The Big Gig 2008 For Thurso Gala Week
The Big Gig returns as part of Thurso Gala Week on Saturday 9th August and runs from 2.00pm - 11.30pm at the Dammies.  This years line up of bands includes "Bad Reputations", "Crimson Tide", "falter", "MEGAWATT", "NOEXITWOUND", "Saxifer", "chaos monkey" and "prolific"

See the most up to date version of Thurso Gala Programme
Also It's A Knockout

Carole Sutherland Saxophone Course
27 - 28th September - Lyth Arts Centre
Carole Sutherland is an experienced performer and educator and is a pioneer of �classical� saxophone playing in Scotland. Since graduating from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in 1999 she performs regularly with all of Scotland�s professional orchestras and maintains an active diary of solo and chamber recitals. Carole teaches saxophone at Napier University, Stevenson College Edinburgh and the RSAMD Junior School and for the Carole Sutherland Saxophone Course will be joined by a team of professional musicians including two specialist saxophone tutors.

Cancer Research Relay For Life - E Doubtful Foot Pirates
Our team has people who work in Dounreay, BT, Halkirk Garage and W D Ross Painters. We are called E-Dou'BT-Fool Pirates We are dressing up as pirates on the night and for our fundraising we have a Treasure Island Map with hidden prizes in the squares, Lucky Dip, Guess the Teddy Bear Birthday and an Anagram Sheet. We also have hand made cards for sale.

Saturday 9th August 2008 � 6pm to 10pm -From Scrabster Harbour Heaviest Fish Prize - Heaviest Bag Prize
Entry Fee is �20 (�15 for the boat & �5 for the prize fund) to be paid in advance and accompanied with a completed booking form available from Harpers Tackle, 57 High Street, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 8AZ, Phone 01847 893179. Completed entry forms to be received by Harpers Tackle Shop not later then 12 noon on Saturday 9th August 2008. Please phone Harpers on Saturday to confirm suitable weather conditions. Should the weather be unfavourable then entry fees will be returned in full. Harpers Tackle have a wide range of sea fishing tackle available and will happily give advice on your requirements for the competition.

Extra Caithness Funding Starts To Make A Difference
Extra funding made available by the Scottish Government to assist the economic regeneration of Caithness, is being spent across a rigorous programme of activities driven by Highlands and Island Enterprise (HIE). Twelve million pounds of additional funding was promised to the area for commitment to projects between 2007-2010. An update by HIE area manager Roy Kirk, shows that �1.6m has already been allocated with some ambitious plans now in the pipeline.

Wick Gala 2008 - still more to come later.......
133 - 144               145 - 156

97 - 108                109 - 120                                 121  -132

Sandside Gardens Open Day Busier Than Ever Despite The Fog
There was a record attendance and result for the public opening of Sandside House Gardens near Reay on Sunday 27th July. Despite rather gloomy weather, the beautiful gardens, delicious home-made teas, vintage cars, stalls and a cheese stand, the opening attracted a record number of visitors ranging from locals who regularly attend to tourists and raised a unbeaten sum of just over �1,000 for two local charities.

Wick Gala 2008
61 - 72                             73 - 84                 85  96 

25 - 36                         37 - 48                                        49 - 60

13 - 24

1 - 12

Kite Cam View Of Castle Of Old Wick

A camera slung under a kite in the right hands can produce some great views that could only be obtained by a helicopter.  Expert kite flier Grant Golding shows here what can be done with a kite, a digital camera and special remote controlled rig.  Think about it - a kite flying back and forth, up and down and a rig to point the camera in any direction all on the move.  You have to think fast and click even faster to get good shots.  Kite Cam Index

Former Thurso High Pupil On Holiday In Thurso Would Like To Hear From Former Classmates
Sheila Maidment is here on holiday from South Africa.  She went to Thurso High 1964 -1967.  Any old friends can contact her by email [email protected]

Thurso and Wick Gala Programmes
Wick Gala 26th July - 2nd August 2008
Thurso Town Improvements Gala 2nd to 10th August 2008

And don't forget Halkirk Highland Games - Saturday 26th July

Caithness County Show 2008 - More Photos - Even More To Come Later
49 - 60                       61 - 72                      73 - 84                        85 - 96

Wick Lifeboat & Regatta Day � Saturday 19th July 2008
1 - 12                         13 - 24                       25 - 36

Caithness County Show 2008 Photos
1 - 12                         13 - 24                               37 - 48

Departing Yacht Regatta At Wick Re-scheduled Due To Strong Winds On Sunday
Yachts now to leave Wick at 10.30am Monday 21st July
Join the Geo Explorer to view the departing yacht regatta at 10.30am. Wick bay will be full of sailing yachts and local boats dressed over for the occasion. During the 75 minute trip we will follow the yachts along the coast and also visit local bird colonies, caves and natural arches. 10% of the fares will be donated to Wick RNLI. Booking essential.

Global Xchange Volunteers From Bangladesh Coming To Caithness - Can You Help?
Global Xchange in Caithness will be bringing nine young people from Bangladesh together with nine British youngsters, to give 6000 hours of voluntary service to the local community. The young people are one of seven groups arriving in the UK this September for three months, before spending three months in their counterpart country. This is the second time Caithness has taken part in the exchange run by VSO and the British Council, which brings together young people from the UK and Bangladesh. The previous Global Xchange in Caithness, saw young people from Malawi and the UK living and working in the borough. Global Xchange is supported by BAA Communities Trust, a charity set up by airports operator BAA, which has donated more than �600,000 towards the programme since 2004, and by the youth volunteering charity �v�. Becca Thompson, Caithness Global Xchange programme supervisor, said: �We are interested in hearing from those who may have volunteer placements or friendly homes able to host international volunteers for three months. Hosts are offered a weekly allowance towards accommodation and food costs and will be supported by two project supervisors. It�s a chance to learn a little bit about Bangladesh, and take part in a successful and innovative community project.�

Ormlie Fun Day - Saturday 19th July 2008 2.00 - 4.00pm
Ormlie Community Association is holding its annual fun day this Saturday (19th) at the Ormlie Centre, Henderson Street, Thurso from 2.00 � 4.00 pm. This year�s event will be officially opened by David Brookfield, Chief Executive, Pentland Housing Association. The event is very much a community run day which will begin with local piper Hugh McPhee welcoming people with the swirl of the pipes. Throughout the afternoon local band Diesel and Dust with entertain residents with an eclectic range of rock and pop music. There will be the usual stalls including hot dogs, bottle stall, baking stall, bric-a-brac, quality seconds, candy floss, lucky dip, raffles, and refreshments. For children there will be the bouncy castle, kids tombola, funny face board, face painting, guess the sweeties and a chalk drawing competition.

SANDSIDE GARDENS - OPEN DAYS  Sunday 27th July and Sunday 10th August 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M



Warning To All Businesses - School Books Sponsorship Back Again - Say No No No
We have been contacted this morning by a company purporting to be a publishing media company asking us to name the school for books to go to that we agreed to back in February.  We did not agree to any sponsorship but they hope you cannot remember and will say yes.  This has arisen before and the director of Education, Culture and Sport issued instructions to all schools in Highland telling them not to get involved with such companies.  Therefore the schools do not need or want any books via this type of supposed sponsorship no matter how good it sounds.  See THIS WEB site for a sample of what can happen.  Always check with a school before you name them.  Do not get sucked into agreeing to anything with these publishing companies or you may get a large invoice to pay.  Ask to see a copy of the contract.  They may say they have tape of the original phone call.  Do not agree to anything.  Challenge there assertions that they have you on tape as this is them trying to bully you into agreeing to pay for the books.  Be on your guard and do not agree to accept anything from them. There may be books for a school but the schools do not want them and you will pay out money for something they do not need, already have or do not want - A waste of money and you will have been conned.  Tell all other business you know as soon as possible to help everyone.  We have made arrangements to issue a wider press release and warning to other education authorities in Scotland.

Miller Academy 1962 - P2
Photo sent by Steven Miller.  Steven says this is the last photo for that 1962 Centenary year.

Miller Academy Schooldays Main Index
Main Schooldays Index


Caithness County Show 18th & Saturday 19th July
This year all the action for the Caithness County Show will be at Scrabster Farm.  The Show Day programme has something for everyone.

Wick Lifeboat & Regatta Day � Saturday 19th July
Wick Lifeboat Day welcomes the Moray Firth Sailing Regatta! Wick Lifeboat Day on Saturday 19th July will see Wick Harbour bustling with sailing yachts of all sizes from the yacht clubs of the Moray Firth. Over thirty sailing yachts will race to Wick, arriving in time to join in the annual Lifeboat Day festivities featuring a full afternoon and evening of entertainment. Festivities start at 2.00pm with all the usual Lifeboat Day stalls selling everything from fresh fish to RNLI Tee shirts. The RNLI BBQ is always a great favourite with local butcher�s beef burgers and hot dogs. Vessels moored at the pontoons welcoming visitors include Wick�s latest Trent class lifeboat and Wick�s traditional fishing boat �Isabella Fortuna�. Fascinating coastal sea trips will be offered by recently established Caithness Seacoast in their exciting RIB Geo Explorer and the Wick Sea Cadets will be in attendance with their training boat the �Michael Harmsworth�.  On Sunday 20th head on down to Wick harbour about 10.30am to see the Regatta Sail-Away creating a visual feast of colour from the sails accompanied by local boats.

Dounreay Communities Fund Supports Elise Lyall Dancers Trip
Nine highland dancers from Elise Lyall School of Dance has received a donation of �300 from Dounreay Communities Fund towards their recent trip to Canada. The group of girls from Wick, Thurso and Watten were competing in the Scotdance Championships in Canada, giving the girls an opportunity to get together with other highland dancers from around the world. Six of the dancers are pictured here. From left to right: Hannah Russell, Shannon Sutherland, Tanya Horne, Eilidh Paterson, Kirsten MacIntosh and Rebecca Paterson.

Ring Lost In Thurso - Great Sentimental Value - Reward Offered For Return

Latheron Show 2008
Photos 145 - 153

Photos 97 - 108               109 - 120         125 - 132             133 - 144

Photos 49 - 60          61 - 72             73 - 84                       85 - 96

Photos 1 - 12                       13 - 24                    25 - 36                          37 - 48

Wind farm proposed for Halkirk area -
Not our Halkirk.  The locals here seem to be in favour!!!

Caithness Seacoast Alert - Half Hour Trips From Wick Harbour - NEXT SATURDAY
Saturday 19th July - 
The 30 minute trips will begin at 12.30pm at �10 per person regardless if adult or child (children must be or 4+). The �10 is normally the under 16 fare for half an hour. Passengers just have to book their trip at our booking office next to the Coastguard station and will be put on a passenger list. Each trip will sail as soon as persons or more are loaded. Taking short coffee/ refuelling stops between trips. Waterproofs and lifejackets will be provided. Passengers should bring warm clothing. Each trip will include a short harbour cruise, fun ride in Wick bay and visit to local bird colony.  10% of fares will be donated to Wick RNLI.

Thanks From Macmillan Cancer Support Wick Branch
Macmillan Cancer Support Wick Branch would like to thank everyone who participated in their Walk Wonders Walk on 20 May 2008 and all who sponsored them. �1447.66 was raised.

Wick Academy V Ross County X1 - Pre Season Friendly - 7.00pm Monday 14th July
Harmsworth Park, Wick - �4 Adult �2 Concession

Latheron Show - Saturday 12th July

Sooty Missing From Forss Area
SOOTY - Missing from Forss area (Forss to Westfield Road). Medium male cat, black with a few whites hairs under his chin, quite a shy timid nature, hardly ever makes a sound, no collar. A farm cat so may be trapped in a shed or outbuilding. Quite often wanders off but never for this long. Please e-mail with any info:- [email protected]  or phone: 01847 895727 or 07786 556332.

Agreement Reached On New Administration of The Highland Council
The Independent, Liberal Democrat and Labour members of The Highland Council have joined forces to form the new Administration of the Council. Following a series of meetings, they have agreed to work together to replace the former Independent/Scottish National Party coalition. The Independent Group has 30 members; the Liberal Democrats, 20 and Labour 7. The Opposition will be the Scottish National Party, 17 members, and the Independent Members Group of 6. A special Council meeting is to be held on Friday 1 August to confirm the new working arrangements.

Child Minding Business Course Coming Soon To Wick
If you have been thinking about running a Child Minding business from home but are not sure how to start then here is your chance to take the first steps.  The 30 hour course is spread over 7 nights running weekly from 25th August at Caithness General Hospital, Wick.  Best of all the course is Completely FREE



What's Being Talked About In the Forum
Every Day the forum gets over 6000 visitors and they discuss almost anything. there are over 30,000 threads and the chance to advertise unwanted items in the classified ads section all for FREE. Sell your car or parts. The list of subjects and topics continues to grow.  The Photography section now has a massive collection of photos posted by our users.  Here are a few of the threads in the General section currently being discussed.
I thought they might be from Caithness!
What gives you a Happy High
T in the park
Cosmetic Surgery would you?
Child Limits
Hospital acquired Infection.
Large Ship passing tonight
What would you say....
Lets Design A Prison !!
electric or gas?
End of the line for wick town association.
NHS Scotland vs NHS England
Meditation: what is it and what does it do for you?
PSYCHIC FAIR - Sat Royal Hotel???what do you think
If you could have a new name what would it be and why
Jail for those who carry knives, mandatory???
Fishing !!! Looking for fellow anglers advice?
Calling All HomebakersSpooky Goings on in our house
Bio-fuels - not all they are cracked up to be?

Plastic Recycling � Council has it bottled!
In April 2008 The Highland Council�s TEC Services Committee gave the go ahead to introduce facilities for plastic bottle recycling at a number of Recycling Centres throughout Highland. Now plastic bottles marked with either a 1 or a 2 in a small triangle can be recycled at the Centres in Wick, Thurso, Tain, Alness, Dingwall, Inverness, Nairn , Aviemore  and Fort William.  Type 1 bottles (PET) are mainly used for fizzy drinks and type 2 (HDPE) are used as milk cartons or for detergents. The Council urges everyone to try and make sure only bottles marked 1 and 2 are deposited in the banks as other plastics will contaminate the load, this may lead to a need to dispose of the materials rather than recycling them. (Tip From Bill Fernie - Remember to remove bottle tops before you go to the recycling centre as these are not wanted due to the fact they are made of a different type of plastic that cannot be mixed in the recycling - Bill recently took a couple of hundred plastic bottles to the centre for the first time and had to stand and take of all the tops)     Environment Index

New boat quite a catch for disabled anglers - Press & Journal
Custom-built vessel opens up Kyle of Sutherland even to wheelchair users.  The new boat is available for the Kyle of Sutherland at Bonar Bridge.  Details -  Bookings and inquiries should be made through Mr Williams on 07720 890711, angling association secretary John Blackman on 01549 421303 or the fisheries trust office on 01863 766536.
The article claims this is the first boat of its type for disabled anglers and this may be true if not exactly correct in that the St John's Loch Improvements Association right here in Caithness has offered a wheel chair accessible boat for disabled anglers for many years.  See details HERE   Angling In Caithness

Dounreay's pioneering history is retold in 50th anniversary book
A new book captures the remarkable story of how a remote farming area in the Scottish Highlands was catapulted to the forefront of nuclear development 50 years ago. 'Fifty Years of Dounreay', written by William A. Paterson and published by North of Scotland Newspapers, goes on sale July 26. It describes how the arable land of Lower Dounreay on the north coast of Scotland was transformed by Britain�s leading nuclear physicists who pursued their dream of finding a source of limitless, clean and cheap energy. The official launch of the book by North of Scotland Newspapers takes place on July 26 at Halkirk Highland Games.   Or See "The First Fifty Years by Andy Munn" on this web site.

Decommissioning Costs In The News
�73 billion cost of nuclear clean-up could rise, warn MPs -
MPs warn against nuclear decommissioning costs -
Nuclear clean-up cost 'to rise' - BBC
Government must ensure nuclear cleanup costs - Reuters
Demise of nuclear power stations may open doors - Wales Online
Report To the Public Accounts Committee Published 10th July 2008
Sellafield bidders await decision - Whitehaven News
FRIDAY is D-day for Sellafield � the site and its 10,000 workers will be among the first to know the identity of their future masters under privatisation.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority   Dounreay On NDA Web Site   Dounreay Site Restoration
What Comes After Dounreay?  See Regeneration

Cruise The Caithness Coast With A Caithness Ranger
7.00pm Friday 11th July From Wick Harbour
Join the Geo Explorer & local ranger to admire the beauty of the Caithness Coast by sea; natural stone brigs, stacks & caves. Learn about the wonderful array of wildlife including hundreds of nesting seabirds, seals & perhaps even a whale or dolphin. Booking essential ~ �20 per person. For further information or to book a place, please contact Kirsty Rosie on 01847 821531 or e-mail [email protected]  The Geo Explorer is available throughout the summer for trips on the East coast of Caithness from Wick.  Check out the Caithness Seacoast web site for more details

From Brazil To The Highlands -Two Exhibitions of Prints in Caithness
One At St Fergus Gallery, Wick and the other at Swanson Gallery, Thurso
St Fergus Gallery, Wick
19 July to 16 Aug
Highland Printmakers' Exhibition
ORIGINAL PRINT � an exhibition of contemporary hand-made artists' prints
Swanson Gallery, Thurso
19 July to 9 Aug
Anna Pacheco - Prints
A Hayward Touring Exhibition

More Brains Brought To Bear On Future After Dounreay
US expert advises on north future - BBC
Regeneration Partners Making Good Progress - Regeneration Partnership

CAREERS SCOTLAND BRINGS ROCK SCHOOL TO WICK     Inspiration Information Motivation
Free Rock School Workshop
Wick Youth Club - for 3 days Monday 28th July until Wednesday 30 July
Any young people aged over 13, who have an interest in music and want inspiration, information and motivation to take their interest further. Young people who want to attend don't need to be in a band or a proficient musician but simply have the desire to get involved. So whether that's playing, singing, behind the scenes or doing the technical side of things, then Rock School is for you. It's an opportunity for young people to learn about what it's like to be a musician and discover the skills needed to make it in the music industry. Over the two or three days of each Rock School there is a wide range of workshops led by local musicians.

Excellent Markmanship by Caithness Competitors At National Smallbore Rifle Championships

Caithness shooters put on a fine display of marksmanship at the National Small-bore Rifle Association Scottish Championship event, held at Bankend near Dumfries last week in changeable weather conditions. Whilst overall a clutch of medals and podium placings returned to Caithness it was the three youngest Caithness representatives who brought home the silverware.  Photos From The Competition HERE

A Blog From A Jogler Who Recently Completed the Cycle Run North To South

Are You Aged 15 - 30? - Do A Survey and You May Win Music Vouchers Or Belladrum Tickets
Careers Scotland H&I are being asked to support a survey of 15-30 year olds which HIE is undertaking in relation to population growth. Help HIE find out what young people like about the Highlands and Islands, what they don't like and what would make a difference. The online survey can be accessed using the following link and is quite straight forward to use -

New Highland Youth Convener sought  - Are You Taking A Year Out Before Uni?
The search is on for a new convener to champion the cause of young people in the Highlands. Applicants for the position of Highland Youth Convener have until mid-day on Wednesday 30 July to register their interest in the 12-month position, which carries a bursary of �10,000. Highland�s first youth convener, Gillian Slider from Ullapool, completes her year in office on 12 September. The youth convener is the sounding board for youth issues in the Highlands and has a direct line into policy makers and decision takers. The post holder is a member of The Highland Council�s Education Culture and Sport Committee, with full voting powers.

Help To Improve Highland Homes - Repair and Improvement Grants
Residents in the Highlands may be eligible for a council grant to help towards making improvements to their home so homeowners, tenants, crofters and landlords are being advised to check to see if they qualify for help. Grants are available to homeowners who have lived their property for at least 2 years and who use the property as their main residence. Disabled homeowners are automatically entitled for help with certain improvement work provided that the Council is satisfied that the works are necessary. Crofters are treated as homeowners and additional help may be available to them through the Crofter�s Commission Croft House Grant Scheme.

Vintage Vehicles Rally At John O'Groats

Another Vintage Vehicles Rally was held on Sunday at John O'Groats.   Transport

Latest From Caithness Motorsport
What a result for Caithness Motorsport with Allan Mackay scoring a first in Class 5 and a second overall in his Evo while his son Gordon had a second in class 3 and a tenth overall in a near standard Peugeot 106, Mark Alexander in his Evo achieving 16th overall and 7th in class, all on the third round of the Scottish Tarmac Championship which was held down at Crail, Astruther in Fife on the 14th & 15th of June. Five Caithness crews had entered and travelled down to compete in the event which consisted of 96 competitive miles run over 2 days.

CMXC Rd 3 Race Report
The early mist burned off last Saturday and Round 3 of the CMXC championship went ahead at the Ravenshill track, the event was kindly sponsored by Robert Menzies Transport of Bonnybridge which allowed all of the riders to take home some well earned silverware. Every class displayed very close racing throughout the day which in turn kept the parents and spectators engrossed. The first race of the day was the Auto Quad class and newcomer Danny Reid did very well throughout the day, out in front though was Jack Duffy and Ben Mackenzie and their season long battle continued with neither lad giving an inch around the tight track, Jack won all three races but they were so close at the end of Race 1 it nearly required a photo finish!!

Caithness Field Club Outing To 'Grianan', Loch Hakel Near Tongue
Caithness Field Club members travelled to Lochan Hakel or Hakoin and then by a small rubber dingy on to an islet some 50 metres from the edge to see a small fort called 'Grianan'.  The fort is reputed  to have been a hunting lodge of the king of Norway (1217 - 63) after whom the Loch is named.  The walls are 6 - 7 feet thick and up to 5 ft high.  The single room measures 19 by 22ft.  There are no signs of doors or windows and the door may have been higher up originally.  The weather on the day was misty and later rain on the way back round the loch.  A cup and ring stone can be found opposite the islet and has 34 cup marks and 11 of them have rings round them. A Few Earlier Outings
NOTE  Caithness Field Club are delighted to welcome anyone on their outings.  They can make an interesting family day out and walks are generally short and suitable for anyone of any age.

WICK BANGER DERBY - Sunday 24th August 2008 at Hempriggs

CONTACT DAVID on 07810 824521 OR GRAEME on 07810546978

Wick Pipe Band Fancy Dress

Wick Pipe Band Fancy Dress 2008

Brightening up a slightly misty Saturday evening at Market Square, Wick as Wick Pipe Band Week drew to a close.  You can see Wick Pipe Band almost every week during the summer months and at their weekly Scottish evening on Wednesdays nights at the Pipe Band Hall in High Street.

Vintage Vehicle Rally At John O'Groats - Sunday 6 July 2.00pm
The Annual gathering of around 100 road vehicles of all ages from 1902 to the present day commences at 12.00 with a gathering in Main St Lybster before moving to the harbour at Wick, leaving at 1.30 to arrive at the showground at John O'Groats for the official start at 2.00. There's plenty of interest for the whole family.  See photos from 2006  Transport


Caithness Bloggers Latest
Rain On My Window - Herring Days In Stronsay
Latest addition to this ever growing blog telling of earlier times in Caithness and Orkney
Home In The Highlands - An American living in Caithness adding regularly to her blog
Mary Ann's Cottage by Joanne Kaar - For more about the place see Mary Ann's Cottage

Regeneration Caithness & North Sutherland - Latest Updates and Minutes
17 June 2008 Advisory Board   17 June Regeneration P'Ship
Action Plan - Snapshot 3 July 2008  Progress Report - June 08

Cable Laying At Dunnet - Photos From Jamie Buchanan
For many  more photos of Caithness from Jamie Buchanan head over to his Flickr Site



From The Message Board
Cable Laying At Dunnet Bay

Magtomich says, "Cable laying from Dunnett Bay to Skaill Bay in Orkney. The ship is C.S. Sovereign and the small boats are doing the 'beach' end."  Photos by ywindythesecond.


Wick High School Does 'The Apprentice'
14 Pupils from Wick High School recently undertook a fundraising challenge to raise money for two local charities. The challenge was inspired by the BBC TV program of the same name and was run by Catherine Patterson of Volunteering Highland to engage young people in volunteering. The boys team raised the most money �286.60p for Caithness Mental Health, and the mainly girls team raised �240 for Balmore Animal Centre. The rector Mr Trail took on the role of Allan Sugar and after consultation, he concluded that the boy�s team should �get fired�.

Minister Visits Gaelic Drama Summer School
The Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture, Linda Fabiani, this week visited a new initiative aimed at offering young Gaelic speakers an opportunity to learn professional theatre skills.
Ministear a' tadhal air Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhr�ma G�idhlig
Thadhail am Ministear airson na Roinn E�rpa, C�isean Taobh a-Muigh agus Cultar, Linda Fabiani air iomairt �r a tha airson sgilean th�atar proifeasanta ionnsachadh do Gh�idheil �ga.  More Gaelic News

Diesel Fuel Theft - Has It Happened To Farmers In Caithness - Tell Countryside Alliance
Have you been a victim of diesel fuel theft? The Alliance is looking for examples of farmers who have had fuel stolen to help highlight this growing rural crime problem. If you have been targeted please contact [email protected]

National Fishing Week - No Events In Caithness So Far - 19 - 27 July
If any angling groups are thinking of promoting their sport here is good way to get some free publicity.

Jobs On
CO-ORDINATOR - HomeStart Caithness Based At Wick
Salary: � 21,412 pro rata (�15,046 for 26 hours) (NJC points 26 - 30) plus contributory pension
Home-Start is a voluntary organisation committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under 5 years of age. Volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to families under stress in their own homes helping to prevent family crisis and breakdown.
Baker or Semi-skilled Operative - Reids the Bakers, Thurso
Baker or semi-skilled Bakery Operative required for full-time dayshift work. 39 hours per week. Monday to Friday. Wage rate dependant on qualifications & experience.
Boat Skipper P/T 1/2 Days Per Week - Environmental Research Institute - Thurso
Skipper required for a small research vessel (6.9m catamaran) that will be operational in and around the Pentland Firth. Interested persons must have boatmasters�s license or willingness to obtain license. Practical experience of boat work in the Pentland Firth is essential. We are willing to support obtaining the boatmasters's license for an experienced individual.

Stagecoach Launch New Buses In Caithness - Over �500,000 Invested
Stagecoach in Caithness (formerly known as Highland Country Buses Ltd) celebrated the launch of 3 new coaches as they took to the road on Friday morning to operate on service 958 between Scrabster, Thurso, Wick and Inverness. The brand new coaches are fitted with CCTV and seatbelts, offering customers added safety whilst travelling on the service. These state of the art buses are also driven by the latest Euro 4 engines which are amongst the greenest engines in Europe.

Caithness Countryside Volunteers Latest Projects
Action Earth Project . �Flowers For The Forest�
6 volunteers from the Caithness countryside volunteers took part in this project to tidy up the standing dead wood at the entrance to Dunnet Forest and plant some moth and butterfly friendly shrubs.
Bee o diversity in the cemetery
Ten volunteers took part in this project to increase the richness of the wild flowers in two steep banks in Thurso Cemetery. It is a sunny spot and already attracts butterflies and bumble bees. Bird boxes were also put on to the mature trees. Plugs of wild flowers such as vetches, primula, scabious and ivies and honey suckle were also planted

Amazing Number Of Funding Possibilities Added Today
Added today to our Funding page are a huge range of places where funding is on offer to charities, groups, artists, film-makers and much more.  Amounts vary from �50 up to hundreds of thousands from one-off grants to three year funding. A long list today but you may find the right one for your project or group.  Take good look at this list today and get filling in those grant application forms.

New Strips For Pentland Boys Club Under 7s
Dounreay Communities Fund has supplied Thurso Pentland Boys Club under 7 team with new strips. The football club runs training sessions for approximately 70 children from 5 to 15 years old, in Thurso High School on Monday evenings. Marie Mackay, DSRL is pictured here presenting the strip to the team and coaches on behalf of Dounreay Communities Fund.


B17 Flying Fortress at Islay Airport
Islay Airport will play host to an example of one of the world�s most famous vintage military aircraft this week with the arrival of a B17 Flying Fortress en route from America to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford in Cambridgeshire. In July 1935, the first Boeing B17 was launched. It was an all-metal four-engine bomber, weighing in at 15 tons. Its specifications were well above those laid down by the US Army Air Corps. The plane first flew in Seattle and one watching journalist is said to have commented that the plane, when in the air, was a flying fortress due to the number of machine guns it carried. The nickname stuck.

Highland 2007 Legacy Programme is Launched
The Highland Council has launched the Highland 2007 Legacy Programme, providing an annual fund of �500,000 in grants to build upon the success of Highland 2007. The programme aims to enhance and to promote the events, festivals and cultural programme of the Highlands. Community organisations, promoters, artists, performers, youth groups and schools are now being encouraged to create their own legacy of Highland 2007 and to submit their applications. The deadline for the first tranche of applications is Friday 22 August 2008. The deadline for the next tranche is 6 February 2009.

It's A Knockout - Thurso Gala - Get Your Team Together and Enter
It's that time of year again when we are recruiting teams for the Thurso Gala 2008, It's a Knock Out Event. Teams of up to six people are being invited to apply to compete in this years competition to be staged at the Dammies, Thurso on Sunday the 10th of August, from midday onwards. The same three charities will be hosting the event, Thurso Town Improvements, Thurso Football Club, along with ourselves at Scallywags Nursery. The equipment on the day will consist of a bouncy boxing ring, gladiator joist, bungee run, sumo suits, tug of war and an inflatable assault course finale. We hope to also stage a mini knock out competition for the kids, children's races and a penalty shoot out.

MotoX Next Meeting Saturday 5 July
Motox meeting a mention - Saturday 5th july, signing on at 9am, all new members welcome. For more information visit

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