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Donation From Castletown Woman Is Pleasant Suprise For Heart Support Group
Caithness Heart Support Group present ECg machine to Caithness General.
Caithness Heart Suport Group
found itself on the receiving end of a surprise donation at their latest handover of medical equipment to the county’s hospital. The group had just presented Caithness General with a new ECG machine when they were asked to accept a �100 gift by one of the nursing staff. Senior staff nurse Marjorie Moodie explained the donation had come from her mother, Mrs Margaret Sutherland, of Pentland Place, Castletown, a keen supporter of NHS Highland. Mrs Moodie said: “I had been telling her that the hospital was to receive the ECG machine from the heart support group. She was so impressed by the group’s efforts that she wanted to do something to help.”
Caithness Charrettes Launched - You Can Get Involved In Planning for Thurso and Wick
Thurso                          Wick
Thurso Charrette Launched Wick Charrette Launched

Save The World's Bees - Sign The AVAAZ Petition
Save The Bees Wordwide -
around the world are dying off and Europe’s food watchdog just said certain pesticides are part of the problem. We’ve got 48 hours before key meetings -- let’s get a 2-million-person swarm to save the bees. Click to take urgent action now: Sign the petition at Quietly, globally, billions of bees are dying, threatening our crops and food. But in 48 hours the European Union could move to ban the most poisonous pesticides, and pave the way to a global ban that would save bees from extinction.  

Highland Ports Prepare To Attract Up To �100m In Investments
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has signed joint working agreements with four of the regions’ leading ports to support the development of the offshore wind sector. The partnership aims to help the Ports attract a potential �100m of investment to the Highlands. The First Minister Alex Salmond, announced the Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) in his keynote speech at the Offshore Wind and Supply Chain Conference in Aberdeen today (Tuesday 29 January 2013).
More Turbines For Camster Still Arriving At Wick Harbour
More turbines for Camster on Filia Nettie Filia Nettie in Wick HarbourCranes at Wick HarbourSimsons Crane unloading turbines

Vehicles and Some Plant Added
W & A Geddes Millers TaxisRockhill Auckengill Tables

So You Always Wanted To Learn To Play An Instrument - Now You Can Online
Onlione music lessons at with Grant Golding
Remote Learning
is fast becoming a way to learn an instrument and now a recently launched new web site is packed full of free lessons by short videos at various levels of playing from beginner to the more accomplished player. You can try it all out for free and if you want some extra help then get some online lessons via Skype. Getting lessons in rural areas can be difficult but now you can get lessons online and from some of the best teachers around. One teacher has taken it to a high level by providing many free lessons online and you can see it all at the click of a mouse.
Grant Golding Trumpet at new web site "Brass Blast" is full of hints and tips for players. Check out the short video presentations giving short lessons at various levels.  Music theory is also included and many hints and tips will help you move on at your own pace.  No joining fees just free lessons for beginners and paid lessons if you want them.  This is a great resource for anyone interested in playing a brass instrument.

Caithness revealed as UK's speeding capital with motorists driving too fast 36% of time - Daily Record
DRIVERS in Caithness are tempted to speed as a result of the few cars on the roads.
Invergordon To John O'Groats - Great British Railway Journeys - BBC Series with Michael Portillo
Michael Portillo Railway Journeys - BBCBroadcast on BBC 2 On Friday 25th January 2013 and also now available on IPlayer  in the UK via the link.   DURATION: 29 MINUTES

Michael Portillo takes to the tracks with his copy of Bradshaw's Victorian railway guidebook, he travels the length and breadth of the British Isles to see what of Bradshaw's World remains. Michael is exploring the stunning scenery of rural and coastal Scotland, travelling from Stirling, through the industrial east coast and dramatic Highland landscapes, to the beauty of the western lochs, finally ending his journey in John O'Groats. Michael learns how one man's vision helped bring train travel to the Highlands, discovers how farming has changed since Bradshaw's day and hears the remarkable tale of Scotland's Victorian gold rush.

The Moorland Mission Churches of Caithness (by George Watson)
Today there are few traces of the active missionary movement which once transcended parish and county boundaries to cater for a surprisingly large population in the moorland areas of Caithness. At the Union of the Parliaments in 1707 a separate Act had confirmed the Presbyterian form of church government in Scotland.

Wheels Working in Caithness Recently
Derrick Shearer Transport Seaview Flowers, Dunbeath Lighting Work Moving From Old Council Offices

Have you seen your county at night ? - Another Great Caithness Time-lapse Film From Maciej Winiarczyk
Caithness nightscapes timelapse video with music
Caithness is the most northerly county on the mainland of Great Britain and it has excellent night skies due to lack of light pollution. In fact Caithness has one of the darkest night skies in the whole UK so you can see arc of Milky Way stretching overhead on every moonless night if the sky is clear.

Doanalsin's Diary
Noel Donaldson                     Fits in 'e Groat 'is Week?

Fairy Tale Reading At Wick Library - Wick Library Saturday 26th January
Fairy Tale Reading At Wick Library

“North Highland College” - New Session Of Evening Classes
Check out the range of courses and do something interesting and useful in the rest of the dark nights.
Council Staff At Wick Moved to Temporary Offices
Staff at Council Offices Wick Closeup of staff at Old council Offices Temporary council Offices, Girnigoe Street, Wick close up of staff a t temporary council offices Girnigoe Street, Wick

The council staff are shown in these photos leaving their offices in Market Square, Wick and moving to their new home in Girnigoe Street where they will stay for nearly two years as the new offices in Market Square are built.  New offices have been needed for some years and now Highland council has begun the process as part of a series of major investments to regenerate Wick.  Wick councillors Bill Fernie and Civic Leader Gail Ross attended a Charrette launch in Assembly rooms joined by area committee chairwoman Councillor Deirdre Mackay where emphasis was placed on public involvement in a process to plan the future of the town in coming years.  Councillors Ross and Mackay made welcome speeches and emphasised the great future beginning now in Wick with the new offices and soon the start of the 3 new schools and community facilities - library and swimming pool and the new children's home at Rhind house. The combined investments will amount to the biggest capital spend in any Highland town for many years.  The new council offices are just the start...........Wick is and will be a great place to live and to attract new investments with some of the best infrastructure anywhere.

Last minute decision to go to Hip Hop comp pays off
Rush Dance Hip Hop Winners
A last minute decision to go to a Hip Hop competiton paid off for some members of the Caithenss Rush Dance Group. They only found about the competition on Thursday morning and by Sunday had grabbed a clutch of trophies. Dance leader Willie Miller and four kids from left early one Sunday to go and compete at MNJ Promotions Hip Hop competition in Grangemouth. They came away with a clutch of trophies to prove Caithness kids have great zest for anything energetic. Well done to them.
English For Speakers Of Other Languages - Free Classes In Wick & Thurso
The North Highland college are now offering ESOL classes in Wick. Everyone is welcome to join us from basic level to Higher. We offer accredited SQA qualifications which can help with employment, entry into further or higher education, and everyday confidence in English. All our classes have Citizenship materials and conform with UKBA Esol with citizenship standards. Classes are also available at our main Campus in Thurso.

A New Way To Allow Local People To Shape The Future For Thurso and Wick
Wick                                                   Thurso
Wick Charrette Thurso Charrette
Work on the new Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan will begin later this month. As part of this the communities of Wick and Thurso will each have a unique opportunity to shape the future of their community and influence future development decisions in the area. The Highland Council will be holding innovative public consultation events known as Charrettes in both Wick and Thurso. These events will enable local people to put forward their ideas and help design the future development of their towns. During the events people will be asked to share their views on issues such as where difference types of development should be located, what services and facilities are needed and which areas should be safeguarded from development. Representatives from local organisations, key agencies and the Highland Council will also be in attendance so that people can discuss their ideas.
More Information Wick          More Information - Thurso
Wick Charrette cover Thurso Charrette cover

Highland Museums Forum Survey Results Show Great Contribution To Highland Life
Highland Independent Museums
HMF’s latest visitor survey demonstrates the value of Highland Independent Museums. Nineteen members of the Highland Museums Forum receive each around �12,000 per annum through a Service Delivery Agreement with the Highland Council. This facilitates delivery of a range of high-quality and professional museum services throughout the length and breadth of the Highlands, serving communities and tourists alike. The Highland Council’s core funding to the independent museums is greatly valued. As well as allowing the delivery of a high-level museums service across the Highlands, it allows each independent museum to remain embedded in its community and continue its Lifelong Learning work with schools, families, and older people.  Caithness has three museums who are members of the forum - Caithness Horizons, Dunbeath Heritage and Wick Heritage.
Wheels Keep Caithness Rolling
Caithness Peat Foundations for Simpsons new offices W & A Geddes Yard, Wick

‘Ireland’s Authentic Voice of Country’ Kathy Kane Debuts in Scotland  - 25th January
Kathy Kane country singer from Ireland debuts in Caithness‘Ireland’s Authentic Voice of Country’, Kathy Kane, will visit Scotland for the first time with her band next week, performing her first Scottish show in Thurso, Caithness. Kathy, from Ballymoney, Co.Antrim, has attracted considerable praise, not only in Ireland but also from established Nashville agents, for her sultry, country voice and her ability to sing gritty American Country with an authenticity that is only usually found Stateside. Kathy is no stranger to the Scottish music scene, having played in Scotland a number of times during the Showband and Cabaret years with her band Country Cream.   Tickets from Northern Nashville Country Music Club on 01847 893 773 or on  NNCMC

Old Buildings In Caithness
Old Keiss Castle Today
Old Keiss Castle
Mary Thain sent this latest photo of Keiss Castle today to let us see what state it is currently in.  The castle still looks like it did in photos in 2002 but it is hard to tell how much deterioration is taking place until somethng falls off or detailed studies are made.
Information about Keiss Castle

Highland Teacher Returns With Scottish Fiddle Orchestra From China
Rona Porter at Great Wall Of China
A local Highland Instrumental Instructor has just returned from touring China with The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra. Inverness-based Strings Tutor, Rona Porter was delighted to tour with the SFO as they played a series of 10 New Year concerts all over China. The Orchestra of 64 players entertained around 8000 people in 8 cities in areas around Shanghai, and further south in Ningbo (twice), Hangzhou, Suzhou, Taicang and Liuzhou, Nanning, Fuzhou and Nanchang.

500 Word Story Competition At BBC Radio 2 Open for Entries If You Are 13 Years old or Younger
Judges for 500 word story competition
Ready to receive your super-duper, simply spectacular short stories. You have until 7:00pm on 22nd February to submit your entry. Get inspired by watching the brand new 500 WORDS film , which includes top tips from Dame Jacqueline Wilson, Tulisa, Conor Maynard, Helen Skelton, Wretch 32 and Harry Judd! Submit Your Story If you're aged 13 or under, what are you waiting for? Get writing! We want you to send us something mad, magical, mind-blowing or mysterious... You could win yourself a pile of books as tall as Chris Evans, and 500 books for your school library!
Wick Academy 5 Rothes 0
Wick Academy 5 Rothes 0
Sim card gives Scorries a third-goal gift.

Report by Noel Donaldson
FIVE goals, including a hat-trick, two penalties, a sending off and a few missed chances... As the old song goes, “Who could ask for anything more”. Certainly not Academy’s fans, and putting the cherry on the cake was the post match tally that saw the Scorries go five points clear at the top of the league table. A pretty fair day’s work. Rothes, who had been under pressure from the word go, succumbed to the opening goal in 15 minutes when man mountain, Lucasz Geruzel, got a touch to a Stevie Cunningham cross, enough to divert it goal-ways. Richard Macadie made it two, before halftime, dispatching the ball from close in.   PHOTO GALLERY - more photos now in

Not Much Snow In Caithness So Far But Very Cold
Icy conditions in Caithness
There may not be much snow in Caithness unlike other partsof Scotland and Uk but there has been plenty of ice around as can be seen by these first photos in from Noel Donaldson and Mary Thain.  If you have an icy photo take in the past few days you would like to share email it to
Fit's in 'e Groat 'is week?  - The Groat News Shortened
Noel Donaldson

See Doanalsion's Dairy for more items

Kessock Bridge Resurfacing Starts 11th February Till 7th June - Are you Prepared?
Kessock Bridge Resurfacing Works
The resurfacing works for the Kessock Bridge will start on 11 February and continue until 7 June. Everyone using the bridge whether once or regularly will need to plan for delays that are being stated will happen. Several steps are being put in place to mitigate the affects of the fact that only two lanes in contraflow will operate rather than the normal four lanes. Leave plenty of time for your journey if you intend to cross the bridge especially at peak times. Consider public transport especially trains as these do not cross the road bridge. Car sharing or using buses will cut traffic and ease the congestion. The alternative route via Beauly is likely to be heavily used and delays are expected on that route at peak times due to the swing bridge. Avoid peak hours if you possibly can and businesses should consider using off peak times for trucks and vans to avoid long delays.

David and Big Bertha, A Short Lived Affair (By Andrew Gutteridge)
How the RAF gained and lost a naval big gun.
Big Bertha gunThis article was first published in the Annual Bulletin of Caithness Field Club 2011.

The fighter airfield at Castletown was placed on the edge of the Pentland Firth primarily as part of the Orkney defences to protect Scapa Flow but also providing aerial protection for Naval and Merchant vessels travelling around the north of Britain. The station opened on 28th May 1940 and its first commanding officer, Wing Commander David Frances William Atcherley, arrived on 8th June to assume command of the station. David Atcherley and his twin brother Richard were at the time two of the most well known, some would say notorious, pair of figures within the service. Born in 1904, both brothers had developed an intense love in flying from a very early age and had joined the RAF at the earliest opportunity, neither ever married but devoted their entire lives to the service. In the 1930’s anyone with an interest in flying would have known the name Atcherley as Richard had made a significant mark for himself both in and out of the service as a skilful exhibition pilot spending many summers participating in flying circuses in Britain and the USA, he was also one of the RAF’s winning Schneider Trophy team in 1929. David, although an equally skilful and accomplished pilot, preferred to avoid the limelight and mainly kept his flying activities out of the public eye.

Old Buildings In Caithness
Former Cinema and Social Club At Breadalbane Crescent, Wick
Former cinema, Wick Former cinema, Wick
Currently for sale.
Sutherland Brothers Supplying The Highlands - Latest Wheels In Our Growing Gallery
Sutherland Brothers Sutherland Brothers

End Of An Era At Wick Council Offices
Council offices In Wick
Offices of The Highland Council at Market Place, Wick, will close their doors for the last time at 3 pm today (Friday 18th January 2013) ahead of an �8 million redevelopment of the site as modern Council office accommodation. Eighty staff, including those at the Service Point, are relocating to Government Buildings, Girnigoe Street while the new offices are built at Market Place. All business currently undertaken at the Market Place will continue at Girnigoe Street from Monday 21 January. The Service Point will open at 9.30 am.
Pensioners Party In Wick
Report by Noel Donaldson
 WICK warks weil...never was the royal burgh's famous motto more true that when it comes to its annual pensioners party. The post-festive treat last night was staged at the town’s Assembly Rooms. They were welcomed by Thomas Mackay on behalf of the organising committee, after sitting down to an excellent meal and refreshments in the main hall, which was appropriately decorated. Special guests were Caithness Lord Lieutenant, Anne Dunnet, Roman Catholic priest Father John Allen and Baptist minister, Rev Bill Ferguson who delivered the Selkirk Grace. Mention was made of party stalwart, 92-year-old, Margaret Christie who was unable to be present due as she hasn’t been keeping too well.
PHOTO GALLERY - 31 photos now in.
Latest Addition to Businesses With Wheels
Caithness Driving Solutions
Caithness Driving Solutions for your driving lessons
Just added to the growing listing of business vehicles. Lara MacDougall has recently set up her own driving school and will try to set lesson times to suit you.  We are adding to this list as we take phots randomly in passing but if you would like your business vehciles added with a free link to your business index page then email it to  This listing also will make a historic record of the vehicles being used at this time.  However we are also interested to build a gallery of vehicles from earlier days so if you have any send them in aslso with some information about who used them and in what years.  This can be from any period in the past from very many years ago to more recent.  Horse and cart transport also if anyone has photos.  
Business Wheels Photos Passes 200
Buds 'n Blooms A School bus in WickSimpsons Vehicles

ATTENTION - Voluntary Groups, Youth Groups , Schools and Other Community Groups
Just posted in the community section 8 new sources of funding.  check them out if you are looking for funding for a project in the near future.
Old Buildings In Caithness
Warehouse At South Quay, Wick
Old Warehouse At South Quay, Wick Old Warehouse At South Quay, Wick

Lossiemouth 0 Wick Academy 4  -  Academy are once again top of the league
Several other games were cancelled due to weather conditions.  See Wick Academy web site for a report

More Wheels In The North
Amanda's Flower Shop W & A GeddesPeter Etheridge
We are adding more vehicles as we find them.  If you would like your business vehicles added soon just email a photo to and get a free link to your business page.

Are Our Caithness Monuments Easy To Get To?
The State of our Ancient Monuments (by Leslie Myatt)
First Published in Caithness Field Club Bulletin - 2011
Two Monuments in CaithnessWith a potential increase in tourism to the county we should pride ourselves on our antiquities as does our neighbour across the Firth, Orkney. They should be displayed to their best advantage if they are signposted for visitors. A recent visit to two ancient monuments in the county gave cause for concern as to their state or access. The two in question were the stone setting at Achavanich and the henge at Pullyhour.
Old Buildings In Caithness
St Johns Square - 30 Princes Street, Thurso - The Sorry Saga Continues - Latest Photos
St Johns Square - 30 Princes Street, Thurso St Johns Square - 30 Princes Street, Thurso St Johns Square - 30 Princes Street, Thurso

Extent of Highland December storm damage estimated at �2.555 million
Wick Storm 15 December 2012
Members of The Highland Council’s Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee will hear next week that the extent of damage to Council harbour facilities and coastal defences during the 14/15 December 2012 storm is currently estimated at �2.555 million. In a report to the TEC Services Committee, members are advised of the extent of the damage to facilities at 24 locations including: Scrabster – East Gills; John O’Groats Harbour; Freswick Harbour; Ackergill Harbour; Keiss Harbour; Staxigoe Harbour; Victoria Street, Wick; Scalesburn, Wick; Service Bridge, Wick; Latheron Harbour; Dunbeath Harbour; Helmsdale Harbour; Brora Harbour; Golspie; Embo Harbour; Portmahomack and its harbour; Hilton; Balintore and its harbour; Shandwick; Rockfield; Rosemarkie; and Nairn. The highest estimated repair bills are at Balintore and harbour �835,000; Portmahomack and harbour �450,000; Dunbeath Harbour �100,000; Golspie �85,000; Nairn �85,000; Hilton �75,000; and Latheron Harbour �65,000.
Full Report For TEC services committee to Highland Council 17th Janaury 2013
Storm Photos At Wick

Rural schools report leaked - TES
Draft document reveals flawed arguments on closures
Local authorities have often been selective and misleading in making the case to close rural schools, according to long-awaited and hard- hitting findings from the Commission on Rural Education. A draft of the commission’s still-unpublished report, seen by TESS, calls for an end to the “dishonesty” that plagues debate around controversial school closures, and highlights a problem of confusing legislation. Anti-closure campaigners’ argument that communities will die without their school is found to be overstated. Evidence from local authorities, however, is found to have a number of shortcomings.

End to Spruce embezzlement saga - All creditors will be paid, says gala chairwoman
long-running saga of a Wick charity’s efforts to recoup thousands of pounds embezzled from its funds is set to reach a welcome conclusion later this month. The �22,000 was stolen from the then Wick Town Improvements Association, by its treasurer Karen Spruce, more than two years ago leaving the organisation in the lurch with little or no funds to pay its creditors. The fraud was subsequently discovered, and Spruce, admitted at Wick Sheriff Court embezzling the cash between April 26, 2005 and June 2008. The fifty-five-year-old was ordered to repay the money, in advance of sentence. She was warned by Sheriff Ian Cameron that failure to do so, would inevitably attract a prison sentence.................
More local stories in Doanalsin's Diary

Modern Jive Dance Classes For Fun and Fitness
Jive Classes With Steve Hicks
Learn a new skill that’s fun, helps you get fit and is a great way of meeting new people – no partners are required. The biggest draw back of some dances, if you’re new to dancing, is that you spend time and money learning the moves but then find there is nowhere to put what you have learnt into practice. This is where Modern Jive comes into its own, because it can be danced to a huge variety of music from Rock & Roll to Salsa, R & B to Country, Swing to Jazz and even to Reggae.

New Courses Starting At North Highland College
New courses At North Highland College, Thurso
New courses are starting on 28th January 2013 at North Highland College.  Gain qualifications in Hairdressing, food Preparation and Beauty Therapy.

York students to shoot war film in Caithness - BBC
Students from the University of York are to shoot their graduation film in Caithness. Called A War Story, the 25 minute short film set at the outbreak of World War I will involve more than 20 crew and cast members. Locations will include Dunnet Forest, the most northerly community woodland on the British mainland, and Wick Territorial Army Hall. Filming will take place from 1 to 10 February.

Free Football In Wick for 12 to 16 Year Olds
Free Football in Wick

Caithness Horizons Launch Their “Peter's Pal's”: Young Curator's Club
Peters Pals Young Curators Club
On 19th and 20th January Caithness Horizons will be launching a new initiative called "Peter's Pals" a Young Curators Club for children aged between 8 and 12 years old.

Led by “Peter” the Museum’s mascot who is a Little Penguin (scientific name: Eudyptula minor) and the Museum Curator “Peter’s Pal’s” will meet regularly (once a month apart from at Christmas and during the summer holidays) to investigate the Museum Collection; participate in workshops to learn new skills relating to the Museum’s Collection. Membership will be just �10 per year.

A special launch weekend for “Peter’s Pals” is planned for 19th and 20th January 2013. The 20th January just happens to be National Penguin Awareness Day!

New Wick council phone numbers from 21st January 2013
New Council Phone Numbers In Wick From Monday 21st JanuaryNew Wick council telephone numbers from 21st Januarty 2013
The Wick Offices of Highland council at Market Square will close on Friday 18th January and reopen on Monday 21st January 2013 at Girnigoe Street, Wick. A new telephone system has been installed and new telephone numbers allocated - see the listing via the link above. Wheels For Business In Caithness
The bus to Portskerra, Sutherland from Thurso Forss EngineeringCancer Research UK in Thurso

194 vehicles now in the photos gallery starts HERE

Accident At Wick Harbour -
Issued By Northern Constabulary
'Northern Constabulary are carrying out enquiries into an accident that took place at Wick Harbour on Monday 07th January 2013 about 6:30pm. A workman who was aboard a ship docked at the harbour fell onto decking, sustaining fractures. The injuries are not life threatening. The Health and Safety Executive have also been involved in the enquiry and at that this time investigations are still ongoing.'
IDEAALIDEAAL has been unloading wind turbines for the past couple of days at Wick harbour - see photos below. Full details about the ship can be seen HERE  The current position of the ship that has left Wick can be seen HERE

ATTENTION Voluntary Groups - Several New funding opportunities in the Community Section

Contract Opportunities Now Open At Highland Council - Deadline 29th January
Opportunities for local contractors to renew existing applications or apply for construction works with Highland Council. The Highland Council is currently in the process of renewing and reviewing its Contractors Framework agreement, which may be used by Services within the Council for selecting contractors to carry out construction works covering reactive day to day repairs, general maintenance works and minor projects up to the value of �50,000.

Wick Harbour Continues To Be A Busy Place For Turbine Traffic
wind turbines arriving at Wick Harbour Wind Turbines Arrive At Wick

Wick Rotary Club Want Your Old Bicycles To Recycle To Third World
Bicycles For Recycling Wick Rotary To Recycle Bicycles

Do you have a bicycle you no longer need? Then you can help some poor people in third world countries to get mobile. Wick Rotary club are collecting old bicycles to refurbish and send off to people who can really use some help with their transport.

Portable Museum Of Curiosity inspired by Robert Dick baker & botanist

Joanne B Kaar - "The Portable Museum Of Curiosity"
This "Portable Museum of Curiosity" is the result of a collaboration with Joanne B Kaar, artist, and Joanne Howdle, museum curator for Caithness Horizons, Thurso, as part of Museums Galleries Scotland / Creative Scotland, Iconic Artists in Iconic Places residency 2012. "The Portable Museum of Curiosity" is available for schools, colleges, community groups, museums, galleries and other heritage organisations to borrow. If you would like to borrow the "Portable Museum of Curiosity" please contact Joanne Howdle, Curator, Caithness Horizons by telephone on 01847 896508 or e-mail: joannehowdle[AT]
Robert Dick’s Collection of Fossils - An article written for the Caithness Field Club by the late Jack Saxon in 1997.
Some Caithness Grasses
J K Butler - October 1981
Photo of Holy Grass
Robert Dick on Wikipedia Old Buildings In Caithness
Girnal At Staxigoe
Girnal, Staxigoe Girnal, Staxigoe Girnal, Staxigoe Girnal, Staxigoe

The grain store was formerly part of a group of 3 grain stores situated directly above Staxigoe harbour. The other 2 grain stores (one of which was built as 2 houses in the late 19th century and converted to a grain store in the 20th century) were situated nearby to the NW, they were demolished in 2003.Although predominantly gutted and re-roofed in asbestos it is a large, impressive building with important historical and cultural associations to Staxigoe and the local area. The 1865 New Statistical Account dates the 2 earlier grain stores buildings as early 17th century, however as J Hume points out it is more likely that they are 18th century. Staxigoe during the 18th and 19th century was a busy small port with the grain stores playing a fundamental role in the life of the village. - from  Buildings At Risk web site
Earlier photos with the 3 barns in place
More Staxigoe Photos
A to Z Caithness
2013 Castle of Mey 10k Race - Entries Open on Monday 7th January 2013
2013 Mey 10k Race
The most Northerly 10K
on British Mainland. Castle of Mey 10K event will take place on 12 May 2013. If you want to run then be quick. This 10k entry fills up very fast as seen in previous years. Only 600 places and you enter at  The Castle of Mey 10k is the most northerly 10k on the British mainland, and is run in the beautiful grounds and surroundings of the historic 14th Century Scottish Castle, the Queen Mother's home in Caithness. With the kind permission of the Castle and Gardens of Mey, North Highland Harriers are the proud organisers of the Castle of Mey 10K.
Don't Forget The Wick May Mini Triathlon 5th May 2013 - Swim 400m Cycle 10km Run 3km

Ballacharn Broch and surroundings - Bail a' Chairn Broch
Ballacharn Broch - Bail a'Chairn Broch Ballacharn Broch - Bail a'Chairn Broch Nearby Ballacharn Broch Nearby Ballacharn Broch

Bail a' Chairn or Ballacharn Broch
is located at Acharole near Watten along the same road as Scouthal which is itself further along from the Achingale Mill. the road leads eventualyl along to the Causeymire wind farm which can be seen very minutely in the far distance from the top of the broch as can other wind farms all of which are several miles away.
Video of Area around Ballachard Broch

Wick Academy 6 Turriff United 2
Wick Academy 6 Turriff United 2 Wick Academy 6 Turriff United 2 Wick Academy 6 Turriff United 2 Wick Academy 6 Turriff United 2

Reporter Noel Donaldson  - Photos From The Match
WICK ACADEMY fans got their money’s worth again, in a eight-goal thriller which included one from stand-in striker Graham Bain. The runaway win maintained the Scorries impressive home record. All-in-all, an extremely happy start to the new year which saw them within a point of table toppers Cove Rangers, but with a better goal count.

Scouthal - Another Hidden Gem Area Of Caithness
Scouthal, Caithness Scouthal, Caithness Scouthal, Caithness Scouthal, Caithness

Scouthal is an area of Caithness about a mile roughly south of Watten.  Centred on a large house surrounded by beautiful countryside, woodlands filled with wildlife.  The house shown here  has several old buildings including a former blacksmiths house and workshop.  The house and an area of surrounding land is currently up for sale - a video from the agent Georgeson's can be seen HERE   Full particulars about the property can be seen HERE   The burn that runs through flows eventually into the Wick River..
Many other places in Caithness can be seen in the A to Z.

More Wheels In Caithness
Speedy Skip Hire Korrie MechanicalRecycling Highland CouncilMacFarlane Arts
Cairn Housing Association Pulteneytown and Thrusmter Church Community TransportHighland Council Van M and H Carriers
Miller Construction William Coghill - Painters and DecoratorsHighland Council Drain Cleaning Handy Person Services
Mortgage Shop Top Joes and Comm Bar

Dunnet Forestry Trust Monthly Log sale
Get your logs to keep your fire burning for another month.
Old Caithness Buildings
Former Flax Mill Later A Foundry - Thurso
Former Flax Mill later Foundry - Thurso Fomrer flax mill later foundry at Thurso

Coastal Collapse At Rear Of Scrabster Coastguard Station
Cliff collapse at rear of Scrabster coastguard station Cliff Collapse at Rear of Scrabster coastguard stationCliff collapse at rear of Scrabster coastguard stationCliff collapse at rear of Scrabster Coastguard station

The cliff at the rear of the Scrabster coastguard staiton and a nearby house has collapsed taking about ten feet of garden and grass down towards the beach.  The fence has gone with the soil and stones.  There does not appear to be any imminent danger to the properties but no doubt there will need to be an assessment of the ground which is now much nearer to the edge.
Highland Council Launch The Community Challenge Fund
Community Challenge Fund In Highland
In a move aimed at encouraging community empowerment, The Highland Council today (Thursday 3rd January 2013) launched its new Community Challenge Fund, which will provide �1 million each year of recurring spending for community projects exploring new ways of delivering services at a local level. Community councils, community groups and establish social enterprises are invited to express their interest via a one-page form which is available from the home page of the Council’s web site:
John O Groats FC under 15s 2012 season highlights

Football Flourishing In The Far North
North Football Doing Welll
2012 has proved to be a good year for football teams in the very far north of Scotland. Former semi-professional Highland league teams Inverness Caledonian Thistle (ICT) and Ross County are doing well in the Scottish Premier League. ICT are currently second in the SPL while Scottish cup finalists in 2010, Ross County, are holding their own in the top flight and are looking good to avoid relegation. The Highland derbies are producing some highly entertaining games, and may be considered to be the New Firm of Scottish football. In the UK’s more northerly semi professional league, the Highland League, the most northerly club Wick Academy are currently in second place and have a good chance of winning their first ever Highland league title this season. Not only are they enjoying their best form ever since joining the Highland league in 1994 (after ICT and Ross County left to join the SFL) but they are playing entertaining and attractive football that is played on the ground at pace. View highlights of their recent win over local rivals Brora Rangers by clicking here. Even the most northerly junior club on the British mainland had its most successful season ever this past year. John O Groats under 15’s squad (pictured, above right), who are part of the Caithness Boys Football Association, won three county tournaments and finished joint top of the county league. As Thurso Swifts, who were also joint top, were unable to raise a team for a decisive play-off match, it was decided that the 2012 league title would be shared.

Highlights Of The Wick Academy V Brora Rangers Game 29th December 2012  Wick Academy 3 Brora 0
See the goals HERE

More Photos From Wick's Street Party
Wick Street Party for 2013

Why not begin researching your Family History? A good place to start is Caithness Family History Society. It is a Scottish Registered Charity (No SC029848) founded in 1999. Since then it has enabled hundreds of people, in Caithness and around the world, to research their Caithness ancestors. Links with other members mean that information can be shared and family trees and photographs can be exchanged. Eight meetings are held each year in Thurso and two in Wick. The next one is on 9th January 2013 in Caithness Horizons. (See’s What’s On section)
Wick Brought In 2013 At The Annual Street Party
Wick's New Year Party for 2013 Wicks New Year Party for 2013 Wick New Year Party for 2013

Happy New Year to Everyone
We hope you all are enjoying the holiday.

A Look At Some Sites In Wick That will Begin To Change With Redevelopments in 2013
Council Offices        Wick High School                  Rhind House
Council Offices, Market Square, Wick site of new Wick High School Rhind House

Happy New Year To Everyone From

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