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Businesses in Caithness and Sutherland or anyone involved in Arts or Music in Caithness.  Send us a photo of your premises or something that best represents what you do and we will brighten up your free page.

Why not use the Message Board for instant advertising, to contact lost friends or relatives. Sell unwanted items in our FREE Items for Sale Section.   As the section builds up we will divide it into categories.  With visitors to and the Business Pages in both Caithness and Sutherland still climbing it has to make sense to be seen on the pages and make use of our many free pages.  Want more then see how cheap our paid for advertising can be.  You cannot get to more people for so little. continues to expand its pages and more information is going in every day catering for a growing range of interests.  New developments mean that the advertising will circulate through a growing range of web sites in the group.