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Reay School Index 

School Days Index

Reay -

12 January 07
Can anyone help with more information about this photo?  If you can let us and Jim Menzies know.
From Jim Menzies, Windson, Ontario, Canada

I was looking at the school picture title Reay1900 on your web site when I realized that a picture I have of my grandfather, David Menzies was taken at the same location.

If you look at the background, the brick pattern is identical.

Originally I thought this picture was from a schoolhouse in Blairgowrie (that's why it says Perth)

Would you be able to put me in touch with whoever provided the picture on your web site?

I would be curious in finding out when it may have been taken or what they may know about it.

I received the following info from the North Highland Archives on when my grandfather taught there:
David Menzies appears as schoolteacher at Reay School for the first time on the 1899-1900 and it was a John Gunn the year before (the valuation rolls were taken annually), so he must have started there about 1899 and continued until about 1906, when there is a new teacher in the 1906-07 valuation roll. David Menzies is teacher at Crossroads School, Dunnet parish in the 1906-07 roll.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Jim Menzies
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
[email protected]