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Bill Fernie 

About Bill

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Tel 01955 604648
Fax 01955 606498
Mobile -
07789 316452

Bill is also from 1 May 2003 a Highland Councillor representing Wick West.
Tel 01955 609343
Fax 01955 609343

A list of Bill's council committees and unpaid directorships can be found on the About Bill page


Niall Fernie 
Technical Services
Main Areas

What's On, Music, Business Pages Design and Build.  
Technical Assistance
Computer/ Maintenance
Testing New Areas


Tel 07941 764 384
Fax 01955 606498
About Niall


19 March Road

Map to Find Us Winners

The Presentations

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for a new combined statistics and press page -

December 2003
Making The Front Page More Dynamic
Over the past few weeks we have been introducing new automatically updating content to the front page.  First in was the message boards under the heading "In Our Forums" drawing the latest entries on the Message board to the front page for instant look at what has been the latest comments on the topics.  The "What's On" now adds a daily what's On to the front page leeching content for each day at midnight on to the front page from the main What's On board.  And just added is the Jobs In Caithness section being updated each time a new job is added by any employer who joins the system completely free.  Now can transmit information about any job instantly.  No waiting no delay - just 24 hours a day coverage and free of charge to employers.  new message will take priority but all jobs can remain until removed by an employer.  It's simple , fast and we feel sure will get results and best of all the cost is just a couple of minutes to paste in the information about the job from other material on a PC.  All that is needed is to be set up by Niall.  We think this is the biggest revolution in recruitment in the north of Scotland - Fast Easy and Efficient and reaching a large and growing target audience.

November 2003
Highest Yet For Visitor Numbers continuues to go where we have never been before
Hits 5,757.954  Visitors 119,307
Daily Average Hits 191,930  Visitors 3975

October 2003
The Upward Trend Continues
Hits 6,038,820  Visitors 119,285
Daily Average Hits 194,805  Visitors 3,879

September 2003
Visitors Well Up On Last Two Months
Hits 6,308,287  Visitors 114,955
Daily Average Hits 210,275  Visitors 3831
Last 12 months Hits 58 million Visitors 1.2 million

August 2003
Hits 6.830,531  Visitors 103,767 is now well into over a million visitors a year with the monthly rate now in excess of 100,000 each month. 

July 2003
Hit Rate Breaks New Records
Hits 6,954,041  Visitors 107,751
Daily Average Hits 254,123  Visitors 3474

June 2003
Traffic Dips - But June Was Still Second Highest Ever Month
Hits 5,233,303 Visitors 114,957
12 months to 30 June 2003 Hits 51,960,500  Visitors 1,068,939

May 2003
Highest Visitor Number Ever In One Month
Hits 5,081,272 Visitors 120,830
11 Month figure smashes through the million barrier  - 11 months 1,048,178  visitors

March 2003
Another Busy Month At

Hits 5,002,112  Pages 1,245,916  Visitors 105,074
Daily Average  Hits 161,358  Pages 40,190  Visitors 3,388
Total Since June 2002 Hits 47,565,481  Pages 12,816,842  Visitors 896,880

February 2003
Second Highest Month Ever For Visitors
Hits 4,405,855  Pages 1,169,507  Visitors 96,720
Daily Average  Hits 157,351  Pages 41,768, Visitors 3,454
Totals since June 2002 Hits 40,737,699  Pages 11,575,200  Visitors 761,794

A slight fall off from record breaking January but still February came in at the second highest ever visitor numbers.  The Message boards continue to grow in popularity with the Iraq topic becoming one of the fastest growing topics on the boards and Items for Sale keeping up the pace especially in cars and computer related equipment.   Castles in the main section and Accommodation list now coming back on stream as folk begin to plan their holidays in the Highlands.  It is looking increasingly likely that will have over one million visitors, 15 million page views and 52 million hits in the 12 months to the end of May 2003.

January 2003
January Surge In Visitor Numbers Is The Biggest Yet
Hits 5,034,888  Pages 1,383,793  Visitors 108,256
Daily Average  Hits 162,415  Pages 44,638  Visits  3,491
Totals Since June 2002 Hits 36,331,840  Pages 10,405,693  Visitors 695,074
These stats are only for  For advertisers all the other sites such as Sutherland and small local web sites stats have to be added to the above figures as the banners circulate on many of our other web sites.  Banner show stats are available for advertisers.  The Message board is increasingly poplar and the classified ads which are FREE are gaining ground every month.

December 2002
Hits 4,614,273  Pages 1,255,315  Visitors 89,972
Daily Average Hits 148,846  Pages 40,493  Visitors 3049
A slightly quieter month dropping off over the Christmas holidays period.

November 2002
Still Heading Up As Biggest Ever Numbers Recorded In One Month.
Hits 5,277,708  Pages 1,538,359  Visitors 92,461
Daily Average  Hits 174,923   Pages 51,278   Visitors 3081
Last Six Months Hits 26,679,878  Pages 7,764,656  Visitors 494,158
Maxx Blade a techy offshoots run by Niall is getting record traffic.  The site has had over 20,000 visitors since May looking at over 81,000 pages.  that night not seem much compared to but it is one of the fastest growing little javacript web sites in Scotland.  The pages carry advertising and its in addition to the pages already counted above.  The site gives away items free that could be useful to web masters.

October 2002
Visitor Numbers Up Again

Hits 4,642,434   Pages 1,365,767   Visitors 92,241
Daily Average  Hits 149,755  Pages  44,056  Visitors 2,974
Visitor numbers continued to rise and the page views follow a similar pattern.  The hit rate would have soared had it not been for a number of technical alterations to the way certain items are displayed.   A quick look back to October 2001 shows -
Hits 2,480,741   Pages 366,998   Visitors 61,852  Perhaps the most amazing is the page views up by almost a million a month.

September 2002
Visitor Numbers Surge
Hits 4,516,336   Pages 1,293,948   Visitors 85,568
Daily Average - Hits 150,5445   Pages 43,131  Visitors  2852 

Visitor numbers were up again with a rise of 8.5% over August.  The average daily hit rate was up whilst the page views were down by 200 per day to 43,131 probably due to the fall of in viewing the gala pictures that were heavily used in July and August.  Visitor numbers are up 38% from August 2001

August Took The Records To New Heights On The Web Site 1 September
Hits 4,681,119  Pages 1,374,266  Visitors 81,470
The last three months have seen the records broken again and again so all we can say is thanks to you all for looking in.   With 12 million hits from 200,000 visitors looking 3.5million pages in 3 months we can safely say already that 2002 is leaving 2001 way behind.  We are seriously looking at how we cope with this increasing demand.

Records Broken Once Again - As Over 4million Hits In July 1 August
The increase in visitors has taken us to new records.  Traffic flow is up significantly since we last published figures.  Visitors are looking at more than ever.  With page views in excess of a million in one month July is undoubtedly setting a hard target to beat.

Highlands & Islands Community Web Site Conference Report 24 April  2002
Bill Fernie was one of the speakers at the well attended conference in Inverness.  You can see a brief report here on the main points brought up by the speakers and debated in workshops.

Sutherland Business Pages Starts
As we launch yet another new web site we are also preparing for others.  the Caithness Business Pages has been so successful that it seemed logical to join up the nearest county with a site of its own.  We hope to have as many businesses as possible entered over twelve weeks.  Businesses can also get in by completing the form on the web site.

March 2002 Certainly Was The Biggest Yet
Hits 3,644,130, Pages 331,848, Visitors 81,445
Visitor numbers went way up as did the hit rate.  Only page views were down.  We are well on our way to smashing 2001 totals for increased traffic on the web sites.  Visitor numbers are approaching double what they were 12 months ago and every month that goes by adds to the increased total over last year.  Thanks again to all our visitors for all your email and feedback. Its all very helpful in deciding what to follow up on the web site.

March 2002 Is the Biggest Yet  - With Five Days To Go 27 March
Yesterday broke the records for hits and visitor numbers.  As at 26 March visitors for this month were 70,270 and hits were standing at 3,097,129.  With five days of March still left to count the records are going to get higher until the end of the month.  The average daily increase in visitor numbers over last month is just over 11% at 2701 visitors a day.
To accommodate this latest surge in traffic and the fact that the web site is growing we have just signed our latest agreement with our web company for 1500 megabytes of space and up to 15 gigabytes of traffic.   Our next step is to move to own server and that may be sooner rather than later if growth continues at this pace

Banner Advertising In Caithness Breaking Records 26 March 2002
The banner ads on the sites built by Scorrie Internet Services our business arm are achieving record views per month - even higher than the page views listed in the statistics shown.  That is because all of the web sites built by Scorrie carry the banners that randomly circulate on all of the other web sites.  Figures quoted on this page and the stats pages only refer to and The Caithness Business Pages.  For a more detailed set of stats on banners shown etc contact

February 2002 Up and Away....  3 March 2002
Hits 2,924,065, Pages 373,287 Visitors 67,886
Yes this was the biggest month yet...again and we thank our many visitors for coming back.  Although it may not look like it right away remember that February only has 28 days.  The daily average visitor numbers to rose by 5.4% over January and in the Business Pages by a whopping 11.9%.  The equivalent for a 31 day month to compare with January would have been -
Hits 3,237,330, Pages 413,261, 75,113
Current projections on this level would give us over 900,000 visitors looking at over 5,000,000 pages with a hit rate of 36 million plus for 2002 - only time will tell.......

Here We Go Again 2 February 2002
January Broke All Records
Hits 2,650118, Pages 393,338  Visitors 70,108
Was it the Christmas computers logging on for the first time or the increasing chance that we are found in search engines.  Probably many things have contributed to this huge jumpCertainly searches for Caithness or many combinations will result in us being found near the top of many search engines and in many different categories reflecting the diversity on Thanks to all our surfers.

2001 Smashed The Records 1 January 2002
Hits 18,119,285  Pages 3,353,023  Visitors 558,576
December 2001
Hits 2,372,004  Pages 375,968  Visitors 52,877
What a year  - doubling , tripling and in some case four times the numbers from the start of the year.  Even if visitor numbers stay as they are 2002 will beat 2001 as the early part of 2001 had much lower visitors and page views.  Just multiply December's figures by 12 and you will see what we mean.  Thanks to all of you for looking in over the year and to all of you who sent in items for the site.

25 December 2001
Bill Switches To Vodaphone.  Please note new mobile number
07789 316452

17 December 2001 Is Site Of The Week at The Mirror Newspaper was given another accolade this week by being selected as Site of The Week by The Mirror Internet editor Matt Kelly.
Simon Mayo then picked it up and announced the award on Radio Five Live and lists the information on his
BBC web page

Earlier Press Room

Site Statistics
Updated every month

Recent Articles About Us In...
Net Business
National Grid for Learning


Research On and Community Web sites
Laura Thomson
Survey Results A Paper

Roger Seeney
Digital Communities

High Points
2001 Smashed Records

July 2002
Hits 4,110,202
Pages 1,175,139
Visitors 75,981

May, Jun
Changes to servers and new counting methods together with recording  problems in intervening months.

April 2002
Hits 3,734,972  
Pages 318,524 
Visitors 83,150

March 2002
Hits 3,644,130
Pages 331,848
Visitors 81,445
February 2002
Hits 2,924,065
Pages 373,287
Visitors 67,886
January 2002

Hits 2,650118,
Pages 393,338 
Visitors 70,108

December 2001

Hits 2,372,004
Pages 375,968 
Visitors 52,877
November 2001
Hits 2,328,119 
Pages 334,385 
Visitors 53,792
October 2001
Hits 2,480,741
Pages 366,998  
Visitors 61,852
September 2001
Stats lost at server
August 2001 Upwards
Hits 2,089,123
Pages 375,966 
Visitors 61,928 

July 2001 Records
Hits 1,802937
Pages 304454
Visitors 53047
3 July 2001
June Records
Hits 1,651,620 

3 June 2001
Record Breaker In May

Hits 1,324,188
Pages 232,155
Visits 52,132

Visitors to the web sites once again broke the previous records. 

1 May 2001
Records Broken Again
in April

1 April 2001

March Stats
Wow All Records Smashed for 18th time.
Hits 1,127,273
Pages 245,540
Visits 45,116
1 March 2001
Hits 755,708  Pages 169,675  Visits 30,119  in February which is 3 days less than January.  At current surfing rates will have over two million pages seen in the next 12 months.

1 Feb 2001
Business Pages now moved to new domain
41% increase in visits to  Over 130,000 page views and the 600,000 hit barrier in one month broken.  1000 - 1200 unique visits a day now being passed.

Earlier High Points starts Feb 1999
Training Commenced
Voluntary Sector pages for nearly 600 groups completed in the first three months.
Passing 50 visitors a week.
Getting the volunteers training finished.
Passing 100 visitors a week.