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Initiative At The Edge - South East Caithness
Draft Constitution - For Consideration at Meeting 1 March 2005



1.      NAME

The name of the association shall be South East Caithness Steering Group � Initiative at the Edge (called the Group in this constitution). 

2.      OBJECTS

The objects of the Group are 1)  to promote the economic and social benefit of the inhabitants of the areas of the community council areas of Berriedale and Dunbeath and Latheron, Lybster and Clyth, 2) to promote the regeneration of the economy of those areas, 3) to assist the work of statutory authorities and voluntary organisations engaged in advancing education, furthering health, promoting trade and commerce and relieving poverty, and 4) to provide or assist in providing, in the interests of social welfare, facilities for the recreation or other leisure-time occupation of such persons with a view to improving their conditions of life.

3.      POWERS

The Group shall have the power to do all such lawful things as are conducive or incidental to furtherance of the above objects and to promote and organise co-operation in the achievement of the above purposes and to that end bring together representatives of the authorities and organisations engaged in furtherance of the above purposes or any of them. 


Membership of the Group shall be open to persons aged 16 or over who support the above objects and are resident or are economically active in the area of benefit.



The affairs of the Group shall be conducted by the members of the Group in ordinary general meeting.  The Group shall appoint the honorary officers, namely the chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer and secretary who shall all be elected at the annual general meeting and shall hold office till the end of the annual general meeting next following at which meeting they shall be eligible for re-election. The procedures of the Group shall be determined by the Group at its own discretion, save that all meetings of the Group shall be open to the public. 

6.      MEETINGS

i)                    Annual General Meeting:  an annual general meeting shall be held once each year to conduct the following business-

        Receive annual report

        Adopt annual accounts

        Elect the honorary officers

        Appoint the independent examiner to the accounts

        Any other competent business 

ii)                  Special General Meetings:  the secretary shall issue notice of a special general meeting within two weeks of receiving a request to do so from at least 6 members of the Group in writing stating the business to be conducted. 

      Notices: the secretary shall give each member two weeks notice with the

      agenda of a meeting. 

      Voting:  decisions shall be by simple majority except as otherwise stated in

      the constitution.  In the event of an equality of votes cast the chairperson of

      the meeting shall have a second or decisive vote. 

      Quorum:  the quorum for general meetings shall be six. 

7.      FINANCE

The finance of the Group shall be used solely in furtherance of the objects of the Group. No payment shall be made to members of the Group save as reimbursement of out of pocket expenses necessarily incurred in furtherance of the objects of the Group. 

The Treasurer shall keep records of all financial transactions of the Group and shall prepare an annual statement of accounts which shall be examined by an independent examiner. 

The Group shall open a bank account in the name of the Group.  The honorary officers shall be the signatories to the account and no less than two of the signatories shall sign any cheque or order drawn on the account. 

The heritable and moveable property of the Group shall be held for the Group by the honorary officers as nominees under direction of the management committee. 


The constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at a meeting called for the purpose. 


The Group may be wound up by a simple majority of the members present and voting at a meeting called for the purpose.  In the event of such a decision after satisfying all debts and liabilities any remaining assets shall be transferred to such other body or bodies as the members at that meeting shall determine. 

Certified as a true copy of the constitution adopted at a meeting held










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