Transform Weekend At John O'Groats     
Transform Weekend At John O'Groats

Hundreds of residents and visitors in Caithness and North Sutherland are playing their part in an arts project to celebrate the start of the transformation of world famous tourist destination John O'Groats. Three renowned Highlands and Islands artists have already been working with schools, community groups and at local events in the run up to a festival weekend of arts in the village on July 2 and 3........More
Transform BLOG

Transform On Facebook

Artists paint John O'Groats Hotel - BBC
Aberdeen Engineering Company Set To Expand Caithness Operation
AMC Engineering Expands At Lybster

AMC Engineering Ltd, whose head office is at Findon just outside Aberdeen, is set to expand their Caithness division by building a new workshop at their site outside Lybster, with the assistance of a grant of �76,250 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

Pulteneytown People's Project - �3.4 Million Centre  - Latest Photos
Pultneytown People's Project New Community Centre

THE new community centre flagship project by Pulteneytown People's Project is going up fast and leads the way as onee of several new buildings that will help regenerate Wick.  The new centre is expected to be completed by February 2012.  The new centre will bring together a great many of PPP's current projects and others in the pipeline.  See more details HERE
More Regeneration For Wick
Progress at PPP community centre looks to be on target and will join other new features that are regenerating Wick.  Already many works have been carried out under Highland Council's CARS scheme in Lower Pulteney changing the streets and creating new housing from the old derelict buildings.  The Wick Harbour Marina is now well established and continues to develop. In 2012 work will begin on a new Wick High School with a completion date set for August 2014.   Wick Council Offices Rationalisation is due to commence in 2012/13 with investment of around �8.5 million.  Capital has been allocated by Highland Council's capital programme published HERE    In addition still on the horizon is the Nuclear Archive Centre still stated by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to be one of their projects due to come to Wick and would house not only nuclear archives but also Highland's councils local archive centre.  Further investment in Wick by Highland Council may come from the Strategic Review of Primary Schools where the possibility for new schools or major refurbishment would inject yet more spending into the town.

Lybster Gala Video
Rush Dance At Lybster Gala
73 - 84
Rush Dance At Lybster Gala 2011 Rush Dance At Lybster Gala 2011 Rush Dance At Lybster Gala 2011 Rush Dance At Lybster Gala 2011

See the Rush Dance Video from Lybster on their Facebook page HERE

Lybster Gala 2011
25 - 72             
Lybster Gala 2011Lybster Gala 2011Lybster Gala 2011    Lybster Gala 2011  - First Photos - 1 - 24
Lybster Gala 2011 Lybster Gala 2011 Lybster Gala 2011

Caberfeidh Court, Wick
Open Day on Wednesday 29th June 2011 10am – 4pm
Please come along and have a tour of Caberfeidh Court. View our show flat and the type of accommodation we have available. Discuss with our Staff the range of facilities and the housing support service provided by Cairn Housing Association within the Court.
Coffee Afternoon from 2pm – 4pm
If you need anymore information please contact a member of staff below:
Kathleen O’Hare, Local Service Assistant – 01955 606025
Erin Walker, Local Service Assistant – 01847 894483
Donna Bain, Housing Officer – 01955 606025 or 01847 894483 Final Halkirk Gala Photos
Halkirk Gala 2011 Halkirk Gala 2011 Halkirk Gala 2011

Canisbay Show 2011
Canisbay Show2011 Canisbay Show 2011

More Halkirk Gala 2011
Halkirk Gala 2011

Children's Fancy Dress At Halkirk Gala 2011
Fancy Dress Halkirk Fancy Dress Halkirk Fancy Dress Halkirk

Halkirk Gala 2011
Halkirk Gala 2011 Halkirk Gala 2011 Halkirk Gala 2011

Ulpan Gaelic - TASTER SESSION - Saturday 25th June - 2-4pm
Come along and experience a new way of learning Gaelic
Caithness Horizons - Thurso
See attachment for fee and other details linked in header
Thurso Surf School Open For Summer Season
Thurso Surf School

Thurso Surf School  - - info[AT] - Tel 07590419078

MeyGen Tidal Energy Project Public Open Days
30th June & 1st July 10.00am - 7.00pm - Caithness Horizons, Thurso
2nd July - Mey Community Hall, Mey
The MeyGen tidal energy project is a 400MW project in the early stages of development located in the Inner Sound, Pentland Firth. We are currently carrying out a consultation process in order to canvass opinion of which of the environmental impacts should be focussed upon in the Environmental Impact Assessment.  In order to compliment this process, we are holding a number of public open days in the region in order to provide a chance for the local community to find out more about our plans and progress.

Doanalsin's Diary
Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy

Fit's in 'e Groat 'e day?

Good news for classroom assistants

The World is coming to Wick

Teenager drove at 60mph in Caithness village street

Decision on Caithness famer's turbine plan

Wick store to close

Tichie returns as No 2 to new Academy boss

Next Generation Broadband for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is taking the first steps towards implementing a transformational project which will deliver access to superfast broadband for homes and businesses across the Highlands and Islands over the next few years.

Partnership lays "foundations for the future"
Business and community leaders heard an upbeat assessment of future prospects for the north as senior partners in Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP) met last week in Wick with members of the Partnership's Advisory Board to discuss current issues. Come along and experience a new way of learning Gaelic
Caithness Horizons - Thurso
See attachment for fee and other details linked in header

Scotland vows 'green energy powerhouse' - Energy Resources
Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said last week that he's determined to make Scotland "the green energy powerhouse of Europe"..........Noting that 11 projects have already been awarded in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters, Ewing said the government has identified a further 25 sites for exploration in the medium term..........."The potential from existing leasing rounds alone amounts to almost 10 gigawatts of capacity in Scottish waters," he said, adding that the offshore wind industry could eventually "support almost 50,000 direct and indirect jobs in Scotland by 2020, generating over ($11.5 billion) for our economy."

Doanalsin's Diary Latest
Noel Donaldson writes Doanalsin's Dairy

NHS Highland appeal...

Cases from today's sheriff court

Organised crime on the receiving end

Transerve manager to attend bridge talks

Landmark Trust To Spend �600,000 On Berriedale Cottages
Berriedale Cottages To Be Restored

A fundraising appeal to raise �600,000 to save a row of early fishermen's dwellings has been completed. The Landmark Trust, the building preservation charity behind the project, will now begin to restore the Shore Cottages at Berriedale, Caithness in order to give them a secure, new future.  Fishing at Berriedale was developed by Sir John Sinclair around 1800 as an alternative livelihood for crofters from the Highlands, who were moved to the coast during the Clearances.  Along the coast men set sail in boats known as 'fifies', while the women gutted fish at troughs on the shore and packed them in ice. At Berriedale, both herring and salmon were landed. The Shore Cottages at Berriedale probably date from the 1840s and are reminders of this harsh existence.
Land Mark Trust       Landmark Trust On Face Book
More Berriedale
Highland Employers Can Get Training Cash And Boost Jobs
Employers in the Highlands are being encouraged to take on people with barriers to getting in to work through assistance from Skills Development Scotland (SDS).  The Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERI) is delivered by SDS - Scotland's skills body - and offers businesses up to �2000 when they employ someone who has been out of work for some time or faced barriers in the past.
Scott Mackenzie Memorial Football Tournament 2011
Scott Mackenzie Memorial Football Tournament 2011 Scott Mackenzie Memorial Football Tournament 2011 Scott Mackenzie Memorial Football Tournament 2001 Scott Mackenzie Memorial Football Tournament 2011

Caithness Shears 2011
Caithness Shears 2011 Caithness Shears 2011

For more clips of the Caithness Shears Competition go HERE
Open Final
1st - Hamish Mitchel
2nd - Gavin Mutch
3rd - Simon Bedler
4th  - Grant Lundie

1st - Stewart Kennedy
2nd Alex Riding
3rd - Ross Gibson
4th Andrew Sinclair

1st - Charles McCombie
2nd - Alex Riding
3rd - Ross Gibson
4th  - Andrew Sinclair

1st - George McCaughey
2nd - Alan Mackay
3rd - John MacAulay
4th Alan Cowie
Independent Highland Councillors Move To Save Classroom Assistant Jobs
HIGHLAND Council's Independent Group held discussions aimed at removing the threat to classroom assistants.  The main independent grouping are in coalition with the Lib Dems and Labour.  The independents are calling for a �7 million underspend from the 2010/11 budget to be partly used to save the jobs of under-threat classroom assistants.

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards