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School Days Index

Whaligoe School - 1934

Picture supplied by John Taylor
If you know the names of any of the people in the picture John would like to know who they are. 
Send details to both John at [email protected]
and [email protected] to add to the page
After seeing the school photo of my mother (Etta Sutherland) and showing
it to my sister Christine she then asked our uncle (Magnus Sutherland)
for the names of the others.

From Maggie MacLeod 14 June 06
After seeing the school photo of my mother (Etta Sutherland) and showing it to my sister Christine she then asked our uncle (Magnus Sutherland) for the names of the others.

Back row from left
Frank Miller, Ben Groat, Magnus Sutherland, John Rosie, John Miller, John Taylor,
Middle row from left
Willie Sutherland, Alex Sutherland, Marjory Gunn, Tot Leich, Marie Groat, Netta Percy, Billy Taylor,
Front row from left
Willie Miller, Marjory Sutherland, Jessie Forbes, ?, Etta Sutherland, ? , Sheila Percy
At this time Whaligoe School had two teachers due to intake of the scholars of road workers from Aberdeen.