Wick Celtic Supporters Club
Bus running to Celtic Park, Glasgow, for the Celtic v Hearts game on Saturday 11th September, kick-off 1500.
Bus will be leaving Safeways Car Park at 0500.
Please contact Garry Coghill on 07834241370 to book seats on the bus and tickets for the game. Both of these are obviously subject to availability. Caithness County Show 2010 - More Photos - Many more still to come later
37 - 84

Caithness and the Mod - Opportunity for Artists To Exhibit
To coincide with the National Mod Caithness Horizons is to stage an exhibition of works.  The theme of the exhibition will be Caithness and the National Mod.  If you are interested in exhibiting get in touch with Helen Moore at Caithness Horizons for more information.

�LPAN -  D�igh �r air G�idhlig ionnsachadh - 20th-24th September 2010 (Pdf)
A new way to learn Gaelic - �lpan 5—Day Course - For Beginners, Units 1-15
Craig Shearer Testimonial Tuesday 31st August

Memorial Garden At Bank Row, Wick Opens

The Memorial Garden at Bank Row, Wick opened on Saturday 28th August 2010.  A big crowd turned out to attend the openeing of the memorial garden that had been the outcome of many years of hard work by relatives and many individuals and organisations and businesses in Wick.  The transformation of the site which is said to be where the first German bombs fell in the UK at the start of World War Two has been quite remarkable.  The group formed to create the memorial garden have had many obstacles to overcome and it is a credit their commitment that this lasting memorial is now finally achieved.  The site lay derelict - indeed looked like the bomb site it was apart from being used as a storage site for many years and then became very derelict once again.  Now the site is completely changed and is dignified tribute to thos men women and  children who died.
The Bank Row Bombing Facts
Photo Of the Bomb Site At the Time
The Hill Avenue Bombing Facts

The Victims In Bank Row
The bomb fell during the school holidays when many children were out playing on the street in the Bank Row area. Because of the war the summer holidays in 1940 were extended from June 18th and went right on to October 1st. There were fears about collecting children together and the Bank Row bomb highlighted the danger of this. The death of 15 people which included 8 children shocked Wick. The children killed were Frederick Blackstock (5) Isobel Bruce (7) James Flett (7) Kenneth MacGregor 8) sisters Elizabeth Miller (5) and Amelia Miller (9) Donald Thomson (16) and John Wares (5). The adults killed were were Robert Mackenzie Seaforth Highlanders (30) Mrs P Mactavish (44) Mrs Isobel Mackenzie (25) (father, son, daughter and daughter-in-law) Mrs Mary Steven (44), William Smith, merchant (63) and Donald Waters ,fish curer (50).
The Victims In Hill Avenue
Betty Cameron (10) John Camerson (6) Daphne Dyer (20)
How the Bank Row Site Looked Before Transformation
Early Information about the Group
Ranger Walks Caithness
Wings Over Wick - Stories about the RAF presence in Wick in WW2

Free Biodiversity Event for the Whole Family
You are invited to discover the rich ‘biodiversity’ of the Dunbeath Strath
Live music with fiddlers, bagpipes, clarsach - Venison burger BBQ - Story telling
Children’s Treasure Hunt - Face Painting - Pebble painting/beach crafts
And much more! - This is a FREE event but booking is essential
Please phone 01847 821531 or e-mail [email protected]

Keiss Gala 2010 - 84 Photos

Bower Show 2010 - 90 Photos

'Wick Celtic Supporters Club

Bus running to Fir Park, Motherwell, for the Motherwell v Celtic game on Sunday 29th August, Kick off 1200.
Bus will be leaving Safeway Car Park at 0400.
Please contact Garry Coghill on 07834241370 to book seats on the bus and tickets for the game. Both of these are obviously subject to availability.

The Wedding Show Is Coming - 5th September

Caithness Astronomy Group - Latest Report and Photos
Caithness Astronomy Group is going from strength to strength and offers the chance for young and old to find out more about the heavens above as.  Their latest report gives details of events and has photos  to give a lfavour of the events.   Check out their calendar for more events coming up.

New Highland Probationer Teachers Welcomed

Probation teachers receive a warm welcome in the Highlands For 2010. Seventy five probationer teachers who will start work in Highland schools next week attended an induction day in Inverness today. The probationers were welcomed by Chairman of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Bill Fernie, and Hugh Fraser, Highland Council Director of Education, Culture and Sport. The new teachers will be starting work in schools across the Highlands on Monday 16 August. Pupils return to school following their summer break on Tuesday 17 August. In total, 33 probationers have been allocated to secondary schools and 42 to primary schools. The numbers of probationer teachers in primary schools in each area are: 4 in Caithness, 2 in Sutherland, 14 in Inverness, 10 in Ross and Cromarty, 2 in Nairn, 5 in Skye and Lochalsh, 4 in Lochaber, and 1 in Badenoch and Strathspey. Three of these primary probationers will be teaching through Gaelic Medium. The numbers of probationer teachers in secondary schools in each area are: 6 in Caithness, 2 in Sutherland, 7 in Inverness, 5 in Ross and Cromarty, 3 in Skye and Lochalsh, 4 in Lochaber, and 6 in Badenoch and Strathspey. The 33 probationers in secondary schools will be working in the following subjects: Biology (3), Chemistry (2), English (8), Gaelic (1), Geography (3), History (2), Home Economics (1), Mathematics (4), Music (3), Physical Education (4), Physics (2).   Large Photo  Click View Full Size Here
Thurso Gala - Last Photos
121 - 160

Caithness Astronomy Group - Open Day
Caithness Horizons, Thurso
Saturday 14th August - (1330-1530hrs) - FREE ENTRY
All Welcome -
Come along and find out more about the universe we live in and about the activities of Caithness Astronomy Group
• See telescopes and other observing equipment. Find out from club members what can be seen in the night sky with amateur telescopes.
• Learn about our local star the Sun
• Solar observing – look through a specially filtered solar telescope to see the surface of the Sun in detail as you've never seen it before (weather permitting)
• Hands-on activities for all ages – make a sundial, star wheel & more
Thurso Gala 2010 Latest Photos Added
109 - 120
97 - 108
85 - 96
73 - 84
61 - 72

Thurso Gala 2010
49 - 60
37 - 48

25 - 36
1 - 12                           
13 - 24

More Halkirk Highland Games Photos
145 - 204

Videos From Halkirk Games
A Highland Fling

Hornpipe One
Hornpipe Two

Clan Sinclair Gathering 2010 at Girnigoe Castle Relaunch

Clan Sinclair gathering saw the reopening of Girnigoe Castle on Sunday. Isla St Clair the famous Scotttish singer was delighted to be asked to perform a song at the opening ceremony.  The Earl of Caithness, John Thurso MP and Andrew Sinclair made the speeches with refernces to the many donors and assistance from many individuals and organisations who had helped to make possible the restoration work and archaeological work that was changing the known history of the castle.

See Videos
Wick Pipe Band Plays
Isla St Clair Sings At Girnigoe Launch       Isla St Clair Web Site


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