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Presto - Safeway - Morrison - Somerfield - Wick Reunion
5 August 2006 - Francis Street Club

Main Reunion Index  
5 August 2006 - 9.00pm
Francis Street Club, Wick

Linda Mackay
Tel 01955 604441
Lindamackay7(Replace this antispam with @)aol.com

All staff from Presto, Safeway, Morrison and Somerfield are warmly invited to this reunion.  Tickets are £3 on a first come first served basis due to limited numbers.  Tickets are available from the store in Wick.

The reunion continues on Sunday 6 august at 2.00pm with a Karaoke in the background for those of you still in good voice.

Photo Gallery will be here shortly
Email photos of former days in the shop to [email protected] for inclusion in this gallery

Message Board
A section is running for this reunion on the Message Board and you can leave messages, tell some stories from earlier days or ask questions about the event.