Electric Cars Help Reduce Carbon Footprint In The Highlands
Electric Cars In Highland
Public agencies in the Highlands are leading the way in reducing carbon emissions from travel by using electric cars and vans for business use. In addition, the electric vehicles are expected to generate significant savings in both running costs when compared to hiring a regular car. The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Fire Service, Cairngorms National Park Authority and Northern Constabulary have formed the Highland Community Partnership to lease or buy electric vehicles with low carbon outputs. The Scottish Government provided gap funding to cover the cost difference between leasing these electric vehicles compared with standard equivalents through the Low Carbon Vehicle Procurement Scheme.

The Highland Council Backs An End To Tenants' Right To Buy
The Highland Council is to support an option being considered by the Scottish Government to end the right that Council house tenants have to buy their homes. The Council believes that ending the right to buy will help it meet the growing demand for affordable rented accommodation as housing waiting lists grow. In a submission to the Scottish Government's consultation "The Future of Right to Buy in Scotland", the Council highlights that 57% (15,244 houses) of its housing stock has been sold through right to buy since 1981.

Four Marine Energy Teams Vie For �10m Saltire Prize
meygen prototypeTwo tidal energy and two wave power developers have entered into the race for Scotland's �10 million Saltire Prize as the competition's Grand Challenge phase begins. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon welcomed senior representatives of the four teams to a Grand Challenge launch event in Orkney, where MeyGen was unveiled as the fourth Saltire Prize competitor, joining Aquamarine Power, Pelamis Wave Power and ScottishPower Renewables. Three projects will compete in the Pentland Firth & Orkney Waters - MeyGen's tidal energy project in the Inner Sound, Pelamis' wave power device at Farr Point and ScottishPower Renewables at Ness of Duncansby with the HS1000 tidal turbine developed by Andritz Hydro Hammerfest. Aquamarine's Saltire Prize project will see its Oyster wave energy converter deployed off the Isle of Lewis.

Find Out If Your Business Can Supply Highland Council
Help is at hand for Caithness businesses to supply The Highland Council. A free event aimed at helping Caithness-based businesses to supply The Highland Council will take place on Wednesday 5 September in Wick. Members of the Council's Procurement team will be on hand to provide free information and advice to help businesses through the processes of tendering for Council contracts. Caithness-based businesses which already supply, or wish to supply to the Council are encouraged to come along to talk individually to Procurement staff.

Saltire Prize Junior Photography Competition
Photo CompetitionSchool pupils are being invited to capture 'the power of the sea' in a junior photography competition aimed at highlighting the awesome force and natural resource of the waters around Scotland. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched the competition, being run under the auspices of the Saltire Prize for marine energy technology, as she announced that two tidal energy and two wave power developers are challenging for the main �10 million Prize. Ms Sturgeon also announced plans for a Saltire Prize-sponsored doctorate to study how marine energy projects can be designed to maximise economic energy production while protecting the environment. The photography competition aims to raise awareness of the natural environment and the potential of marine energy. Renowned Scots photographer David Eustace has agreed to judge the entries for the junior Saltire Prize photography competition.

Castle of Mey Opens Jubilee Rose Garden
New Garden At Mey Castle
The charity which runs The Castle of Mey, the Caithness home of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, celebrated the Diamond Jubilee and commemorated the 10th anniversary of HM The Queen Mother's passing by officially opening a new rose garden on Saturday 25th August. The Diamond Jubilee Rose Garden, with flowers all specifically chosen by HRH The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay, is situated in the walled garden, which was a favourite place of Her Majesty The Queen Mother and her corgis. She regularly frequented the Shell Garden on her visits to her Caithness home. The new garden will be full of blooming roses of all sizes and colours, and is a fitting tribute of the anniversary of the Gathering of The Queen Mother as well as the important milestone of the Diamond Jubilee. Launch of the Council's budget blog - should we shorten the school day?
The Highland Council has today (Monday) launched a budget blog on the home page of its web site: by asking the public if they think it is a good idea to save �3.2 million per year by shortening the school day of Primary 4 - 7 pupils by 30 minutes, bringing their day in line with Primary 1-3 pupils. Class hours for pupils in P 4-7 are currently 25 hours per week. The maximum class contact time for teachers is 22� hours per week and so it is necessary to employ additional teachers to cover the 2� hours per week which cannot be covered by the normal class teacher. Shortening the school day by 30 minutes per day would reduce the requirement for additional staff to cover those 2� hours teaching per week. With no additional staff being required for these classes, a saving of �3.2m per annum could be achieved. This could be achieved by the school day starting later, finishing earlier or lengthening the morning break and lunch break.
Collecting Seeds to Save Bumblebees
Great Yellow Bumblebee
The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is running a wild flower seed collecting workshop in partnership with Scotia Seeds. The workshop is free and open to anyone with an interest in learning how to collect wild flower seeds to help support the Great yellow bumblebee. The Great yellow bumblebee is one of the UK's rarest bumblebees and is now only found in north and west Scotland. The course will take place on Thursday 30th August in the scenic village of Bettyhill, Sutherland and will include a trip to Farr Glebe to collect seed and hopefully see Great yellow bumblebees.

Over 100 Children Get Reading Awards At Wick Library

Awards For Summer Reading Challenge At Wick Library
Wick library like other Highland libraries runs reading programmes in the summertime. These fun reading programmes for children are very popular and this year over 100 children received a medal and certificate. Library Supervisor Robbie Macdonald was joined by local Highland councillors Neil Macdonald, Willie Mackay, Alex McLeod, Gail Ross and Bill Fernie came along to congratulate the children and hand out their certificates and medals.

Wave North Pop Up Art Exhibition
25th October - 3rd November 2012 The Wave North festival is running again in October this year to coincide with the UK Pro Tour Surfing competition held at Thurso East. This year as well as the surfing there will be a temporary skate park at Thurso Harbour providing workshops and demonstrations. There will also be a varied programme of live music at the harbour and various venues and lots of children's activities throughout the weekend. The Wave North Pop-up art exhibition will run again this year throughout Caithness Horizons and shop windows around town. The exhibition will be open for submissions from artists and this year will also have a special category for under 18's.   Harbour Day At John O' Groats
1 - 25
Harbour Day at John O'Groats Harbour Day at John O'Groats

Caithness & North Sutherland Fund July 2012 Grant Awards
Caithness and North Sutherland Fund
The Caithness & North Sutherland Fund recently awarded its 3rd round of grants for 2012 to community projects totalling over �79K. Six groups in Caithness and two groups in the North Sutherland area have been awarded funding for projects that help to improve the attractiveness of their area as a place to live, work and invest. At the recent assessment meeting, Chairman John Henderson welcomed new members to the Caithness & North Sutherland Fund Board, Wick Cllr Gail Ross, Civic Leader Caithness and NW&C Sutherland Cllr Linda Munro, Highland Children's Champion.

Blas Festival - Wick             Budget Consultation Meeting Wick
Blas Wick 2012  Budget Consultation Meeting At Wick

Bower Gala 37 - 48
Bower Gala 2012

Keiss Gala
49 - 72
Keiss Gala 2012

Keiss Gala - More to come
25 - 48
Keiss Gala 2012 Keiss Gala 2012

Bower Gala 2012 - Still more to come
13 - 36
Bower Gala 2012 Bower Gala 2012Bower Gala 2012Bower Gala 2012

Keiss Gala 2012
1 - 24
Keiss Gala 2012 Keiss Gala 2012 - Fottball Keiss Veterans V Keiss Select

Bower Gala 2012
1 - 12
Bower Gala 2012 Bower Gala 2012
Scottish Independence - Have You Got a View  You Want To Share
Our forum is hotting up with items on this topic and no doubt there will be many more as we move towards the referendum that may change Scotland's position in the Uk for good or ill.  
Women For Independence
Sir Chris Tells It As It Is
What Is The SNP
If these threads do not cover your angles start a new thread.  It is easy to do and perhaps your views, fears, ambitions for the country may get other people thinking about the pros and cons of independence.  The jury is out and wil remain so for a long timeDo you think we will get to the referendum completely clear about all the issues and possible benefits and losses?  Did the jubliee or olympics make you think or change your mind about Scoltand's place in the UK?
Many people are wondering what is best for Scotland.  Have we been too long fed on "It's Scotland's Oil"?  Can we run our own armed forces without the rest of UK to back it up?  Taxation up or down?   Is it a beggar thy neighbour policy that will lead to more and more divisions down the decades or will it result in a new period of gain for Scottish people?  There are pluses and minuses in everything - what side do you tink the balance sheet shows as far as you are concerned?  The Scottish government will be coming out with its papers on all of this in coming months as we mover nearer to the referendum but you can air your views now and see it they line up with the thinking oin the papers yet to come.  Let's not make our mind up too fast on this one.  It will affect the country for generations.

Fit's In e' Coorier 'e day - Noel Donaldson
A fast blast of e local raggie.
Check out Doanalsin's Diary
for more news

Learner drink-driver jailed for Caithness A9 death crash  - BBC
A man who admitted causing a friend's death in a crash on the A9 in Caithness while drunk and still a learner driver, has been jailed for five years.

Caithness Orchestra - Can You Play An Instrument? - Check This Out
Caithness Orchestra
Orchestral players of ALL ages and stages welcome - no audition required.

Thurso Cinema In Full Swing
Thurso Cinema
Check Out What's On and See a Movie On the Big Screen
Brave - The Dark Knight Rises - The Expendables - Ice Age 4

University Of The Philippines Concert  - Great Performances At Thurso
University of Philippines Concert ChorusUniversity Of Philippines Concert ChorusUP concert Chorus

The Univeristy Of The Philippines was once again visiting Thurso as part of their 20th International Tour.  Thurso Rotary Club acted as host to the group who had come from Aberdeen.  The two concerts were packed out and they provided a superb range of singing with many songs having dance routines.  Songs were in both English and Tagalog and ranged over Pop, contemporary Filipino and international broadway songs.  The whole show was fast paced and two and half hours disappeared fast such was the entertainment.  The choir was set up in 1962 and this is their 50th year.  They have won many awards and competitions.  Let's hope they return in future years.
One song from the University of the Philippines Concert at Thurso

Many other samples of the UP Concert Chorus can be found on Youtube

Get Out To The Forests
Grandpa Tree Family Forest Fest

Learn More About The Bible
Bible clubGospel Meetings Coming Highlights In Caithness
Bfest Music Festival                     Philippines Choir Concerts     Johnstone Collection Photos 
Bfest 2012  Philippines Concert Choir  Johnstone Photo Exhibition
Whats On in August HERE

It's A Knockout At Wick Gala Final Photos
Wick Gala 2012 It's A KnockoutWick Galal 2012 It's A Knockout

It's A Knockout At Wick Gala 2012

It's A Knockout  - Wick Gala 2012Wick Gala 2012 It's A KnockoutWick Gala 2012 It's A KnockoutWick Gala 2012 It's A KnockoutWick Gala 2012 It's A Knockout

Brilon And Thurso Scouts Maintain Twinning Links
Brilon and Thurso Scouts Brilon Scouts In Thurso T Shirts

Brilon Scouts are in Caithness for a few days staying with local families and joining with Thurso scouts to celebrate 40 years of twinning arrangements.  Brilon is small town in Germany and over the years there have been a number of exchange visits by  the scout groups in each town.  Also various officials and councillors from Brilon and Thurso have visited each others areas. 

Thurso Gala 2012
193 - 216
Thurso Gala 2012

Mey Highland Games 2012 

May Highland Games 2012Mey Highland Games 2012Mey Highland Games 2012May Highland Games 2012Mey Highland Games 2012Mey Highland Games 2012Mey Highland Games 2012

Thurso Gala 2012

169 - 192
Thurso Gala 2012

145 - 168
Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012

109 - 144
Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thursop Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala2012

97 - 108
Thurso Gala 2012

37 - 60                         61 - 96
Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012  Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012

Thurso Gala 2012
1 - 36
Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thuros Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012Thurso Gala 2012

Wick Gala 2012 - Gymkhana 1 - 19
Gymkhana at Wick Gala 2012Gymkhana at Wick Gala 2012Gymkhana at Wick Gala 2012Gymkhana at Wick Gala 2012Gymkhana at Wick Gala 2012

Games At Gala Gymkhana

See earlier videos HERE

Wick Gala 2012 - Braehead Fancy Dress  49 - 113
Braehead Fancy Dress 2012Braehead Fancy Dress 2012Braehead Fancy Dress 2012Braehead Fancy Dress 2012Braehead Fancy Dress 2012Braehead Fancy Dress 2012

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards