New Byelaws Prohibit Alcohol Consumption in Streets Of Thurso And Wick
New byelaws came into force in Thurso and Wick on 29th March prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in designated areas of both towns.  Under the new byelaws police have enforcement powers not previously available to them.  Notice about the new regulations will be posted publicly shortly.

The Gaelic Debate From Mackays Hotel Wick On Saturday - shortly on Lesley Riddoch web site
The debate was recorded and an edited version will appear soon on Lesley Riddoch's web site
See also Lesley Riddoch Blog entitled Learning to put our differences aside is the only way forward

WRITERSEARCH UK - Got What It Takes To Be A Writer?
3 DAY COURSE  FREE - Inverness 
Closing Date 11 am Tuesday 6th April 2010

Got what it takes to write for TV, Film, Radio, Internet, Mobile Phones or Video Games?  TAPS in association with the BBC Training and Development and Highlands and Ireland Enterprise, is offering places on its free training course with the aim to find and train writers for film, television and other media.  If you are a writer with experience or potential from the age of 18 upwards and living in the Highlands and Islands area you can apply to the course by submitting your original story. Please ensure your story can work as a 10 minute film. Places are limited so apply soon!

Raising Funds and Awareness For Autism - A Film
SCREENING AT CAITHNESS Thurso High School - Thursday 15 april 2010 - 7.00pm Wick High School - Thursday 6 May 2010 - 7.00pm Tickets are �5.50 and available from sharon.drain[AT] or telephone 01847 894158 When his son Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson was devastated, afraid he might never be able to communicate with his child.   But when Isaacson, a lifelong horseman, rode their neighbour's horse with Rowan, Rowan improved immeasurably.  He was struck with a crazy idea: why not take Rowan to Mongolia, the one place in the world where horses and shamanic healing intersected?

Joint Ward Forum Meeting For Caithness Wards - Wick, Thurso and Caithness Landward
Tuesday 6 April 2010 at 7.30pm - Mackays Hotel, Wick

Consultation led by
Cllr. Dr. David Alston � Budget Leader
Cllr Sandy Park - Convenor of Highland Council
Alistair Dodds � Chief Executive
Alan Geddes � Director of Finance
This Forum will be a consultation held in public. There will be opportunities during the consultation for members of the public to ask questions. Written questions can be submitted before the forum to David Sutherland, Ward Manager, Council Offices, Market Place, Wick KW1 4AB. E-mail [email protected]
For more information on the Highland Council budget see -
Budget Consultation (97kb pdf)
Further ideas and information on community facilities (195kb pdf)
The coming cutbacks in funding are a direct consequence of the near catastrophic failure of major banks and their rescue by British taxpayers, a rescue which has required public borrowing on a scale never seen before.  Highland council will be launching a Budget Blog very soon where feedback on the issues outlined in the Budget Consultation document can be posted.
Savings of about �59m over the three years are required � of which already agreed savings of around �23m have already been agreed - See The February meeting of Highland Council. This leaves a target of �36m to save in 2011/12 and 2012/13.
The 2010/11 savings details can be found at
Booklet A  � Savings Already Agreed � 2010/11
Booklet B � Savings Proposals - Summary
Booklet C � Savings Proposals � Detailed Sheets
Booklet D � Budget Pressures and Growth

Wick Scouts Treasure Hunt - The Hunt Is On - Buy A Sheet And Take Part
Wick Scout Group are holding a shop window treasure hunt. Some of the shops in Wick have something unusual in their windows, all you have to do is buy a sheet from either Poltney News in Dempster St, Corner Shop in Bridge St, D R Simpsons in High St or Girnigoe St Shop and try to spot all the treasure items in the listed shop windows, some will be harder to spot than others. Closing date for entries is 30th April 2010.

Enable Coffee Morning - Saturday 20th March
The Caithness Branch of ENABLE for people with a learning disability continue with their fundraising events as they hold their annual coffee morning this Saturday 20th March. The venue is the Royal British Legion Club Thurso All the usual stalls Baking, Tombola,Homemade Cards, Raffle etc..will be there and the coffee and scones will be served from 10am. Admission is �1.

Caithness Science Festival 2010
The Caithness Science Festival kicked off last night in Mackays Hotel, Wick on Monday night.  Presenters were all in attendance with visitors from Finland.  Prizes for children from local schools were handed out during the evening where Professor Ian Baikie welcomed the visitors to Caithness along with local people and outlined another exciting programme  of events that will tour Caithness schools.  Events open to the public take place tonight 7.00pm Tuesday 16th March at Pulteneytown Academy and at Caithness Horizons on Thursday 18th March at 7.00pm.

Pentland Firth To Lead In Marine Energy Developments Announced Today
This is possibly the biggest economic development since the beginning of Dounreay in the 1950's with massive potential both in this first round of leases announced today and future leasing announcements to come in the future.


Simultaneous Annoucements Made In Wick, Kirkwall and Edinburgh Today Tuesday 16 March 2010 - The announcements today in Wick were made in Mackays Hotel in front of a gathering of top executives of several government organisations, Highland Council and executives from the successful energy companies in the first bidding round for leases
The Crown Estate has announced the names of the successful bidders for the world's first commercial wave and tidal leasing round, for ten sites in Scotland's Pentland Firth and Orkney waters. The 1.2 GW of installed capacity proposed by the wave and tidal energy developers for 2020, 600 MW each from wave and tidal, is four times the peak output of Dounreay power station. This is enough electricity to meet the needs of up to three quarters of a million homes.

Council Welcomes First Marine And Tidal Energy Lease Awards
The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the announcement today (Tuesday) that Caithness and North Sutherland is to benefit from the award of the first round of marine and tidal energy leases in the Pentland Firth. A council delegation was in Wick for the announcement of the leases, with a simultaneous announcement being made in Orkney. A press conference was also held in Edinburgh by First Minister Alex Salmond.

Pelamis Wave Power celebrates outcome of The Crown Estate's Announcement
Pelamis Wave Power Ltd (PWP), the Edinburgh based developers of the Pelamis wave energy converter, have been named as the technology supplier for three major offshore wave energy projects in the world's first seabed leasing round off the north coast of Scotland. The three Pelamis projects which were successfully awarded lease options from The Crown Estate in the UK's first marine energy leasing round include:................

Milestone Moment for Marine Energy Industry
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is primed and ready to support engagement between developers and local suppliers after The Crown Estate reveals at midday today (Tuesday, March 16) which companies have been granted leases to generate marine energy in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters. The successful bids have been selected by The Crown Estate from 42 applications put forward by 20 developers keen to install commercial scale energy generators in some of the most promising seabed sites in Europe.

Some Old School Photos From Lawrence Campbell
Mrs Maskell's Class 1976 
Pennyland P7 1983            Mount Pleasant Nursery Class 1976
To see if your school photos are in the index go to the Schooldays Index

Calling All Surfers - Warning When River Halladale Is In Spate
It has been brought to our attention by the local community council that notices are to be placed warning surfer and swimmers of strong rip currents when the River Halladale is in spate following heavy rain.  On occasions recently the coast guard has been called to rescue people in difficulties.  This is great location but be wary when the river is flowing hard into the bay as you can be swept along by the current created in these conditions.  A notice is to be put up by Highland council warning of the danger in spate conditions.

Celebration of Women for International Women�s Day 2010
Monday, 8th March 2010 12noon � 4.00pm
Alternative Vitality, Whitechapel Road, Wick
Mini Therapy Sessions - Meditation Sessions - International Refreshments
The event is free and donations to Women�s Aid would be welcome

Special Spring Treat for Mothering Sunday
For the first time the Castle of Mey is offering afternoon tea in the visitor centre tearoom on Mother's Day, Sunday 14 March. Teas will be served from 1.30 pm to 4.0 pm. >From 2.0 pm onwards you will be treated to a free icing demonstration. Tea will include tea or coffee with sandwiches and home-made scones and cakes. Treat the special ladies in your life! Cost �8 per head

Caithness Careers Convention 2010
6.00pm 3rd March Wick Assembly Rooms

People living in Caithness are being offered expert advice and information on taking the next step in their careers. Skills Development Scotland, Scotland's national skills body, is hosting a careers convention on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 in Wick Assembly Rooms. The event is open to everyone and will offer comprehensive information on careers, employment, training and education. The event will bring around 40 universities, colleges, training providers and employers under one roof. Skills Development Scotland's services include careers advice and guidance for young people still at school, as well as adults looking to find work, those facing the threat of redundancy and for those looking to advance their career.


Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards