Bower Busy Bees Environmental Project
Bower Busy Bees With a Willow BowerThe Busy Bees completed a willow bower as part of an environmental project. The final stage of the project was planted by the Highland Council Countryside Rangers and now forms part of the children's outdoor play area. At this time of year, the willow is dormant but during the growing season it will produce grean leaves and new stems which will create a living growing structure. The bower received funding through the Caithness Environmental fund suported by Highland Leader 2007-2013 and Scottish Naturasl Heritage. This funding stream also provided garden seating and a bird feeding station. We would like to thank everyone involvedin helping in brining this project to fruition including Caithness Partnership, Highland Council community payback and the Highland Council countryside rangers.

A Few Scenes In Springtime From Noel Donaldson
Daffodils at Wick Riverside Seagulls Find Plenty To Feed On Latest Towheads at Wick Bound For Wester

Caithness Firm Beats Hollywood To Ocean Depths
Bill Baxter and Keith Muir With New Equipment for Kongsdberg in WickOscar-winning film director James Cameron is rightly celebrating his successful voyage to the bottom of the sea this week... but a Caithness engineering firm got there first. This is because cameras built in Wick by world leading specialist underwater manufacturer Kongsberg Maritime Ltd were capturing images in the world's deepest place, the Mariana Trench, well before Hollywood.  "Our job involves developing high tech underwater equipment which is deployed across the world in some of the most challenging of terrains. We supplied cameras four years ago to clients working in this exciting location in the western Pacific," said Bill Baxter, KML's manager at the Wick factory.

A Bear Hunt For 3 to 6 Year Olds
A Bear Hunt For Easter
Cocktail Evening With Dinner At Mackays Hotel - �25 - 7th April
Cocktail Evening with Dinner at Mackays Hotel 7th April 2012

Doanalsin's Diary
Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy
Fit's in 'e Groat  - Friday 23rd March
Power link to service north renewables electricity

Wick Academy 1 Cove Rangers 1
Wick Academy 1 Cove Rangers 1 Wick Academy 1 Cove Rangers 1 Wick Academy 1 Cove Rangers 1 Wick Academy 1 Cove Rangers 1
Reporter - Noel Donaldson
Goal scorers were Davie Allen for Wick Academy and the equaliser for Cove was from substitute Ryan Scott.
Wick Academy 1.......Cove Rangers....1....(h.t. 1-0)
A GOAL gift late in the game, saved Cove Rangers’ blushes.
It came in the 84th minute when optimistic Academy’s fans were starting to think their team might be adding the visitors to a handful of notable scalps they have taken this season.  During a spell of feverish defending, the Wick keeper came out to block a strike by Johston Scott who was quick to capitalise on the rebound and an open net.  I fancy the roar from a knot of his fans in front of the south stand was more one of relief than celebration.  After a dour, first-half slog in which both defences excelled, spectators might have been resigning themselves to a no-scoring outcome.  It was going to take an exceptional piece of play to break the stalemate and it came in the 64th minute when Academy’s Richard Macadie, delivered a perfect, aerial, ball  to David Allan on the right, who rounded it off with a clinical finish from an acute angle.   Cove, conscious what was now at stake, redoubled their efforts in the now, foggy Harmsworth Park and put the Wick defence, under pressure culminating in Scott’s face-saving equaliser.  Despite his manager, Kevin Tindal, playing down the importance of the game in his pre-match preview, the points dropped, might come home to haunt him in the last lap of the title race.  If Academy can give a serious, second place-in-the-table title contender, a fright, then, with a series of home games, bar one, in prospect, they could greatly improve their current 10th position.  Bring on Inverurie Locos!

Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter and more...
Phew, what a long week!  We've just finished checking every web site link contained within the Caithness Business Index. On top of that, we've added links to every Caithness Business Facebook page, Twitter feed and YouTube video we could find on those web sites.
Many New Events Listed in What's On
Get Your Event In Now For Maximum Coverage
Events can be added even for dates months or years in the future gaining your event massive free coverage.  Many visitors look at the What's On when planning trips to the county so the sooner an event is listed the more chance it willbe seen and be useful to visitors.
Posters Add Colour To Your Event
A poster can add to your free advertising on and we have a poster section for these.  All we need is jpeg file of the poster - Note - Word Docs are not compatible with the set up.  If its in a Pdf we can usually sort it out.  Jpegs allow us to add it faster and we are often short of time so it may be missed unless sent in plenty of time in advance.  Poster will be added free of charge and may be shown in other sections such as the Arts section if it is a closely related topic.

What Is the Role Of Religion In A Scientific World?
What is the role of religion in a scientific world

Job Seekers Special Event
Job Seeker Event

Wave North - Breaking Out Of The Surf
Wave North

Sculpture Trail To Comemorate Lost Caithness Beaches
Gavin Lockhart - SculptorSutherland-based artist Gavin Lockhart has been commissioned to undertake the next stage of public art at John O'Groats, with a series of works celebrating the dramatic and changing coastline of Caithness.
Following a public meeting last year on the future artistic shape of John O'Groats, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) sought professional artists to transform the coast around the village.  Titled "Path", Gavin's concept is to create permanent artworks along the coastal paths at John O'Groats. These will be designed to create a reminder of the beaches that used to dominate the coast - before much of the sand was removed for the war effort during World War Two. Sand from the once-famous 2.5 mile long beach was used as a soil improver on fields due to its high shell content as part of the "Dig for Victory" campaign.
Over 750 Events In Caithness Are Currently Listed For 2012 - Is Your Event In???????
The What's On appears on many sections across the web site and gets hundreds of look-ups each week.  the events appear daily on this page and many others including arts and sports.  Make sure your event gets as much coverage as possible by listing your event as soon as you have the details by completing the easy form HERE

The Gillie Mor - A Celebration in Caithness of Folk Culture  - 29th-31st March
The Gillie Mor
Folk phenomenon Dick Gaughan's presence in this year's programme may help audiences understand how the festival got its name.
Margaret Bennett returns to Thurso this year with 'Highland Exodus' a talk and slide presentation about Highland emigrants to Canada during the Potato Famine of the nineteenth century.
Essie Stewart knows well the bi-lingual nature of Highland folklore.  Known throughout the Highlands as a traditional storyteller from Sutherland - one of the last 'Summer Walkers' of the travelling families
Sharing a song and story session with Essie Stewart, Nancy Nicolson is now Edinburgh-based.
Fellow Caithness countrymen George Gunn and Kevin Williamson could not be accused of using stealth to subdue audiences, although they share the ability to charm as well as shock.
Kevin Williamson will deliver his one-man hit show from last year's Edinburgh Festival 'Robert Burns: Not in My Name',
Three days  packed with events - check out the programme.

Doanalsin's Diary
Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy
E Groat This Week
Wick High School Funding Debacle
Scam Letters In Wick
Fire Services In Turmoil
Northern Police Services  - MSP's Ask For Local Accountability

Climate Change Talks - Find Out More At Two Lectures - FREE
"Is the climate really changing and is it important?"
- Tuesday 13th March 2012, 17:30
Prof John McClatchey - Environmental Research Institute - Castle Street, Thurso, KW14 7JD
"The impact of climate change on Antarctic invertebrates"
- Thursday 15th March 2012, 17:30
Dr Cath Waller - University of Hull -
Centre for Energy and Environment, North Highland College, Ormlie Road, Thurso KW14 7EE
Open Day To Find Out More About Natural Retreats At John O'Groats
Mackays Hotel, Wick - For The Public 9.00am - 1.00pm Wed 7th March
For Suppliers Tuesday 6th March

Jog Open Day

Caithness U3A Starts Again On Thursday 8th March
After a winter break (unnecessary as it turned out!), Caithness U3A recommences its regular meetings in Thurso West Church on Thursday 8th March at 2.30pm.  The speaker will be Ronnie Johnstone who will give a talk on ethics entitled “Why bother to be good? The others have more fun.”  There will be a small exhibition of crafts made from recycled materials, along with ideas for new groups in addition to those already established – Book Group, Local History, Philosophy, French and Italian.
Refreshments will be available and new members are always welcome. Folks are urged to come along and catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
New Teen Scene In Thurso
New Teen Scene In Thurso
Every Friday Evening From 10th March
upport community initiatives over its lifetime.  The proposed wind farm of up to 26 turbines would have a generating capacity of around 78 megawatts (MW), enough to power around 43,600 homes - equivalent to 43% of Highland households.  With an associated community benefit package worth up to �5,000 per MW, the project could generate an annual windfall of around �390,000 each year for the local community over its 25-year lifespan.  For more information see
The company is holding community open days at Reay Village Hall on Thursday 8th March, from 2pm to 8pm, and Friday 9th March, from 12pm to 6pm

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards