see the huge new area of enclosed water now under development

Before New Pier Work Starts


The pier will be capable of providing berthing to vessels of at least 9 m draft and 150-160 m in length.  Although it is not initially envisaged that the new lay-by section of the pier will be readily available to the fishing fleet, the building of the berths frees up the existing lay-by berth and ro-ro quay for future usage by deeper drafted fishing vessels.

This construction is being developed so that it forms a breakwater which in turn, will provide a sheltered deep water facility and although not yet agreed / approved, there is a strong possibility that future development could take place.  This in turn will also provide more berthing space for deeper drafted vessels probably on both sides of the existing ro-ro and lay-by quays.

The new pier will provide a very large new area of deep water facilities.  The new road stretches almost all the way to Holborn Head Lighthouse making a massive addition to the port facilities.  A covered walkway will also keep everyone dry in wet weather all the way from the pier to the harbour area.

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