HomeStart Caithness Is Moving
HomeStart Caithness moving to 10 Harbour Terrace, WickHome-Start are moving to new premises!
Hello to Stevenson House!  Goodbye to the Community Education Office!
As of Wednesday 2nd May 2012, Home-Start Caithness will be moving to a new home - Office 4, Stevenson House, 10 Harbour Terrace, Wick, KW1 5HB.  HomeStart have been at the Community Education Office since Home-Start Caithness was 'born' 13 years ago, so 3rd May will be a mixed day - one of sadness at leaving to Community Education Office, but one of happiness going somewhere fresh and new.  HomeStart will be one of the first organisations to move into the new office complex in the recently renovated former Customs  and Excise building in Harbour Terrace.  The building has been bought and renovated to a high standard by Dunbeath Estates Ltd.
About HomeStart Caithness

'Scales Sails & Surf' - Innovative Music Project Supports Thurso Lifeboat
'Scales Sails & Surf' - Innovative Music Project Supports Thurso LifeboatA group of Caithness youngsters spent the first week of their Easter holiday working  on a music project about the Pentland Firth, the world-famous tidal channel between Orkney and Caithness.  Over the years, the RNLI has often been called out from Thurso and Wick, as well as Longhope, Kirkwall & Stromness to deal with emergencies caused by the ferocious sea conditions in this part of Scotland.  It was to honour this work that Piping Arts Limited and Caithness Horizons invited the Scrabster-based RNLI crew and volunteers to hold a fund-raising event during a concert performed in the Caithness Horizons museum exhibition hall at the end of the week-long project.  As research for creating music on the theme of the Pentland Firth, the children considered a wide range of uses of the tidal rip - everything from traditional creel-fishing to the current cold-water surfing scene that is emerging on Caithness waves.  As well as meeting crew from the RNLI, they met local surfers, and got an insight into the thrill of standing upright in 'the Barrel' - the inside of a wave as it curls around and above a surfer's head.

Lost where The Wind Blows by Jane McDonough Down The Loch By Angus Mackay
See the full exhibition of paintings and photographs at Northlands Glass Gallery, Lybster until 20th April

Planting Day At Newtonhill, Wick
Planting Day At NewtonhillVolunteers
completed the final stages of the pond project at the new community woodland at Newtonhill, Wick on Sunday (22 April 2012). The overall project has involved excavating and landscaping an old pond and installing an all abilities pond dipping platform.  The volunteers added the finishing touches by planting a range of flowering shrubs and plants around the pond area. These plants will attract wildlife onto the site by creating useful habitat. The volunteers also prepared ground and sowed a range of wild flower seeds. One area is specifically targeting butterflies, bees and birds while the water margins around the pond were sowed with water tolerant plant species.

Home Start Caithness - Training Course Begins In May
HomeStart CaithnessOur next Volunteer Preparation Course starts on Tuesday 8th May
Could you be one of our new volunteers? Please call Naomi or Rachel by Monday 30th April on 01955 606222 to find out more!

Wick Academy V Turriff United  2 - 1
Wick Academy V Turriff 2 - 1  Wick Academy V Turriff United 2 - 1 Wick Academy V Turriff United 2 - 1 Wick Academy V Turriff 2 - 1 Wick Academy V Turriff United 2 - 1
Reporter and Photographer - Noel Donaldson
ACADEMY made heavy weather on their return game with ‘Turra’ but ground out the result, at Harmsworth Park.  The visitors were obviously a more experienced side than the Brora outfit the Scorries demolished earlier in the week.  With United down to 10 men following a dramatic touchline incident, in the first half, which saw Cammy Bowden stroll for an early shower, Academy should have been set to capitialise on the numerical advantage.  It wasn’t until early in the second half, however, before Wick secured their opener, the in-form, Gary Weir nodding in a Macadie cross.  The visitors evened things up with a giveaway goal after Grant Steven misjudged a back-pass, allowing Gary Harris to nip in and waltz round Gray for the equaliser.  Chances went abegging at both ends and Academy had one or two scares before leaving the field as victors after claiming the decider, courtesy of Richard Macadie.

Calling All want-to-be Wick Gala Queens
Nominations For Wick Gala Queen Wanted
The Wick Gala Committee
is currently searching for this year's Gala Queen. They are looking for nominations for girls in 4th, 5th or 6th year.

What's On Section Upgrade - Boost Your Event With a Poster or Photo
The What's On
section has been undergoing an upgrade in the past few days.  The section will now accepts posters and photographs directly from anyone wishing to advertise events. The events poster section will now be discontinued.   The submission for is more or less the same as before with the addition of a place for you to add a poster or a photographs that you think will highlight your event.  It could be a photo from a previous similar event.  The Whats On section now flows automatically into our Facebook section for even more free coverage for your events.  If you have poster for your event, you can add it here. The file must be in .jpg format and be less than 300kb. If your poster is in another format such as PDF or Word you can use this website to convert it:
See the following examples to get the idea -
Wick HarbourFest
Caithness County Show

Wick Diamond Jubliee HarbourFest Stalls - Pitches Filling Fast
Wick Harbourfest Market StallsStall pitches for June's Wick Diamond Jubilee HarbourFest are being snapped up - and the organisers are asking for yet-to-register exhibitors to lodge their applications as soon as they can to ensure their presence at the event.  The HarbourFest pitch organiser, Liz Richard-Jones says "We've had a good response so far, including an encouraging number of new exhibitors.   However, many of the 2009 HarbourFest stallholders have told us they wish to exhibit at this year's event but they have not yet registered with us.  The closing date for applications is 18th May..............The HarbourFest Committee wish to support community groups, charities and local organisations to take advantage of this popular event. Pitch application forms can be obtained from Liz Richard-Jones (01955 603821 or harbourfest[AT]  or a copy can be downloaded from the website  for completion and return to the HarbourFest organisers at the address shown on the forms.
Highland Council Elections
Candidates for the Caithness wards of Wick, Thurso and Landward Caithness are invited to send a statement and photograph to go on the web site.  Just email items of any length you choose to [email protected]

How To Vote In the Council Elections

More Classes At Pulteney Centre
Pulteneytown People’s Project will be running new classes week beginning 16th April at the Pulteney Centre in Wick.  Due to popular demand Floral Art classes will run on Monday evenings at beginners and intermediate levels. Cost will be �22.50 for a five week course with participants supplying their own flowers.

Spanish for beginners will run on Thursday evenings at a cost of �17.50 for a five week course.
Internet, email and basic computing courses will cost �12.50 for five weeks with daytime and evening classes available. Afternoon and evening classes are available at Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 for the popular PC Passport course which is ILA funded, meaning most learners can claim the cost of this course. Professional Cooking takes place on Monday evenings with a three week course covering starters, main course and desserts. The cost for this course is �20.
There are places available on Friday afternoons for Drawing and Painting Studies at a cost of �3.50 a class.
If anyone would like more information or to book a place call PPP on 01955 608530 or email [email protected]

MS People Caithness
A local caithness support group for MS have set up a web site and Facebook page.  Take a look if you want help or support or would like to volunteer for the group.

Would You Like To Help Out At Mary Ann's Cottage This Summer
Mary Ann's CottageIf you enjoyed your last visit to Mary Ann's Cottage, or even have never been there but would like to know more, it is on your doorstep so how about considering joining the small band of volunteers who keep this unique croft experience alive for the general public to enjoy. This is our local heritage - help us to maintain it by volunteering a few hours a week throughout the summer - for further details contact Chris Cariss on 01847 851765

Highland Council Elections
Candidates In Caithness  - Submissions To Date
Candidates can email items of any length they wish for the election to [email protected].

Landward Caithness
Coghill         Mackay         Mowat        Bremner      MacLeod         Baron         
Robert Coghill - Candidate Landward CaithnessWillie Mackay - Independent Candidate - Landward CaithnessBill mowat - Independent Candidate - Landward CaithnessDavid Bremner - Landward CaithnessAlex MacLeod - Lanward CaithnessDavid Baron - Landward Caithness

Other Landward Caithness Candidates
White   Campbell

   Rosie            Grant            Noble              Saxon            Smith             
John Rosie - Thurso CandidateIan Grant - ThursoNick Noble - ThursoRoger Saxon - Candidate - ThursoDon Smith  - SNP Candidate - Thurso

Other Thurso Candidates
Mackay    Holder    

Macdonald      Fernie          Ross            Smith           Sinclair      
Neil MacDoanld - Labour Candidate - WickBill Fernie - WickGail Ross - WickGraeme Smith - WickAndrew Sinclair - Wick

Single Transferable Voting Explained
Results and Benefits of STV
Registration and Postal Voting Deadlines

A Moment In Time  - Exhibition
Jane McDonough and Angus Mackay - Moments In Time Exhibition at Northlands'A moment in time', an exhibition of work by two Latheronwheel artists got off to a flying start at the North Lands Creative Glass gallery at Quatre Bras, Lybster on Friday evening.  A collection of paintings by Jane McDonough and photographic prints by Angus Mackay proved a big attraction, with over 100 people attending the preview night. Jane lived and worked as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator in Manchester for over 10 years before moving to Caithness in 2008.  She is a self-taught artist and has been drawing and painting for as long as she can remember. "Since moving to Caithness I have been inspired to develop my painting style and what better inspiration than the big dramatic skies and lonely landscapes," said Jane.

Lost Where The Wind Blows                                                  Down The Loch
Lost where The Wind Blows by Jane McDonough Down The Loch By Angus Mackay
See the full exhibition of paintings and photographs at Northlands Glass Gallery, Lybster until 20th April
Planting Day At Newtonhill - Can You Help?
Planting Day At Newtonhill

Easter Teas At Wick Pipe Band Hall - Saturday 7th April 2.00 - 4.00pm
Easter Teas At Wick Pipe Band Hall
Halkirk Bowling Team Win The Geddes Cup
Halkirk Bowling Team Win Geddes CupHalkirk Family Bowling team Jim and Marie Falconer with their grandsons Kelvin Falconer (Far right) and Kevin Mackay won the Geddes Cup Bowling match in Halkirk. They have played as a team a couple of times before but this is the first time they won together.

Issue 26 – March 2012 - Highlands & Islands Fire and Recue Service
Now being issued online to save postage and printing costs.

10K Run Open To All Wk Triathlon Club - Sunday 8th April
The Wick Tri Club 10K will take place on Sunday 8th April at 2pm (registration is 1pm - 1.45pm).  The route will be from Staxigoe Hall to Noss Head and return.  Entries can be made on ahead of the event.  This is an ideal race for all levels and will give people an opportunity to see how prepared they are for the Mey 10K, which will be 5 weeks later.  Also motorists should be aware that runners will be on the road along the route.

Log Building Course At Dunnet Forest
Log Building Course From Dunnet Forestry TrustDunnet Forestry Trust are holding a FREE log-scribing course in Dunnet Forest under the instruction of Dan Franklin who runs the British Isles School of Log Builders. The course will start on Monday 11 June 2012 and there will be a limited number of places available for students who must own their own chainsaw and hold a certificate of competence for crosscutting and chainsaw maintenance.

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards