Wick Gala 2012 - Braehead Children's Fancy Dress   1 - 48
Braehead Fancy DressBraehead Fancy DressBraehead Fancy DressBraehead Fancy Dress

Baby Show - Wick Gala 2012
Baby Show Wick Gala 2012Baby Show Wick Gala 2012Baby Show  Wick Gala 2012Baby Show Wick Gala 2012Baby Show Wick Gala 2012Baby Show Wick Gala 2012Baby show Wick Gala 2012

Wick Gala 2012 - Cycle Races
Cycle Races At Riverside WickCycle Races At Riverside WickCycle races at Riverside WickCycle Races At Riverside WickCycle Races At Riverside Wick

Thurso Grand Prix Soap Box Challenge
Soap Box Challenge
The Rotary Club of Thurso are inviting budding engineers and willing competitors of ages 8 to 88, to participate in the Thurso Soap-Box Grand Prix, at 1.00pm on 8th September 2012, at The North Highland College. The idea is for individuals or teams to design and construct the fastest, most attractive and most entertaining free-rolling soap-box kart they can. All standards of manufacture are welcome, especially beginners. Engineering skills and driving performance will be tested on a time-trial track at the College. The event is also open to pedal-car drivers too, as we are aware that participants may already have such ready-made vehicles to run.

Halkirk Highland Games 2012 - Final Photo Set 1 - 181
Halkirk Highland Games 2012 Halkirk Highland Games 2012Halkirk Highland Games 2012Halkirk Highland Gaems 2012

Marine Energy Park Launch For Pentland And Orkney Waters
The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters in the North of Scotland will today confirm their place on the global marine energy map with the launch of the area as a Marine Energy Park. Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker will welcome the launch of the marine park during a visit to Thurso in Caithness, where he is set to address key players from across the marine renewable energy industry. The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Energy Park will incorporate the world-leading European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) which attracts developers from across the world and where testing of a wide range of wave and tidal energy devices is already under way. and Orkney Waters.
Wick Gala - Photos 1 - 279

Wick Gala 2012 Wick Gala 2012Wick Gala 2012Wick Gala 2012

Rovers reign supreme in the rain - - Reporter Noel Donaldson
Wick Academy.....2.......Raith Rovers.....4 (h.t. 0-1)
Wick Academy 2 Raith Rovers 4 Wick Academy 2 Raith Rovers 4 Wick Academy 2 Raith Rovers 4 Wick Academy 2 Raith Rovers 4

can hold their heads high, despite being overcome by the visitors who gave their lion mascot plenty to roar about at the final whistle. The Scorries put on an entertaining display and there were spells where there was little, if anything, between their considerable divisional divides, at a packed Harmsworth Park that was frequently on the receiving end of torrential downpours.  Report
Wick Academy Web Site

Dancing At Halkirk Highland Games 2012

Halkirk Highland Games 2012
Halkirk Highland Games 2012 Halkirk Highland Games 2012 Halkirk Highland Games 2012 Halkirk Highland Games 2012 - Dancers

Halkirk Highland Games 2012 - March To The Field

Wick Gala Queen 2012
Wick Gala Queen 2012 Wick Gala Queen 2012 Wick Gala 2012 Wick Gala 2012 Wick Gala 2012 Wick Gala 2012

Many Gala night photos coming later.

Gala - Games - Footy
So Much Happening In Caithness Today - Pick Your Events
It will be difficult to choose something to see today with so many events happening.
The big attractions of the day are -
Halkirk Highland Games from 12.00 Noon
Wick Gala - Crowning Of The Gala Queen and Floats Parade through Wick tonight
Judging of floats 6.00pm Riverside
Wick Academy V Raith Rovers - A big crowd is expected to see this game - Kick off 3.00pm
In addition the county is full of other things to do and see on today so get out and enjoy them.  We will be at the HHlkirk Highland Games this afternoon and Wick Gala tonight - see some of you there.  We hope to have photos of these two events going on to the web site on Sunday for those of you too far to attend.
The county has been a hive of activity with preparations for all the events on today.  Competitors and travellers from round the world have arrived for the Halkirk Games and many people are back home for Wick Gala.  A train from the south will bring hundreds of Raith Rover supporters in to Wick for the big football game today.
The Thurso Cinema in Caithness Is Back In Action
The Thurso Cinema, Scotland's most northerly cinema, re-opens today saving local residents a 109-mile journey to Inverness to enjoy the cinematic experience. The Thurso Cinema (on the site of the former All Star Factory) in Thurso, Caithness, has two purpose built auditoria with 250 seats in total. The plan is to install the latest digital technology and 3D equipment over the next few months so that by Christmas customers will be able to enjoy live opera, ballet, cultural and sporting events in 2D and 3D at their local cinema. New owner Rob Arthur also hopes to convert the existing bowling alley from the current 2 screens to 5 at a future date.
Massed Pipe Bands At Wick On Saturday Evening
Pipe Bands At Wick Pipe Bands At WickKids Watch Pipe Bands At wickPipe Bands At Wick

A RARE weather window gave Wickers and visitors a golden opportunity to hear some excellent piping and drumming in the Market Square, last night. Dull, but mild conditions attracted an appreciative crowd of all ages for the extra-special massed display given by the Wick RBLS Pipe Band, Thurso Pipe Band and the Caithness Junior Pipe Band which delighted locals and visitors alike who were invited to a ceilidh at the Norseman Hotel after the hour-long performance compered by Wick band secretary John Bogle, who not only introduced the bands and their selections, but gave spectators a brief resume of their history.

Caithness County Show 2012 - More From Friday
- All Photos From Show Now On - 899
121 - 132                  133 - 144                                     145 - 154
Caithness County Show 2012 Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012

61 - 72                       73 - 84                       85 - 96                       97 - 108                 109 - 120
Caithness County Show 2012 Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012
Caithness County Show 2012 - More Photos From Friday
37 - 48                            49 - 60
Caithness County Show 2012 Caithness County Show 2012

Caithness County Show - Hundreds Of County Show Photos From Saturday Now Added
Batch One 1 - 149         Batch Two  1 - 149       Batch Three  1 - 149     Batch Four  1 - 167
Caithness County Show 2012 Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012Caithness County Show 2012

Friday Night Around Caithness County Show 2012 - More to come in this section
1 - 12                        23 - 24                      25 - 36
Friday At Caithness County Show Friday At Caithness County Show 2012Friday At Caithness County Show

The Flower Tent
48 - 60                       61 - 72                       73 - 83  
Flower Tent at Caithenss County Show 2012 Flower Tent At Caithness County Show 2012Flower Tent At Caithness County Show
Lots of Caithness County Show Photos To Come On Sunday - Here are a few from the flower tent to start.

Flower Tent  - Caithness County Show 2012
1 - 48
Flower Tent At Caithness County Show 2012 Flower Tent Caithness County Show 2012 Flower Tent - Caithness County Show 2012

What's There to Do In Caithness During School Holidays? - Plenty
Weather Is Yucky - Are You Bored Of TV and DVD - Never Mind The Rain - Get Out In Caithness

  • Check Out Ranger Activities This Summer - HERE (PDF)
  • Go Swimming In Thurso and Wick - Check out Hi-life Card for a great family deal. - HERE
    The Hi-Life membership offers access to many facilities at reduced cost.
    Check out Highland Highlife other Activities all over Highland - HERE.

If its wet then get even wetter and have fun - "Go Surfing".
Caithness Now Famous For Surfing - Ever Wanted To Try? It now You Can!
O'Neill Surf event event on the 14th- 15th July and 21st- 22nd July.  So it will be over two weekends.
Thurso Surf school will offer free O'Neill goodies with every surf lesson for a limited period over the summer.
Surf lessons cost �35 and last two hours, that includes insurance, equipment and tuition. Catering for all abilities and ages as well as welcoming both individual and group bookings.  So book something radical for the summer and learn to surf or improve your surfing with thurso surf and receive O'Neill freebies.
To book call 0844 802 5750 or email [email protected]

So its still raining!!!! - So What?  Still Plenty to do and see in Caithness...

Soon it will be Thurso Gala and Wick Gala for plenty of activities in each of their weeks.
Don't be bored get out and join in.  Get fit and errr play tennis, bowls, walking  - who cares about the weather.  You can only get wet and it's only water.
Go for a CAITHNESS Seacoast boat ride - thrilling and see coastal wildlife - AMAZINGLY YOU DON'T GET VERY WET - they supply all the gear to keep you dry as you jet through the water.
Plenty to do and see - check out the What's On for what is coming in the next few weeks
A few more ideas:

Many more events and activitiies in July HERE

Caithness Triples Bowls Final 2012 Winners
Triples Bowls Final 2012 Triples Bowls Final 2012Triples Bowls Final 2012Triples Bowls Finals 2012
Triples Bowls Finals 2012 Triples Bowls Finals 2012Triples Bowls Final 2012Triples Bowls Final 2012

Winners - From Thurso - Julia Knapp, Peter Dymond, Kevin Watt - £1250
Runners Up - From Wick - Lynn Mackenzie, George More, Perry Mackenzie - £350
Semi Finalists  - From Mintlay - Isobel Robertson, Kenny Steven, Les Robertson - £50
Semi Finalists - From Orkney - Barrie Bruce, Greig Rennie, Neil Anderson - £50
Silver Plate Winners - Brian Cormnack, Lorna McDermid, Keith Mackay - £150
Silver Plate Runners-up - Nancy McAdie, Alan Swanson, Charlie Newlands - £100

Both finalist teams only got together in the last few days before the competition starterd.  64 teams of three entered from all over the country.  Next years entry already has almost two thirds of the places taken up.  The Caithness Triples has become one of the most sought after bowls competitions to enter in the last 10 years.  The competition goes from strength to strength and the club captain paid tribute to the members, green keepers and the sponsors of the competition that included many local businesses.

Canisbay Show 2012
Canisbay Show 2012 Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012
Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012 Canisbay Show 2012Canisbay Show 2012

Due to so many events being on in Caithness on the same day as the Canisbay Show Bill could not stay long to get the usual coverage.  If anyone would like to add any photos to this gallery please email them to [email protected]

Triples Bowls Competition In Caithness Beats The Weather On Day One
Caithness Triples Bolws 2012 Caithness Triples Bowls 2012 Caithness Triples Bowls 2012

Day One Of The Caithness Triples got off to a good start and despite the poor weather in most parts of the country Caithness missed the rain even if it was cold.  The competition has been running at the two clubs in Wick and one in Thurso for the first day. The competitors braved the cool weather for a good day of competition.  The second day is on Sunday with finals expected to complete at St Fergus Bowling Club, Wick between 8.00 and 9.00pm.  With 180 competitors from clubs all over the country the county is very busy this weekend.

Green Wood Working Course - Your chance To Learn New Skills
Greenwood working Course - FREE
Here is a chance to help contribute to the wonderful work of the Dunnet Forestry Trust and learn some new skills at the same time.  Perhaps you are thinking about a career in woodworking or want to find out more about how wood can be used or just like working outdoors.  Apply soon as places are limited.

Keiss School Sports Day
Keiss School Sports Day Keiss School Sports DayKeiss School Sports Day

Serco Now In Charge Of NorthLink Ferries From Today
Hamanvoe Ferry
Serco Sets Sail - NorthLink Ferries Service Handover Complete.
Today, Thursday 5 July 2012, at 3pm Serco NorthLink Ferries officially began operating the Scottish Government contract for ferry services from the Scottish mainland to the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands.  In Caithness the ferry "Hamnavoe" sets sail from Scrabster each day and gives great views of the west of Orkney including the Old Man Of Hoy.  Managing director, Stuart Garrett, who was in Aberdeen today to meet staff and passengers as he took up his new post, took time to reassure people that for the remainder of 2012, timetables and ticket prices would stay the same.  He also explained that while retaining the NorthLink brand, that customers have become accustomed to, they could also expect to see exciting improvements being announced over the coming months with plans to invest in, grow and improve this lifeline service.  By the start of 2013 passengers can expect additional seating and new fully reclining seats, a refreshed catering service - including a new café bar and restaurant - and the introduction of onboard entertainment as well as enhanced WiFi access so that passengers can browse the internet or work while they travel.
See Hamanvoe Earlier Photos

Local Residents Wanted To Help Manage Community Fund
Residents living in three Community Council areas south and west of Wick are being recruited to be part of a local community panel to decide on how a £150,000 community fund should be distributed.  Nominations are invited from residents of Latheron, Lybster and Clyth; Tannach and District; and Watten Community Council areas to represent their community on the E.ON Camster Community Fund panel when funds become available for community projects next year.  The Scottish Community Foundation (SCF) has been appointed by the wind farm operator, E.ON, to manage the community fund.  The Foundation will work with communities to help them decide how funds should be allocated, using its grant-making expertise to ensure positive long lasting impact. Representatives of the three Community Councils have been working with the Scottish Community Foundation to establish the fund and to recruit a panel to take the work forward.  The 12 member panel will consist of four representatives from each of the three Community Council areas. Members will include one Community Councillor and three members of the public who are over 18 and living in the area. Interested individuals can nominate themselves via the nomination form for their Community Council area...................

The Red Dragon Chinese Acrobats In First Scottish Tour With Shanghai Express Circus
Shanghai Express Circus In Highland
The Shanghai Express Circus Is Coming To Caithness - Book Now To Be Sure Of A Seat
Shanghai Express 2012 Circus
New 'Shanghai Express' circus tour to bring world's most daring acrobats to Scotland - land of the brave.  The sensational Circus of the Orient is coming to Scotland with a brand new tour 'Shanghai Express' - bringing some of the world's most daring acrobats and circus performers to the land of the brave.

Thurso, Millbank Playing Fields, KW14 8PS
Monday, July 16th to Tuesday, July 17th - Monday 7pm, Tuesday 2.30pm & 7pm
Wick, Riverside, Caithness, KW1 4NL
Monday, July 23rd to Tuesday, July 24th - Monday 7pm, Tuesday 2.30pm & 7pm
For Other Venues - see full article

Featuring a galaxy of international circus stars from China, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, the new 'Shanghai Express'.  Among the stars of the new 'Shanghai Express' show are the world-renowned 'Red Dragon Chinese Acrobats' who will mark their first ever appearance in Scotland by performing an incomparable array of gymnastic acts set to send audiences head over heels.  From spectacular somersaults, to dazzling and dizzying acrobatics within the revolutionary Rein Wheel, this remarkable gymnastic troupe will showcase their strength and agility during a wonderful 100 minute circus show. The acrobats, from Nanle in the Henan province of China, will also perform the lavish 1,000-year-old tradition of Chinese lion dancing and a unique Oriental take on Western circus staples such as plate spinning and hat juggling.

Castletown Gala
73 - 84                       85 - 96                                  97 - 108
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012 Catletown Gala 2012

Lybster Gala Community Footy -  Slippy and Slidy
Lybster Gala Footy

Castletown Gala 2012
49 - 60               61 - 72
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012

13 - 24                                  25 - 36                                             37 - 48
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012  Castletown Gala 2012

Castletown Gala

73 - 84                       85 - 96                                  97 - 108
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012 Catletown Gala 2012

Lybster Gala Community Footy -  Slippy and Slidy
Lybster Gala Footy

Castletown Gala 2012
49 - 60               61 - 72
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012

13 - 24                                  25 - 36                                             37 - 48
Castletown Gala 2012 Castletown Gala 2012  Castletown Gala 2012

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards