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Burns Suppers

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There are many Burns Suppers in Caithness around the end of January and early February. 

Forss Village Hall
26 January 2002

A Country Burns Supper - In Auckengill Hall, Caithness - Jan 2007

Burns Supper January 2006
The Rotary Club of Thurso Burns Supper is one of the premier events on the west side of the county. It is always a sell out with over 100 attending this year in the Pentland Hotel. The speakers, and indeed the whole event, was up to usual high standard with some performance that can only be described as superb. Ken Murphy gave an enthralling note free immortal memory, one of the best ever heard by regular supper goers. Rotarian James Campbell toasted the lassies with his customary humour and Celia McDougall replied in similar fashion. The address to the haggis was performed with gusto and superb delivery by Alan Sparling. The singing of Mod Gold medalist Raymond Bremner was outstanding as was a contribution from Celia McDougall. Alan Plowman was piper for the evening and there cannot be many as skillful in the county. The Rotary Club always have Thurso Round Table members as their guests at this function and their Chairman has the duty of getting the evening off to a good start with the Selkirk Grace and Michael Dunnett certainly performed his task with confidence. The evening was rounded off with community singing and a fine vote of thanks by Rotarian John Hook. Finally a report would not be complete without mention of the significant contribution made to the evening by Rotary Vice-President Murray Campbell who chaired the supper. His chairmanship was excellent and humorous and interspersed with authoritative interjections, in keeping with his position as an top grade football referee, when the audience became more than enthusiastic as the evening wore on.