Walking Treasure Hunt At Wick Gala 2013
Walking Treasure Hunt - Wick Gala 2013
The gala's walking treasure hunt round the Riverside proved popular with adults as well as children and was rain-free until the final lap. Clues posted along the way provided some headscratching as well as a load of fun.

A Few More Photos From Children's Fancy Dress At Wick Gala 2013 - Just added

Wick Tora Kai Kata & Kumite Competition 2013
A short video of some of the contestants at this years competitions.  Wick Tora-Kai Karate club celebrates 30 years next year and they look very very fit heading into that. Some of the fittest people in Wick are members of this club so if you want to get really fit and learn about karate then check them out in Assembly rooms.

Childrens Fancy Dress At Wick Gala 2013 - winners Photos now In
Wick Gala 2013 Children's Fancy Dress Fancy Dress At Wick Gala 2013

Children's Fancy Dress At Wick Gala 2013 - Moved From Braehead to Assembly rooms Due To Rain
Children's Fancy Dress - Wick Gala 2013 Children';s Fancy Dress at Wick Gala 2013Children's Fancy Dress at wick Gala 2013

Significant milestone for Gaelic Medium Education in Caithness
The first Gaelic Medium Primary School Department in Caithness is to open at the start of the new school session on Tuesday 20 August, providing the language with a significant boost in the county. It will be based at Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso, which is home to an active Gaelic Medium nursery, with 19 children. Seven pupils from the nursery have enrolled in Primary 1 and they will be the first to be taught via the medium of Gaelic, under the guidance of Gaelic Medium teacher Mrs Gwen Bowie.

Baby Show at Wick Gala 2013  
Baby Show at Wick Gala 2013 Baby Show at Wick Gala 2013 Baby Show at Wick Gala 2013

"Spirit Of Wick" - Named and Launched Shows A New Optimism for the Fortunes Of Wick
Spirit Of Wick Spirit of WickSpirit Of Wick

The new skiff built by a new club "Wick Coastal Rowing" was named by the Gala queen on Saturday when a silver quaich filled with that other spirit of Wick - Old Putleney whisky was poured over the prow.  On Sunday the new skiff was launched despite the pouring rain.  "Sprit of Wick" has been constructed over the last few months by a team of new club memebrs working in the former Wellington Centre.  Skiff racing has been spreading around the country and the new boat was on show at the recent Wick Harbour Day before its painting.  The new club are keen to gain new memebrs and for folk to form teams to use the new skiff.  soon they wil begin consturction  on two more skiffs so that Wick will able to race the boats near by and also compete with other visiting skiffs and go off to competions.  If you want to know more see Wick Coastal Rowing Club.   It is hoped other towns in Caithness might follow the lead given by Wick and construct their own skiffs to join in the racing scene once it begins.  The local Wick team are willing to share their knowledge of how to do it.  A lot is happening in Wick now and "Sprit of Wick" has captured the mood.  More photos on Facebook
Wick Gala Night Results
Adult Group – 1st Week Tea - 2nd Flintstones - 3rd – Wizard of Oz
Family Group 1st Eh Pulteney Maximum - 2nd – Wizard of Oz - 3rd –Cops & Robbers.
Adult Single 1st – High St Paperboy - 2nd Gruffalo - 3rd Samari Warrior
Adult Pair 1st – Iron Man & WarMachine 2nd Busy Bees 3rd Ma & PaBroon.
Mixed Group 1st Wrech it Ralph 2nd Monster High 3rd Pirates of Wick Bay
Junior Group 1st The Great Wick Bakeoff 2nd Royal Baby 3rd Smokey &The Bandit.
Junior Pair 1st Alice & Madhatter 2nd Barbie & Ken 3rd Only way is Caithness.
Most topical  - 1st Horsemeat Scandal (Backsiders) 2nd Bonniest Garden (Bexely Massive)
Most Original  - 1st Fab 1 Million (Keiss) 2nd Wick Players 80 years ( Wick Players)
Best Decorated - Foxy Bingo (ArthurGunn)
Maximum Effort - Wizard of Oz ( Bosum BuddiesCastletown)
Supreme Award - Wizard of Oz ( Bosum BuddiesCastletown)
Most Memorable Character – Kathleen Harper (Wick Players)
Best Slogan  - Horsemeat Scandal ( Backsiders).
�50 Hard luck voucher – T in the Park ( NorthKillimster Crew)

Video of Wick Gala Parade On Facebook by Will Clark

Wick Gala 2013 - Another 100 Plus Photos Just Added At 10.30pm - Start HERE

Wick Gala Photos 2013 - Another Selection From Noel Donaldson
Wick Gala 2013 From Noel Donaldson Wick Gala 2013 From Noel Donaldson

Photos running properly now.  Apologies for the glitch earlier

Fog fails to affect gala curtainraiser
Harbour chairman's upbeat message on town's prospects on renewables It's not all doom and gloom!

Wick Gala 2013
That, in essence, was the upbeat message from Wick business man, Willie Watt, against a background of town centre decline. He urged locals at the foggy Riverside crowning ceremony, to take heart from the exciting times that lie ahead for the town when he gave the guest speaker address at the launch of the annual gala.          Wick Gala 2013 Photos    

Wick Gala 2013 - Another Angle - - More photos to come this evening in various sections of the Gala parade.
Wick Gala 2013 - another angle

Wick Gala 2013 Photos  - First photos now in - more later     Wick Gala Programe For The Full Week
Wick Gala 2013 Wick Gala 2013

Halkirk Highland Games 2013 - 298 photos now in
Halkirk Highland Games 2013 Halkirk Highland Games 2013
Fit's in 'e Groat 'is Week
Noel Donaldson's fast look over some stories in the local paper.
Appeal for information following incident in Wick in early hours Sunday 21 July

Prepare to Meet A Boom - Christine Jardine  - Scotsman
Well worth a read as it draws to gether many strands of what has been happening and is now evolving in the Highland economy.
Caithness County Show 2013 - Stunt Motor Cyclists Were Spectacular
Caithness County Show 2013 - Stunt Motor Cyclists Caithnes County Show 2013 - Stunt Motor Cyclists Caithness County Show 2012 Stunt Motor Cyclists

Trick motor cyclist Jamie Squibb and his sidekick laid on a cracker of a display which thrilled the county show crowds. These great photos show the amazing height of the jumps and the acrobatics but they do not bring the noise and gasps of the crowd that were so audible on the day.

Caithness County Show 2013 - Many more photos now in
Caithness County Show 2013 - Saturday
This photo thumb link takes you to just over half way through the over 400 photos now in.
To see from the start GO HERE
Photos from Friday evening
See The Caithness County Show From Above

Still more great photos to come of crowd scenes and close ups of the stunt bikes - coming later.
Caithness County Show 2013 - Lots of Photos From Saturday - 275 now 

Thurso Gala 2013 - 173 photos  - Section Completed 12.58pm
Thurso Gala 2013

Gala Queen photos now in the gallery - START HERE

Highwayman steals the show and its supreme prize
Champions at Caithnes County Show 2013
ALL the Highwayman from Olrig Mains had to do was to "stand and deliver". ...and the quality young bull did just that, as the cattle leader and supreme overall, at the Caithness County Show yesterday. John Morris's magnificent Charolais - Olrig Highwayman to give him his official handle - making his county debut, was adjudged the champion-of-champions by Mr M Allan, Durran Mains, Castletown, pipping his nearest rival, the Suffolk tup lamb which took the reserve supreme spot. Highwayman, by Sandleford Duggan out of Olrig Dubuarry, January 2012, was champion at the Forfar calf show, last November, and, more recently, won the junior bull rosette at this year's Royal Highland Show. The Suffolk lamb from Scott Webster, Lower Reiss, also acquitted himself well in his first outing at the 172nd Caithness, which attracted a record crowd in glorious sunshine.

Thurso Gala 2013 - Starting With A Few Photos From Above - more photos later
Thurso Gala 2013

Caithness County Show 2013 - Friday Evening Photos -  Gallery completed
Caithness County Show 2013 - Friday Evening Caithness County Show 2013 - Friday Evening

Caithness County Show 2013 - View From Above - many more photos from ground level coming later
Caithness county Show 2013 - From Above Caithness County Show 2013 - From Above
Wick Harbour Authority Prepares Dredging Project (UK)  - Dredging Today
Wick Harbour
After receiving a GBP 450,000 boost to dive in offshore wind industry, Wick Harbour Authority is currently planning to install heavy lifting equipment and to dredge the channel to the harbour’s commercial quay.

Second year of basking shark tagging gets underway
Basking Shark
The second year of a project to track basking sharks in Scottish waters gets underway today (Thursday 18 July 2013). Scientists from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the University of Exeter are heading out to the Inner Hebrides to tag another 27 of the giant sharks with satellite tracking tags. The tags, which let the public follow the movements of a number of the sharks online, will collect data that will give the team an insight into their behaviour during the summer months. The work is part of a wider programme of marine research led by SNH and Marine Scotland, to help Government and others plan for the sustainable management of the sea.

Trinity Sailing Voyage With Music  - Your Chance To Sail The West Coast Of Scotland
Sailing Vessel - Leader Built in 1892
“Trinity Sailing Foundation operate three historic vessels, and one of them, Leader built in 1892 is cruising the West Coast of Scotland this August. She is hosting a music cruise on the 17th of August to the 23rd of August, starting and finishing in Oban. On board there will be two resident musicians and people are welcome to bring their own instruments and join in as much or as little as they want. As well as music for entertainment, there will be plenty of opportunity to help sail this amazing ship and explore the stunning West Coast. Our trained staff of Skipper, Mate, Bosun and Cook are there to ensure this is a truly memorable experience with a lot of laughs.

Find Out More About Moths In Caithness
Peach Blossom Moth
Come for a walk in the Dunnet Forest with our local Caithness county moth recorder Neil Money to discover all about the fascinating moths of this area. A short presentation will be followed by moth identification and trapping as part of the National Moth Night. Please bring stout footwear. Booking required.  Local moth expert Neil Money has a web site full of information about Caithness moths.

Skills Development Scotland’s Exam Results Helpline
Young people and parents can call for advice on options. Young people in the Highlands will be among 150,000 students who will get their exam results on Tuesday 6 August. Whatever those results may be, the advice from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is not to panic and contact the Exam Results Helpline free* on 0808 100 8000. SDS’s Head of Careers Management Skills David Cameron said: “Young people may have done better than anticipated or not as well as expected, but the main thing is that they and their parents shouldn’t panic. There will always be options to consider. The first step is to call the helpline and discuss what the best options might be.”

Opportunity To Visit Stroma
Stroma Trip Aaugust 2013
It is not always easy to get a visit to Stroma, the island off the Caithness coast. Here is your chance if you are quick to book your tickets. On Thursday 8th August a trip organised by the Highland council ranger service is offering a boat trip to spend a good part of the day on the island with the chance to see the island bird life, possibly seals and explore this deserted island in the Pentland Firth.

Avoid unnecessary fees for European Health Insurance Card and UK Passports  - Beware of Scammers
NHS European Health Insurance Card (or EHIC) is FREE - Do Not Pay Fees - Don't Waste Your Money

Highland Council Trading Standards is warning consumers to be on the lookout for websites demanding a fee when making an application for the NHS European Health Insurance Card (or EHIC) or UK Passport application. Searches on the internet and consumer complaints received by the service show that many websites are offering to “review” or “forward” an application form for an EHIC or UK Passport. David MacKenzie, Highland Council Trading Standards Team Leader explains: “The websites look official but if you scroll to the bottom you will find a tick box asking for cash. Some websites state they provide a ‘fast track’ service for an extra fee on top of a ‘small service charge’ or ‘application processing fee’. Charges for processing applications can range from between �19.99 to �23.50.”

Caithness Horizons Gains New Project Funding
Curator and Beki Pope, Centre Manager of Caithness Horizons with Class II Pictish symbol stone (800-900AD) known as "The Ulbster Stone"
A new roof, Homecoming 2014 events, collection redisplays, enhanced security and marketing training and support are some of the benefits to come from Museums Galleries Scotland’s new Strategic Investment Fund. Nine projects will receive a share of over �300,000 with individual grants ranging from �17K to �40K. Caithness Horizons receives �22,654 to develop an early medieval sculpture exhibition that will tell the story of early medieval Caithness, from a Pictish to a later Norse settlement. The exhibition will be the centrepiece of the museum’s Year of Ancient Ancestors Festival as part of the Scotland-wide Homecoming 2014 celebrations. Child friendly interpretation will be developed by local youths.
Williamson Street & Rose Street - Panoramic View
Williamson Street & Rose Street - panoramic view
This panoramic view of Williamson Street and Rose Street shows just how much lower Pulteney has improved from just a few years back.

Wick & District Pool League  - Latest Results
Wick and District Pool League
Queens1 handed Bayview their first defeat of the Summer Pool League season on Monday Night after a great team performance helped them to a 6-4 win. The Lybster side took an early 3-0 lead before Andrew Coghill's fine play pulled one back for the Queens. Strong performances in their doubles saw the Queens side draw level at 3-3, before Angus Mackay put Bayview back in front at 4-3. James Dow, Adam Scollay and Danny Cormack all played well as the Queens took the next three frames to earn a well deserved victory.

Consultation on Schools Act - Parents and Parent Councils Should Look At This
Views sought on the process of future school closure proposals. Education Secretary Michael Russell has launched a consultation in response to the Report of the Commission of the Delivery of Rural Education. The Commission put forward proposals to improve the delivery of education, a number of which require changes to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The consultation seeks views, by 2 September 2013

Massed Pipe Bands In Thurso

Waldsee and Wick Pipe Bands - Photos From Friday Evening at Riverside, Wick
Waldsee and Wick Pipe Bands Waldsee and Wick Pipe Bands

Latheron Show 2013
Latheron Show 2013A couple of photos from the winners at the Latheron Show dog show sent in by Zoe Sinclair.  If you have any photos from the show you would like to share on email them to [email protected] to be included in this gallery.

Many More Photos From Latheron Show 2013 Now In
Latheron Show 2013

Report by Noel Donaldson
Neigh prizes for for guessing whose feeling just champion at the show!

A MAGNIFICENT Shetland stallion surpassed competition from its nearest sheep rival to trot off with the coveted supreme championship at the Latheron Show yesterday (Saturday 13th July 2013). It was hugs all round for the Campbell family after the standard black, seven-year-old was adjudged best in show by James and Marion Sutherland of Granton Mains, Bower. They awarded the reserve champion-of-champions rosette to Douglas Webster, from Lower Reiss Farm for his sheep leader, an impressive Texel tup lamb.

Latheron Show 2013  - More Photos Now In
Latheron Show 2013

Latheron Show 2013 - Starting With Some Photos From Above - more photos later
Latheron Show 2013

The Highland Pipes and Drums of Waldsee, Germany and Wick Pipe Band at riverside, Wick on Friday evening.

Swanson Drive, Wick - Builders Take Advantage Of The Nice Weather
Swanson Drive, Wick
The good weather has provided a great chance for local building firm M M Miller to move on with building projects in the Swanson Drive area of Wick.  House construction around the area is moving on and roads and pavements are being tarred while the dry and suny weather is ongoing
Wick Walking Group - Inaugural Taster  - 23 July 2013
Wick Walking Group
Locally trained co-ordinators will lead you to better health through enjoyable local walks.  Step It Up Highland - Now In Wick Our walks can offer progression from inactive to active. What do we do? SIUH sets a model of encouraging the uptake of health walks to enable people in the Highlands to achieve better physical health, improve mental wellbeing, attain a healthy weight and encourage interaction by socialising with others while enjoying the beautiful natural environment we have in all areas of the Highlands. GET FITTER - ENJOY GETTING OUT - BE HEALTHIER

Latest Study Down Grades Potential For Energy From Pentland Firth
Reports from various sources - Reuters  reNews  HydroWorld  The Register

RE/MAX presents The Caithness Home Show
13th of July a the Pentland Hotel Thurso 11:00 to 16:30 Come and speak to all our property experts. Local experts for Home building, interior designer, kitchens, renewable energy, joinery, home decoration, Home reports, plumbing, Electrical contractors and many more.
Thurso Gala - Wick Gala - County Show - Whats On In July  
Save Our Royal Mail    Royal Mail Sell Off Discussion Thread  
Another Royal Mail Petition

Great afternoon In Prospect At PPP In Wick  - Have Lunch Then Listen To A Great Group
Tannahill Weavers
Come along to Pulteney Centre this Sunday 14th July and treat yourself to lunch in Telfords followed by: THE TANNAHILL WEAVERS IN CONCERT.
The Tannahill Weavers are one of Scotland's premier traditional bands. Their diverse repertoire spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, and original ballads and lullabies. Their music demonstrates to old and young alike the rich and varied musical heritage of the Celtic people. Over the years the Tannies have been international trailblazers for Scottish music, and their tight harmonies and powerful, inventive arrangements have won them fans from beyond the folk and Celtic music scenes........Telfords Cafe in PPP will be open from 11.30am - 4.00pm - last orders for food 3.00pm. Enjoy a home cooked meal and let the kids use the soft play area free if you eat with us.  Make Sunday 14th a nice day out at PPP.
An Orkney Visit
Orkney Visit - July 2013 Orkney Visit - July 2013Orkney visitOrkney Visit

‘Beatrice Works’ Family Day - 13th July 2013
Beatrice Works Day 13th July 2013
Part of the ‘Beatrice Works’ Education Programme May-August 2013
Beatrice Works Family Day 13th July 11am-3pm
Caithness Horizons, Old Town Hall, Thurso - Admission FREE
A host of professional experts will ensure Caithness Horizons has something for everyone this Saturday. Their ‘Beatrice Works’ Family Day on 13th July is open to people of all ages, offering an unusual mix of free activities connected by the broad theme of renewable energy. The day is part of an education programme to complement Caithness Horizons’ main summer art exhibition, ‘Beatrice Works’ by Sue Jane Taylor, which will run until 22nd August when it moves on to Aberdeen, Orkney and Kirkaldy. Christine Gunn, Caithness Horizons’ education and community officer is keen to stress the variety of activities people can get involved in, as well as the intention behind them.

Many More Activities For Kids Just Added to The Whats On In July and August
Lybster Gala Football
Lybster Gala Football

Government Is Poised To Sell Off Your Postal System - Caithness Campaigns
Support Royal Mail Campaign in Wick
By the end of 2013 the Royal Mail as we know it could be finished. Privatisation is once again within the governments sights. Public outrcy previously stopped this when it was attempted. But this time the government look set to go hard at the sell-off. Campaigns are already on the rise across the UK and Scotland where postal services are vital for many communities particulary in rural areas and for businesses everywhere.............Caithness postal workers were joined by Wick councillors Bill Fernie and Neil Macdonald and Landward councillor Willie Mackay at Market Square in Wick on Saturday 6th July 2013 to draw attention to the online petitions and postcard campaign to MP's asking them to ensure privatisation does not go ahead.  Royal Mail Discussion Thread  Will you be happy to pay more for mail deliveries or collect it yourself from a centre?

Keiss School Sports Day
Keiiss School Sports 2013 Keiss School Sports 2013Keiss School Sports

North Highland Connections Activities In July
Fourth Annual Residency of The Prince's Drawing School
Second Annual Creative Music Week - Concert
A Competition for You All to Enter

80 New Event Dates Just Added To Our Whats On Section
July and August are busy months in Caithness with p[elnty to do and see.  Wildlife trips, gala,s music, exhibitions, ranger walks Highland Games, County show sports activities and much much more.......over 500 events now on - is your event listed? - FREE entries can be made HERE

Summer Holiday Activities for Children and Young People In Caithness and North Sutherland - Pdf
Lasertag - 15 July at Bignold Park, Wick
Street Football In Caithness Various places and dates around the county

Ranger Events In July
Ranger Walks In July 2013 - Bottle Nose Dolphons
Dwarwick Head Walk  - Wednesday 17th July 2013, 6pm – 9pm.
Wild Tracks - Achvarasdal Woods Thursday 18th July 2013, 11am – 1pm
Puffin Watch  - Saturday 20th July 2013, 11am – 1pm
Dunnet Dunes, Beach and Forest Walk  - Wednesday 31st July 2013, 6pm – 8pm.
Full listing of Ranger Events in Caithness and Highland for 2013
Check  Whats On In July for more Caithness Events

New Homes Going Up In Old Wick Area
Swanson Drive, Wick Swanson Drive, WickSwanson DriveSwanson Drive, Wick

The Old Wick area of Wick should perhaps be renamed to the New Wick area as more new homes are still going up showing that confidence is still around despite the gloomy headlines still coming out.  But with new homes being added to the new offices, schools, library, swimming pool, and children's home along with the latest announcements about investment  in Wick harbour there is definitely good news around for Wick.

Fit's in 'e Courier 'is Week - a round up of a few news items from the local paper by Noel Donaldson
LEGAL high usage among adults in Caithness has increased significantly in the last year.....................................
EMPLOYEES at Wick's tax office are celebrating, after it was announced all 15 jobs look set to be saved ...................
SCHOOLS in Wick and Lybster could receive greater access to dental care after being described as.................
FAR north MP John Thurso has labelled Landward Caithness councillor Alex MacLeod "a little prat"  ....................
A PLEA for a slice of Highland Council's �77 million war chest is to be spend on the region's roads, has been rejected UNION representatives from Caithness are accusing Highlands and Islands of unfairly steering multi-national companies.  FARR HIGH'S 36th annual outdoor activities week took place before the end of term with 23 pupils enjoying ...............

Highland Police Crack Down On Drink Drivers - Over 1000 Breath Tests Catch 39 Drivers
Police in Highlands and Islands reiterate warning of drink and drug driving following recent summer campaign. Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division are reminding the public of the dangers of drink and drug driving, following the publication of figures from the national summer road safety campaign, earlier this week. The month-long campaign, which focussed on reducing the number of road users drink or drug driving, concluded last Friday, but Police in the Highlands and Islands are assuring that focus on these offences will continue throughout the summer months.
Highlights Of What Can Happen If Caught
Automatic Loss of licence – a 12 month driving ban A risk of being fined up to �5,000 -  A criminal record for a minimum of 20 years - An offence which stays on your licence for 11 years - A risk of being imprisoned for up to 6 months - longer pprison sentences if anyone is killed or seriously injured - An increased risk of losing your vehicle.   Not to mention - increased insurance premiums - loss of employment if you need to drive. - inconvenience to get around in a rural area for work or leisure - serious affects on family.  Affects on everyone from deaths and injuries.  Don't do It any time.

Research Reveals Remote Rural Scotland’s Minimum Income Standard
Minimum Income Standard Report 4 july 2013
New evidence published today [Thursday 4 July 2013] shows the cost for householders in remote rural Scotland to achieve a minimum standard of living. The research will help inform public policy and highlight where it can make the biggest difference to alleviate higher costs. A report commissioned by 10 Scottish public and community service organisations reveals that some Scottish remote rural mainland and island households need between 10 and 40 per cent more income to achieve the same standard of living as people living in urban areas of England.

Territorial Army Centre In Wick To Close In MOD Cuts
Territorial Army Hall, Wick
The TA Centre in Wick is to close as part of the MOD reorganisation to save money. Although the TA is to be increased in numbers the range of bases will be reduced. The bases to be closed are in Wick, Dunoon, Keith, Kirkcaldy. In Dunfermline, Glasgow and Edinburgh three smaller sites will also close Increases in these towns will balance the changes for them. But there will be little comfort for Wick when the nearest base for TA will be in Inverness. For any members of the TA this might be up to 250 miles round trip for a training session.  Earlier TA Caithness Photos

Wick Harbour Takes A Big Step Forward With New Funding
Wick Harbour Gets Funding Boost July 2013
Wick Harbour Authority’s ambitious plans to attract new jobs to the area from the offshore wind industry have received a boost with the combined support of �450,000 from two partners in the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP). The Harbour Authority is positioning the port to attract business from the two large offshore wind developments in the Moray Firth, and is currently working on a multi-phase programme to ensure that its facilities meet the requirements of industry. The first project will be the installation of heavy lift facilities at the port’s commercial quay and the dredging of the entry channel to the quay, which has attracted grant support of up to �250,000 from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and up to �200,000 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). The Harbour Authority has also been successful in attracting private funding for this phase of work.

Pentland Energy Advice becomes a Green Deal Approved Organisation
Green Deal From Pentland Energy
Pentland Energy Advice, which is based in Thurso, has just become a Green Deal Approved Organisation, and this following a lengthy technical assessment and approval process in order to meet the strict criteria the UK Government sets out for their scheme. This coveted achievement by Pentland Energy Advice also followers the success of two of its employees, Angela Craig and Gill Halliday, who both qualified as Green Deal advisors at the end of last year. So what is the Green Deal? It’s a new way for homeowners to pay for energy-saving home improvements such as loft, cavity or solid wall insulation, double glazing, a new boiler or even a 'micro-generation' system such as solar panels. The way the deal differs from a standard loan is that the repayments a homeowner makes should be covered by the savings made on their energy bill, and this by having the energy-saving home improvements installed.
Highland Council set to save �1M a year through biomass heating
The Highland Council is demonstrating its commitment to providing cleaner, greener energy for its sites with the award of a 4 year, �1.2M per annum contract for the servicing, maintenance and repair of biomass installations including the supply of woodfuel. By making the switch to a renewable heat source the Council has demonstrated its commitment to providing a cleaner, greener energy source for its sites. As many Highland communities are off the gas network biomass offers an attractive alternative to more traditional fossil fuels. The contract, awarded to Fort William based biomass heat specialists HWEnergy, will include service and maintenance, installation and heat supply across 59 of its sites and will result in projected savings of �900,000 a year, 40% less than the cost of heating from oil. In addition the initiative will see a combined carbon saving of 7,500 tonnes per annum, the equivalent to 30million car miles off the road per annum.   Of the 59 sites several are in Caithness including - Bayview House, Thurso, Castletown Primary School, Halkirk Primary School, Lybster Primary School, Thurso High School, Thurso Swimming Pool.
Become A Bettter Goal-Keeper with these courses In August - book soon
Adult Goal-keeping                 Youth Goal-keeping
Adult Goal-keeping  Youth Goal-keeping

Castletown Gala 2013
61 - 69
Castletown Gala 2013
The Axiophytes and Habitats in Caithness by Ken Butler
carex recta
A newly published work available as a Pdf has been produced by Caithness plant recorder Ken Butler who has for many years compiled data and photographs of Caithness plants and their habitats. His latest work "The Axiophytes and Habitats in Caithness" has been pubished in Pdf format on the web site of the Botanical Society of the British Isles. The URL for the file is ..............

Wind farm wind falls should bring socio-economic benefits to Caithness
Youth employment opportunities, tourism initiatives, improved transport links and support for businesses came out top in a recent survey to find out what wind farm windfalls should be spent on in Caithness in the future. Not surprisingly, the Caithness Conversation Community Profile suggests that a high percentage of the funds should be spent on communities nearest the wind farm but the idea of setting aside a smaller pot of funds for county-wide initiatives was also supported. A majority of respondents also felt that the distribution of funds should be administered locally by communities themselves with dedicated support.

Castletown Gala - more later
13 - 24                            25 - 36                            37 - 48                          49 - 60
Castletown Gala 2013 Castletown Gala 2013Castletown Gala 2013Castletown Gala 2013

Castletown Gala 2013
Thanks to Jennifer Gunn, Michael Stone and Jamie Sutherland-West for making photos available to
Castletown Gala 2013 Castletown Gala 2013Castletown Gala 2013 

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards