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N E W S F E E D S >>> |
Notes Of The meeting Held On 29 January 2002 Minutes of the Meeting of proposed trustees of The Yarrows Heritage Trust, held at Thrumster Inn, Thrumster, at 7.30 p.m. on 29th January 2002. In attendance: John Inkster, John Swanson, Margaret Georgeson, Islay MacLeod, Stuart MacKay, Eddie Hilton, Anne Hilton, Peter Stewart, Alice Miller, Paul Humphreys, and Barbara Hiddleston. Apologies: Ian Giles; Jim Oag; Fiona MacLeod. The meeting, chaired by John Inkster, had been convened to bring the prospective trustees together for joint signature of the Deed of Trustees. As the signing of the Deed of Trustees had to be delayed, it was agreed that temporary Office Bearers should be appointed in the form of a Secretary, and a Treasurer in the interim. Paul Humphreys and Barbara Hiddleston were appointed as joint Secretaries seconded by Islay Macleod and John Inkster. John Inkster was appointed as Treasurer, seconded by Margaret Georgeson. It was confirmed that the title of the trust would be 'The Yarrows Heritage Trust'. Matters Arising: 1. Financial Business 1.1 It was agreed that there was a need to arrange banking facilities for the Trust and that John Inkster would ascertain which bank could offer the best financial deal. It was pointed out that some banks have a declared policy of supporting local charitable enterprises. Eddie H. raised the issue of bank charges as a necessary consideration. 1.2 John Inkster received the Inland Revenue document from Islay Macleod for him to deal with in terms of Charitable Trust status. 1.3 Islay MacLeod agreed to put together a list of possible sources of funding. 1.4 It was recognised that it would be necessary to secure funding to engage a business consultant to formulate a Trust Project Plan. Islay was also appointed to fill in the funding application forms for the Community Economic Development (CED) Programme and for Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE). 2. Project Plan 2.1 Paul Humphreys reported on the amended existing proposed Project Plan originally written for the Dunbeath heritage Centre. The document described the �current situation�, �scope of work�, �budget and timescales�. Only the �current situation� section was amended as requested. The substituted section on the current situation, summarised the existing archaeological, natural and cultural, elements of the area, as identified at a sub-committee meeting held at Northern Sands Hotel on Friday 25th January, convened specifically for that purpose. 2.2 The issue of defining the geographical limits of the Trust's remit was discussed. After some discussion it was agreed to append a map defining a suggested boundary to the project plan proposal. This was described as extending from The Kirks of Bruan; Camster Cairns; Tannoch Mains; Toftcarl and back along the coast to Bruan. 2.3 Margaret J. pointed out that path and walkways were to be included in the proposal. She also noted that the target dates would also need to be amended. 2.4 Islay produced a map of the Thrumster area taken from the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This indicated 53 scheduled monuments within the designated area. She also had the corresponding records sheets for each monument and site. These she passed onto the Barbara for safekeeping. It was decided this map should be included in the proposed Project Plan. 2.5 Paul Humphreys had pointed out he carried out what had been asked of him, but felt the existing document need to be expanded to include a section defining the group's expectations regarding the scope of the Trust. He undertook to amend the document accordingly. 3. Circulation of information 3.1 The issue of informing the local community of progress was raised. It was generally agreed this would be best achieved by periodically circulating a newsletter that could also be distributed using schoolbag mail. It was suggested this could also be posted on to the Caithness Community Website. As not everyone has access to this, occasional local meetings were also proposed. 3.2 The need to keep members informed arose, and the joint secretaries asked for a member's list, which Islay agreed to forward to them. 4. Date of next meeting 4.1 It was agreed the date of the next meeting would be Wednesday, 13th February, 2002 to be held at the Thrumster Inn, Thrumster at 7.30 p.m. |