Caithness Woman Takes Second Place As Rally Navigator
Sara Hamilton 2nd Place Rally Navigator
In only her second year in the navigators seat of the Hamilton Optimum Training Kadett, Sara Hamilton was awarded 2nd overall Rally Navigator, first Ladies and the Alexander Trophy which is awarded by the EACC committee to the most outstanding lady. With a limited calendar last year due to work commitments and a few driver/car failures this was even more remarkable, given the steep learning curve and the pain she has had to endure due to a childhood problem with a hip joint. This year has not been an easy year for the rallying pair, with the rear axle breaking at Ingilston, parts having to be sourced from Sweden, a collision with a tyre wall in Crail, resulting in the passenger’s side loosing the battle and finally at Kames in Sept when the new propshaft failed requiring a quick change and they still drove to a class win with the anti roll bar mounting broken................
More Wick Christmas Fun Day Photos
Wick Christmas Fun Day Wick Christmas Fun Day Wick Christmas Fun Day

More Caithness Businesses On Wheels
A Caithness Bus The Flower PatchRoyal Mail VanPlowmans Carpets

See more sections HERE

Latest Old Buildings Photos
Derelict Building, Miller Street, Wick Ham Mill48 Argyle Square

Christmas Fun Day At Wick
Christmas Fun Day At Wick Christmas Fun Day at WickChristmas Fun Day At WickChristmas Fun Day at Wick

New Community Section Now Under Construction

Wick's Christmas Zumbettes Dance Into Fun Day

Spectacular Sunrise Over Wick Bay
Spectacular Sunrise Over Wick Bay

Latest Caithness Vehicles
Birons Gritter at DunbeathBobby's Bus

If you would like to show off your business vehicles email photos to [email protected] - great FREE ad with a link to your web page or business page.  See more sections HERE

Farewell to Autumn
Farewell To Autumn 2012 Farewell To AutumnFarewell To Autumn 2012

Wick Fiddle and Accordion Club
Wick Fiddle and Accordion Club Wick Fiddle and Accordion ClubWick Fiddle and Accordion Club

Old Buildings In Caithness - New Photo Gallery Started
Old Buildings In Caithness
There are a number of places that record old buildings in Scotland and we thought it would be a good idea to draw together them into a photo gallery here on Bill has begun to take photos of more old buildings to add to photos already on the site and to draw together some already in part of the site so they are easy to find in one place. The section old buuildings in Caithness photo gallery on will not be proscriptive and not limited to preservation areas or just historic interest. Any old property that might be of interest will be added. Buildings might be houses, crofts, outhouses, store houses, barns, toilets, and any other built structure that might be of interest.
NOTE - This item is one of several in our new Community section now under construction.  The community section will eventually replace many out of date sections currently listed in the community index.

Bower Busy Bees Get Active With New Go-Karts 
Go Karts
All smiles as the Bower Busy Bees show off their new go-karts. The go-karts were funded through MFR Cash for Kids and will encourage the youngsters to get active even in the poorer winter weather. The nursery has a surfaced play area which is used when the grass play area is wet and muddy. The go karts are a perfect attraction for the surfaced play areas and they can’t wait to try them out. Marina Swanson, secretary of the Bower Busy Bees said:“We are delighted with the financial support received from MFR Cash for Kids which has enabled our nursery to purchase the Go-karts. The children at Bower love to get out and about whatever the weather and I’m sure the new karts will be a big hit. The children were so excited when they first saw them and I’m sure they will bring much enjoyment”.

Wick Academy 3 - Formartine 1 - Reporter Noel Donaldson
Wick Academy 3 Formartine 1
WICK ACADEMY underlined their credentials as league title contenders after they beat off a strong challenge aimed at unseating them as table toppers, on Saturday. The Scorries gave notice of their determination not to relinquish their coveted position, let alone lose that enviable home run of 16 consecutive home wins - with a Richard Macadie, 14thminute strike from a free kick ball, punched clear by the Formartine keeper Andy Shearer. An above-average crowd of Scorries’ fans soared over the moon, when their team consolidated their lead with a fine distance drive from Gary Weir, some 18 minutes later. Never-say-die United got back into the game, however, after a spell of sustained pressure, through a Daniel Park header in the dying minutes of the first period.....more
�9million wind farm fund could be shot in the arm for Caithness community
Limkiln Wind Farm Could Generate Millions For Local Communities
The �9million community benefit fund associated with Infinergy’s Limekiln wind farm proposal could help villagers in Reay safeguard their community’s future with a range of innovative projects designed to boost economic growth and tourism potential. Green energy firm Infinergy is offering the community surrounding its 24-turbine Limekiln wind farm proposal an industry-leading community benefit package worth �5,000 per megawatt (MW) – a total of up to �360,000 per year or �9million over the 25 year lifetime of the project, based on a total installed capacity of up to 72MW.

More Vehicles In Caithness
Commerical Vehicles In Caithness Commerical Vehicles In Caithness CDommerical Vehicles in Caithness Commerical Vehicles in Caithness

We began listing vehicles in Caithness a number of years ago and some have already disappeared and been replaced by new ones in new businesses or additions to fleets.  The listings show only a fraction of the vehicles working in CaithnessIf you would like a photo of your vehicles added please email them to [email protected]
This section is headed up as general and other sections can be seen HERE

Scrabster Harbour Gearing Up For Marine Energy
Scrabster November 2012
Work on the new much larger quay is nearing completion at Scrabster. With all the new developments heading for the Pentland Firth waters in coming years the harbour will soon be in a postion to service this massive new industry as Scotland moves towards being self sufficient in alternative energy productionThe harbour is spening about �20 million to improve the facilites including the new much enlarge pier and lay down opportunities and heavy lifting to cope with the large structures expected to arrive at the port in coming years.

At Last The Full Photos - Caithness and Sutherland Vintage Vehicles Rally 2012
1 - 177                       Winners Photos  Vintage Motor Cycles
Caithness and Sutherland Vintage Vehicles 2012 Prize winners at Caithness and Sutherland Vintage Vehicles 2012     Vintage Vehicles Caithness and Sutherland 2012     
We still have captions to add to some of the photos.
Remembrance In Caithness 2012
Wick                                   Wick Cemetery         Ackergill & Hempriggs Memorial
Remembrance at Wick 2012 Remembrance at Wick Cemetery 2012Remebrance at Ackergill and Hempriggs Memorial
North And West Caithness Ploughing Association 23rd Ploughing Match
North and West Caithness Ploughing Association 23rd Ploughing Match North and West Caithness 23rd Ploughing Match North and West Caithness Ploughing Association 23rd Ploughing MatchNorth and West Caithness Ploughing Association 23rd Ploughing Match

A nice sunny day after frost made for a good day out for the ploughmen in the 23rd ploughing match held at Greenland Mains near Castletown on Saturday 3rd November 2012.

A Short Film Clip From The North and West Caithness Ploughing Match

See another short film clip from the ploughing match HERE

Fire At Ormlie Industrial Estate - From The Air
Aeriel Views of fire at Ormlie Industiral Estate Fire at Ormlie Industrial Estate From The AirFire at Ormlie Industrial Estate From The Air

A fire that broke out at Ormlie Industrial Estate, Thurso, Caithness about midday on Saturday 3rd November 2012 was brought under control by firefighters from Thurso and Wick.  Four tenders were at the scene of the fire.  Due to the proximity to house and danger of explosion from cylinders homes in Falconer Waters Court were temporarily evacuated.  No one is thought to have been hurt in the fire.

Missed The Last Few Days Items - Over 12 Years Indexed - Front Page Archive >

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards