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Janetstown Index

School Days Index  

Janetstown School - Year 1970

Picture sent in by Wilma Farquhar 23 March 2008

Janetstown photo 9
If anyone has details on this photo email them to [email protected]

From Carol Rosie - 30 March 2008
I know everyone in this photo which was taken in 1970 just before the school closed.
Back row L-R: Albert Swanson, Sigurd Chalmers, John Gunn, James Chalmers, (teacher behind Mrs Reid), Brian MacDonald, Margaret MacKay (teacher behind Miss Finlayson who later became Mrs Jack), Alison Macivor, Margaret Robertson, Leslie Robertson, Carol Macivor, Kenneth MacKay.
Middle row L-R: Clara Plowman, Rosemary Chalmers, George Ross, Jessie Swanson, James MacKay, James Macivor, Elizabeth MacDonald, Angus MacLeod.
Front row L-R: Sylvia Borwick, Linda Cormack, Michael MacIntosh, Peter Burr, Lorna MacDonald, Cathie Ross, Douglas Ross, William Macivor, Anne Cormack, Jacqueline Tait.

From Isabel Ross 27 March 2008
Front Row 3rd from left - Michael MacIntosh & 4th from left - Peter Burr

From Sarah Grant 23 March 2008
Hi my mum and her brothers are in this photo!
Front Row 6 from left Catherine Ross now Grant (tartan skirt black jumper) 7th from left Douglas Ross (white Jumper)
Middle Row 3rd from left George Ross (knitted black and white jumper)
Regards Sarah