Get Great Deals On Meals In Caithness with a Premier Discount Card
Premier Discount Card In Caithness Premier Discount Card In Caithness
Several people in the Forum have been talking about the Premier Discount card for discounts in many restaurants in Caithness and elsewhere.  This card has been around for a while but in case you doubt it is true we have spoken to the poeple running it and it is true big savings can be made.  To get a card telephone Scott McLean on 07974571025

Pyjama Party At Thrumster Primary School For Children In Need
Thrumster Primary Raised over £400 for Children In Need
The children of Thrumster Primary managed to raise over �400 this year for Children in Need.
For such a small school they showed they have very large hearts. The children had a pyjama day at school. They had a baking sale, a yellow tombola and many more activities to raise this massive sum of money for children less fortunate than themselves. All the children and staff enjoyed the day and are looking forward to raising even more money next year.

Council progresses on future Primary School provision in Wick
Progress on the future provision of Primary Schools in Wick has been outlined this week by The Highland Council.   Earlier this month on 10 November, members of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee heard the outcomes of statutory consultations on the proposed amalgamation of Hillhead Primary School and North Primary School and the proposed amalgamation of Pulteneytown Academy Primary and South Primary School in Wick.

Council welcomes Dounreay announcement
The Convener of The Highland Council Councillor Sandy Park, who is Chairman of the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Advisory Board, has welcomed the NDA announcement that Babcock Dounreay Partnership is the preferred bidder in the competition to become the new PBO for Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.

Dunnet Forestry Trust Autumn 2011 News Letter
The nights are drawing in, autumn is here and its time for another Forest news letter; it's been a very busy summer season in the forest.

Children In Need At Wick High
Children In Need At Wick High Children In Need At Wick High  Children In Need Wick High
The Pupils of Wick High School have once again had a very successful fundraising campaign in aid of Children in Need.  A massive sum of �4200 was raised in need of this worthy cause. This year the money will also be split between the High School, local charity's and Children in Need. Activities included were
Bake sales, Sponsored race from Lybster and Keiss into school.  Sponsored walk into school from Keiss accompanied by the Rector.  Non school uniform day.  Gunk tank ..........the three teachers with the most money placed on them were given a dunk in some gunk. Mr McIntyre the Rector received the most votes however we are unsure if it was teachers or pupils who put most of the money on him.  The concert on the day included items from both teachers and pupils and not to mention the debut performance in Wick of the outstandingly talented Take This the next best thing to Take That.  Once again the pupils have shown that they can come together and pull out all the stops to raise a massive amount of money for those less fortunate. A DVD will also be on sale shortly with highlights of the event.

Stormy Weather Scenes From Wick Harbour
Storm at Wick Harbour Storm at Wick Harbour Storm At Wick Harbour

Weekend Of Vikings and Fun
Da Doonie Day                       The Vikings Are Coming
Da Doonie Day The Vkings From Shetland
Thursday 24th 6.15pm Varnangag Torch March in Thurso - 7.00pm Lighting the Varnangag Beacon
Thursday 24th 7.30pm Torchlight March in Halkirk - 8.00pm Lighting the Beacon followed by Ceilidh
Friday 25th 6.30pm Assembly of Da Donnie Day Procession and progress to Market Square, Wick
7.00pm - Switch on Christmas Lights - Shops open late.
7.00pm Torches lit and prgress to Burning Site - Naming and Burning of the Galley.
8.00pm  - Midnight - Ceilidh with entertainment from the squads etc Norseman Hotel, Wick
Over the two days the squad of vikings will visit schools etc.  Other local squads may join the procession.
Saturday 26th  - Wick Fun Day - 3.00pm Pentland Brass
Christmas Lights - bigger switch on 4.00pm
Wick Christmas Bazaar - Assembly Rooms  12 Noon - 4.00pm - Santa's Grotto, Stalls and much more.

Panto Season In Caithness
Halkirk Panto                                            Dick Whittington        Puss In Boots             
Halkirk Pantomime 2011 Dick Whittington Panto in Lybster Puss In Boots Panto - 14 17 December 2011
Wick Players Pantomime - "Cinderella" is in Assembly Rooms 13th to 17th December

Caithness Energy Boom Continues.........
Wood Pellet Company Starting Production In Caithness
Forever fuels Ltd a subsidiary of a long established company is to start production of Wood Pellets in Caithness and has won a contract to supply North Highalnd College.  15 jobs willbe created initially in the county with others in ancillary jobs related to the business.  The new business will be based at Geislittle.
New Scots coast wind farm to be biggest in the world - Scotsman
THE world’s biggest offshore wind farm is set to be built in Scotland with a multi-billion-pound investment, securing hundreds of jobs and further cementing the country’s position as a global leader in renewable energy.  The �4.5 billion project envisages up to 300 turbines in water 200ft deep more than 13 miles off Caithness, generating enough power for more than a million homes by 2020.  1400 jobs in construction phase. 130 to 280 jobs in maintenance. Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd (MORL) the company awarded a zone agreement by Crown Estates will produce up to 1500MW  of power.  They hope to start work in 2015. �40 to �50 million to be spent  on planning before the start. Da Doonie Celebrations
Halkirk  - Thursday 24th
Halkirk Torchlight Parade Followed by A Ceilidh
Thurso - Thursday 24th November
Torchlight Parade
Wick - Friday 25th November
Torchlight Procession by Vikings and Squads, Switch on Christmas Lights, Galley burning.  Then a ceilidh in the Norsman NOT in Assembly rooms

Caithness Events In Posters
Keepy Up King                    Play Badminton FREE
Keepy Up King at Mount Pleasant, Thurso Play badminton FREE in Wick if your aged 10 to 19
Events In Caithness - Advertising For FREE - We aim to keep your costs down.
There are a few ways to get your event noticed on the web site. 
Enter your event in the What's On as soon as you can for long coverage - even years ahead.
Send articles for Arts, Sports or Business for publication.
Send a poster for our monthly Events Posters section  - send jpeg or Pdf files to [email protected]
The earlier your advertisement goes on the more FREE coverage you can get.

AVAAZ Campaign to Save The Internet
Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world's Internet -- creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz!
Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users' activities. And, because so much of the Internet's hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us.  It is easy to sign the worldwide petition and add your voice to influence the decisions being taken in Washington.

Today In The Business Section
Local communities invited to hear latest on Pentland Firth projects
Inverness UHI Campus Contract Awarded By HIE
Chamber Spreads The Word On Transport Advice
Robots Will Take Dounreay's Dome Apart
�5 million investment to help Service heroes start up
Cheaper Grid Connection for Shetland
Rail consultation on Highland Council agenda

High Life Highland
Since High Life Highland (HLH) launched its festive season winter workout programme, Move it to Lose it, on November 14th, more than 1300 people across the Highlands have signed up to shape up in the run-up to Christmas, and to step into 2012 healthier and fitter.  The Christmas Challenge has struck a chord with people everywhere, and newcomers are still signing up every day.  In Caithness go to your local swimming pool to find out more and sign up to lose weight by Christmas.  FREE to High Life card holders and well priced for all.  Get fitter in Highland......
HIE Board Checks Out Wick's New Community Centre

Wick High  - 2011 Video For Children In Need

BBC on Wick High School Video

Doanalsin's Diary
           Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy

Fit's in 'e' Groat

Fit's in 'e Coorier

Watten Christmas Fayre - Santa Is Coming To Watten
 A Colouring Competition For Kids

Colouinrg Competition - Watten Santa   Watten Santa
Santa's coming to Watten!  Come and meet him in his grotto in Watten Hall on 19 November at 2 p.m. Bring your entries for his colouring competition and join in the fun of the Watten Church of Scotland Christmas Fayre.  Full Size pages to print and colour in HERE and HERE

Citizens Online - North West Sutherland Project Launch
Thursday 17th November 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters -
Update On Potential For Up To �6Billion Of Investments
Weigh Inn Thurso - Monday 28th 6.15pm - 8.30pm

Update on Wave and Tidal Energy
Alex Salmond spoke of the Saudi Arabia of the north at the economic conference in Thurso in 2008.   That may seem like pipe dream but why not go along and hear from the Crown Estate and the various companies now heading north and see for yourself the next steps being proposed to harness the massive energy resources from the seas around our coast.  The investments are huge - the future could be full of opportunities to replace jobs lost at Dounreay and much more.  Check out Crown Estate - Wave and Tidal for more details on developments.  Perhaps the dream is about to come true over the next few years.  Go along and ask questions and hear what they have to say.  Caithness, Orkney and Sutherland may be entering a new age of development with many opportunities for young people and the current workforce.  The dream is coming a step closer.

Cars 2 Movie Showing In Lybster Has Been Cancelled
Lybster Community Association have been notified by Picture House Cinema that the showing of Cars 2 for Lybster has been cancelled.  No reason has been given to us as yet.
Bower Busy Bees Christmas Fayre
Bower Busy Bees Christmas Fayre
Remembrance at Wick Cemetery
Remembrance at Wick Cemetery

Remembrance at Keiss
Remembrance at Keiss 2011

Remembrance At Wick 2011
Remembrance At Wick 2011 Remebrance At wick 2011 Remembrance At Wick 2011

Remembrance Parade At Wick 2011

Exhibition of Northern Artists at Axolotl Gallery, Edinburgh
Runs Untill 30th November

Katnes Folio - Northern Artists at Axolotl Gallery, Edinburgh
A group of northern artists had a successful opening night on 5th November 2011 Axolotl Gallery in Dundas Street, Edinburgh.  The exhibition continues until 30th November so if you are in Edinburgh why not go along and take a look.
As many of you will not be able to get to the gallery in Edinburgh Fergus Mather has kindly supplied photos from the gallery -
Axolotl Gallery - Northern Artists Exhibition Axolotl Gallery - Northern Artists Exhibition axolotl Gallery - Exhibition of Northern Artists
Biomass in Wester Ross and Caithness to be explored - BBC

Dick Whittington   
Dick Whittington Panto in Lybster

Cars 2 at Skinandis, Thurso 6.00pm Saturday 19th November

Famous Local Moustache To Go For Children In Need
Donald MacBeath, Vice Principal at The North Highland College is parting with his moustache (after 25 years) to raise money for Children in Need.  The momentous unveiling will take place on Friday 18th November at 12-noon in Hair at Morven Salon, NHC, Thurso by a Level 3 Hairdressing student.  Fundraising will take place within the college but a just giving page has been set up for friends, family and members of the community who would like to add sponsorship money
There will be wacky moustaches on sale on the day in college.  A moustache quiz will also be on sale next week at �1 per entry.  Correct answers will be drawn at 4pm on Friday 18th and the winner will receive �10.
Coming Events
Puss In Boots Panto     Halkirk Schoolk Christmas Fayre
Puss In Boots Panto - 14 17 December 2011    Halkirk School Christmas Fayre
For many more events happening in Caithness check out the Whats On section
Organisers make sure your events are entered in plenty of time to get maximum coverage.  The section is FREE and you can enter events for years ahead if you know the dates.  Just complete the easy online form HERE.  We are also happy to accept jpeg posters or PDf files for display FREE of charge.  Sorry Word docs do not fit our system.  Send your posters to [email protected]   Please send items in plenty of time to get them on.

Fireworks and Bonfire At Auckengill
Auckengill Fireworks Fireworks At Auckengill Fireworks At Auckengill
AUCKENGILL hall committee’s Guy Fawkes party went with a bang...and a whiz and plenty of sparkle, at the weekend.  The ancient fire festival was well “remembered” by members and friends, young and old, who retired to the hall after giving the guys, put together by local youngsters, a hot send-off.

Doanalsin's Diary
           Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy

Grid theft

Cases from sheriff court session

Olympic Flame Is Coming To John O'Groats
On 27 July, 2012, the eyes of the world will be on London for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games as the Olympic Flame arrives at the Olympic Stadium for the lighting of the cauldron to signify the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games.   In the build up to the start of the event, the Olympic Flame will make its journey from Greece and arrive in the UK on 18 May 2012, ready for the Olympic Torch Relay to begin the following day.  Representing peace, unity and friendship, the Flame will start its 70-day journey around the UK towards the Stadium carried by 8,000 inspirational Torchbearers.  The Highland Council is pleased to confirm that on Saturday 9 June 2012, the Olympic Flame will reach the Highlands......

Wick Academy 'guys' turn the 5th November heat up on Nairn
Wick Academy ....5    Nairn County....3
Reporter Noel Donaldson
WICK Academy will well remember the fifth of November...the only difference was that their plot did go with a bang.  The black and whites were certainly dynamite as they showed fighting spirit and intelligent play, eventually blowing Nairn off the pitch. The Scorries were not expected to beat the title-challenging Station Park side, even after having got their league challenge back on track, seeing off the formidable Formartine, the previous week, and many fans would probably have been content to settle for a draw.  It was Nairn who lit the fuse, in the 90-minute, eight goals cracker, with a Stephen Mackay rocket, midway through the first half, but the lead was quickly snuffed out by the homesters by a Stevie Cunningham leveller, and a brilliantly taken Sam Mackay goal from the acutest of angles prior, to Nairn's Mackay kept his side in the game through an equaliser...........................
Photos From The Game
Wick Academy 5 Nairn County 3 Wick Academy 5 Nairn County 3

Events Coming In November - See Whats On For All Events In November
Thurso Fireworks - Sat 12 Nov        2 Glass Artists 2 Sculptors
Thurso Fireworks November 2011         2 Glass Artiists 2 Sculptors

Doanalsin's Diary
           Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy

Fit's in 'e Groat 'e day?

NFU eggs push

Anti-scam measure

Rubbish that's not a waste say council

Caithness Big Band Playing Recently At Lyth Arts Centre

The Big Band has always drawn an enthusiastic audience, however this year they have just completed a weekend masterclass at Lyth Arts Centre with 5 internationally renowned musicians. The band is most grateful to Mr William Wilson for organising the event, performances will now sound even more polished as a result.
RAF Wick - Photos From 1940s
RAF Wick 1940s
This section includes a couple of photos taken by the Luftwaffe

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards