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The Caithness
Biodiversity Action Plan - February 2003
ANNEX 2: CONTACT DETAILS Organisation: What they can help with: Contact details: Bat Conservation Trust Information on bats, bat habitats, bat boxes and conservation. www.bats.org.uk Biological Recording in Scotland Promote the
gathering of environmental data, initiate BSBI - Botanical Society of the British Isles Holder of the botanical records for the Caithness area. Ken Butler, Seaside Cottage, Thurso East, Thurso. Tel: 01847 893549 www.bsbi.org.uk British Dragonfly Society Information on
dragonfly habitats, training of volunteers in identification & collation
of BTCV Scotland - British Trust for Conservation
Volunteers Volunteer participation in practical conservation
activities, can work with communities to deliver local environmental
projects & provide insurance for such works. British Trust for Ornithology Investigate the populations, movements and ecology of wild birds, organise annual breeding and winter bird surveys locally. www.bto.org Butterfly Conservation (Scotland)
Encourage surveying and monitoring of butterflies and moths, and advise on
habitat management for priority species. Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise Provide
advice and support for environmental projects and community-led works.
Eann Sinclair, Tollermachie House, High Street, Thurso KW14 8AZ. Tel:
01847 896115 Caithness & Sutherland Environmental Group A forum for land managers and others to transfer ideas and best practice on the integration of conservation and agriculture. Doreen Morgan (see Scottish Agricultural College) Caithness & Sutherland Trout Angling Group
A local partnership that provides advice on sustainable trout angling in
Caithness and Sutherland, and has undertaken a number of habitat
improvement projects. Caithness District Salmon Fishery Board The Board has a statutory duty to protect and improve salmon stocks within its area. P J Blackwood Esq Clerk to CDSFB Thurso East, Thurso Caithness KW14 8HP Caithness Field Club Encourage recording of animal and plant observations, and organise a number of talks and field trips. Ken Butler (see BSBI above) Deer Commission Scotland Provide
advice on deer management and welfare issues. Highland Biodiversity Project
Responsible for the preparation and implementation of Local Biodiversity
Action Plans in Highland. Highland Biological Recording Group Record biological information individually and through coordinated atlas projects, surveys, field trips and events. Jonathan Watt, Inverness Museum & Art Gallery, Castle Wynd, Inverness IV2 3EB. Tel: 01463 237114 Highland Council Ranger Service
Run a programme of environmental education events and guided walks, run
practical conservation projects, and give advice on access and
conservation issues. Highland Council Sustainable Development Officer
Provides advice on sustainability issues and appropriate community action.
Highland FWAG – Farming and Wildlife
Advisory Group Provide advice to farmers, crofters and landowners on
conservation projects and agri-environmental grants. Forestry Commission Administer the Scottish
Forestry Grant Scheme, which provides woodland management and expansion
incentives for private woodland owners, and regulate and control works
through Felling Licence and Environmental Impact Assessment regulations. Froglife Provide habitat advice about amphibians and reptiles in gardens and the wider countryside, and encourage their recording. www.froglife.org Grounds for Learning Provide advice, contacts, programmes, grant and award schemes tailored for Scottish schools, for the improvement of school grounds for education, biodiversity and enjoyment. www.ltl.org.uk/scot.html Community Toolkit Can help organisations
find solutions to a range of problems and issues. Specifically designed
for community groups and is based on common themes identified by local
voluntary groups from LIFE Peatlands Project Undertake a range of
initiatives to help raise the profile and awareness of the peatlands. Marine Conservation Society Run a
number of volunteer coastal and marine projects including beachwatch,
seasearch and Calum Duncan, 3 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA. Tel: 0131
2266360 Moray Firth Partnership Provide
advice on management of marine and coastal habitats in the Moray Firth,
and run a small environmental scheme. National Farmers Union of Scotland Provide
information on agricultural matters and representation on behalf of
members. North Highland Forest Trust Provide
advice and assistance on woodland biodiversity and community woodland
projects. Jon Hollingdale, Alba House, Main Street, Golspie KW10
6TG. Plantlife Acts to stop common wild
plants becoming rare in the wild, to rescue wild plants on the brink of RSPB Scotland – Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds Provides advice and assistance on the conservation of
wild birds and their habitats, especially declining, threatened or rare
species. Scottish Agricultural College
Provide advice to farmers, crofters and land owners on wildlife habitat
improvement, and help prepare and submit Rural Stewardship Scheme
applications. Scottish Crofting Foundation Promotes
the benefits that crofting brings to its communities, as well as to the
wider public. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
Regularly monitor and classify coastal waters, rivers and lochs, deal with
pollution incidents and provide advice and, through its Habitat
Enhancement Initiative, provides guidance and support on the creation and
best management of wildlife habitats. SEERAD - Scottish Executive Environment & Rural
Affairs Department Advises on and implements policy relating to
agriculture, rural development, food, the environment and fisheries. Scottish Natural Heritage
Provide advice and assistance on protected species and designated areas,
grant-aid practical biodiversity and awareness-raising projects. Scottish Ornithologists Club Brings
together amateur birdwatchers, keen birders and research ornithologists
with the aims of documenting, studying and enjoying Scotland's varied
birdlife. The local Club collects and collates bird records
for Caithness. Scottish Water Provides water and
waste water services to household and business customers across Scotland. Scottish Wildlife Trust Provide
advice on habitat management, identification of areas of high biodiversity
and conservation volunteer activities. Unit 4A, 3 Carsegate Road North, The Mammal Society Organise
mammal surveys and work to protect British mammals, to halt the decline of
threatened species. UK Biodiversity Website Information on
national habitat and species action plans. |
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